Dollhouse spoiler -- who's playing Alpha?

Feb 28, 2009 16:35

Woohoo!! I'm quite, quite, quite happy with who is playing Alpha on Dollhouse (Sigh, haven't watched the new episode yet, working my 12-hour shifts Friday, Sat, Sun this weekend, so please don't spoil me for the episode in replies, thanks!)

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Comments 7

faith5by5_1013 February 28 2009, 21:47:12 UTC
I'm happy that we'll be seeing Alan Tudyk again too! But I'm so mad I was spoiled last night! Someone posted it at a Dollhouse comm last night and didn't use a cut or anything. I don't mind spoilers if I seek them out, but there are some shows I just don't want to read spoilers for, you know?


sunnytyler001 February 28 2009, 22:06:40 UTC
I KNOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! That's so amazing!


gowdie February 28 2009, 22:08:52 UTC
OH. MY. GOD! For realsies?

I am so very, very, very excited about this. I loved him as Wash, and A Knight's Tale as well. And I get a little happy whenever he pops up somewhere. Back in a Whedon vehicle is the best.

And I had no idea. Lying Joss Whedon is a liar! He did an interview right before the premier, and one of the questions were if we would see any other Buffy/Angel/Firefly alum on the show. And his response was aside from Acker, there were no other immediate plans. He loves all his prior cast, and if something right came up he would do it obviously, but no immediate plans. Lying liar who tells lies!

Love him for it.

Damn show had better not get canceled!


madeelly February 28 2009, 23:11:16 UTC
I'm so excited he's going to be on Dollhouse.


tictactardis March 1 2009, 00:56:00 UTC
...I had NO IDEA. Oh my gosh. I just squeed aloud. I'm a mixture of embarassed and elated. YAAY. <3


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