More Television Thoughts ....

Apr 14, 2009 05:47

Caught up on some more shows that I missed whilst my four-day 12-hour shift weekend happened.

Quickly, and no spoilers: Castle remains adorable and enjoyable and just all-out awesome.

The Amazing Race )

dollhouse, tv, 24, castle, enver gjokaj, the amazing race

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Comments 6

bastetseye April 14 2009, 11:12:23 UTC
Victor is definately love! I can't believe that the Actor isn't more famous.

I'm not a Adelle/Victor shipper (sierra/Victor for me) but he does have Chemistry with who ever he's with that I can enjoy it for different merits.


arabian April 14 2009, 11:19:54 UTC
I was edging towards Victor/Sierra, and I might float back there, but I'm not completely sold on that actress whereas I love Olivia Williams. But, at this point, whatever makes Victor/Roger/whatever happen and on my screen? Works for me.


bastetseye April 14 2009, 11:27:10 UTC

And while I like the actress who plays Sierra, I think Olivia Williams is far superior, but obviously she's been acting longer, plus she's british (no Bias there!).

I'm dying for some Victor/Boyd interaction, I loved what little he had with Dominic. And with Boyd, my joint favourite with Victor, I imagine their chemistry together (in a platonic way, or non platonic, whatever, LOL) will sizzle of the screen IMHO.


eolivet April 14 2009, 16:07:42 UTC
So screw you, Tony!! DIE! TONY!! DIE!! You cold-bloodedly murdered Larry. DIE, TONY, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UGH, I KNOW, RIGHT?! And of course, in the ep where we get another awesomely tension-filled Larry/Renee phone call. Oh, Larry/Renee...the 'ship that never was. :(

(If this paves the way for Jack/Renee, I. will. scream. :x DO. NOT. WANT. :/ )

Hee, but it was good to see Chloe at the end, with the global warming PSA. That was hilarious! "Jack can't do it by himself -- he's got enough things to worry about." :p


thistwilight April 14 2009, 17:18:40 UTC

+ I whole Roger/Catherine thing was... major wtf. I was so surprised. Like, no joke, my jaw literally dropped too. It was crazy. You'd never expect Adelle to be ordering dolls. To be a client. Wow.

+ The whole Paul/Mellie thing was so sad. I may actually start to ship them now, as much as I think Paul's too good for any woman.

+ I'm actually VERY interested in Echo and her story. I love that she's sort of breaking out of the shell they've put her in. She's thinking for herself, and we start to see that throughout the episodes. But asking to be imprinted? That was... insane.

+ THE ENDING. With Echo and Boyd. That was... so sad. I almost cried. (No, seriously.) That was so said because she was looking RIGHT at Boyd.

+ Also, I love Claire even more as each episode progresses. She's awesome.


dreamer_98 April 15 2009, 01:07:44 UTC
I was definitely taken aback when it turned out Adele was using a "doll." I was like "Whoa!" And when she broke down in his arms, I finally felt like she showed some humanity.

I know Dominick was revealed as the mole, but I still think the Doctor (can't remember her name) has something going on. I mean, it wasn't Dominick who programmed the dolls (first Echo and then November) to give Ballard those messages, was it?

Definitely an interesting show. Sucks that we have to wait two weeeks for the next episode, though.

And when is Alan Tudyk going to appear on the show?


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