'Life on Mars' (US) Sam & Windy Clips

Mar 26, 2009 21:01

I believe we've likely seen the last of Windy (with only one episode left, I'm pretty sure), so I clipped all of the Sam and Windy scenes (not many, but so much fun to watch!!!) and here is a zipped link to them ... (No spoilers.)

Sam & Windy clipped scenes -- included are two edited montages -- one is Sam's flashback of Windy's moments as it ( Read more... )

tv, sam/windy, life on mars

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Comments 5

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arabian March 27 2009, 04:04:00 UTC
I know. Me too! :(


sunnytyler001 March 27 2009, 14:26:16 UTC
Who is Windy? I don't remember her from the UK Life on Mars...


arabian March 27 2009, 18:41:06 UTC
I don't believe she was in that version. In the US one, she's a neighbor who may or may not be (but almost most definitely is) a figment of his imagination.


eolivet March 27 2009, 15:05:59 UTC
Aww, this is awesome...thanks for putting it together!!! :) I've yet to see this past week's ep, but I did see the title, so I'm looking forward to it. :D

Silly show...why did you not see the brilliance of this pairing? :/ Or rather, see it and then drop it altogether? :x


arabian March 27 2009, 18:42:01 UTC
Yeah, you know I said they should have cast Tanya Fischer as Annie, but really, they should have just dropped the Sam/Annie angle and made Windy be the one who kept him there. Oh well.


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