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Comments 23

hiddeneloise December 30 2010, 03:08:23 UTC
You are really bored, aren't you? lol And wow! That's a lot of shows. :))

Go home, Jaime!

Seriously. Does she even cook? She somehow found a way to not participate and not get eliminated. It's mind-boggling. And when she does cook, it's usually soup. Not that I'm anti-soup, but come on! Show some range.

Re: TO. I know people have been grumbling here and there, but that happens often with long-running shows. But this season, however, it's actually a lot less grumble and a lot more of "good ole' days." Personally, I'm with you, to me the show never dipped. I am biased, of course, it's one of my two deep loves. But in all honesty, I think it holds up surprisingly well.

Some day. Some day I won't have to work two jobs. I'll get me a sugar daddy or something. lol. But some day I'll get around to watching all the shows I want to watch. Sigh.


arabian December 30 2010, 03:15:12 UTC
You are really bored, aren't you? lol And wow! That's a lot of shows. :))

No, I've been meaning to do this for a month or so, and always planned to do it on this time off. I just don't have time to talk about tv like I used to, so I figured I'd do a heads-up post. I've just worked on this in drips and drops.

Is it a lot of shows, but a lot less than I used to watch!

Ditto on Jaime.

And I knew you would agree with me about The Office. :)


logicisfailing December 30 2010, 05:15:56 UTC
[[Chuck]] Agree so much about Chuck! I love that show to pieces. They're always introducing new plot twists and storylines to keep the show interesting and keep me going WHAT. COOL. YES. MORE PLEASE! The tiresome will they/won't they Chuck/Sarah thing was the main thing that used to grate on my nerves so I'm really happy that they progressed their storyline forward. Same thing with revealing Spy!Chuck to Morgan, Ellie, etc. - I was so surprised when they did but oh-so-glad. I've finally talked my family into watching Chuck so I'm currently re-watching S2 with them and it's interesting so see how the show has progressed through the seasons.

[[Lie to Me]]
Really? You think this season is that bad? I agree it's not as good as last season, but I didn't feel it'd gone THAT downhill. I really hope it gets at least one more season, but I agree that it's not looking likely.


arabian December 30 2010, 18:41:36 UTC
ChucK is just fantastic. I have been so pleased with how they've moved things forward without ruining the show, but have in fact, made it better!

Lie to Me, I don't think it's bad, I just don't think it's, well, very good. Like the self-help speaker who'd left his wife/kid. Yeah, that was crappy what he did, but what crime did he actually commit? That was never made clear. Sure, he was an ass, but he didn't commit a crime, it's not his fault that women fell for his game. Loker is a waste of space, and I don't feel they've advanced/written the Cal/Gillian relationship nearly as well as it started out. Emily verges between unrealistic good girl/bratty bad girl depending on the plot. So, yeah, I have issues. But I do adore me Tim Roth.


corpsebride05 December 30 2010, 05:37:52 UTC

Me too! Bring back English Wesley Snipes! He and Liz belong together!

I haven't been watching 30 Rock! Let me know when he comes back please!


arabian December 30 2010, 18:39:05 UTC
Will do!


leucocrystal December 30 2010, 09:15:08 UTC
I could not agree more re: your thoughts on Chuck. It's funny to think that a little show like that one can be so sneakily subversive, but it is!


arabian December 30 2010, 18:38:54 UTC
It was quite enjoyable in its first couple of seasons, but what they've managed to do since then is just delightful! :)


spaceanjl December 30 2010, 12:35:18 UTC
Big hell yes! to Castle and Chuck - it has my Big Damn Heroes in both shows. Plus awesome ensemble casts, with strong consistent characters. A part I actually like Timothy Dalton in (ties with GL as worst Bond ever, I'm afraid) and Chuck B is now beating out Sheldon C and Tim McGee for top of the geek-sexy list.

I love my Captain. And the snarky, sexy chemistry with Stana K is epic when allowed to run riot.

Aside from White Collar, that's all I got.


arabian December 30 2010, 18:17:37 UTC
Erm, if Tim McGee is who I think it is, I think it's a good think I didn't add my thoughts about him from NCIS. I still prefer Sheldon over Chuck big-time, but I love the writing of Chuck so much this season.

Nathan Fillion is never not wonderful. :)


spaceanjl December 30 2010, 18:29:11 UTC
Sean Murray looked better before he dropped so much weight, I think. But I have a hate on for AFF that will never dissipate, so we don't have to agree on everything. :)

'Chuck' writes all sides of geekdom beautifully, from the wonderfully evolving Morgan to the sweet'n'sexy Chuck himself. Aside from the quite disturbing Jeffster!, you don't feel that these guys are in any way sad or lacking in their lives because they like geeky things. And Awesome is always awesome - what could have been a flat gag character comes across as real.

Nathan... *sigh* Funny, sexy, geeky, charming. And he likes cats. I can even forgive him the worrying leather unikilt.


arabian December 30 2010, 18:38:13 UTC
I've never liked the character, and the actor rubs me a tad the wrong way. I was annoyed when he was made a regular cast member, and every Tim-centric episode are among the most boring in my opinion. I don't know why, I just really don't like him. (I do agree that he does NOT look as good now, he looked much better with more weight on him.)

But I have a hate on for AFF that will never dissipate, so we don't have to agree on everything. :)

Well, to be fair, I hated her in her first appearance, have you actually watched her stuff in s4? She's utterly delightful. (I'm assuming AFF is Amy Farrah Fowler.)

Agreed completely on Chuck and Nathan. Hey! I liked that kilt, LOL!


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