'Dollhouse' and 'Terminator: SCC'

Feb 17, 2009 18:30

So I finally watched Dollhouse and Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles ... and my long-winded (per usual) thoughts ...

Dollhouse )

sarah conner chronicles, dollhouse, tv, summer glau, jonathan jackson

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Comments 4

unicorn23 February 18 2009, 00:20:25 UTC
I completely agree with what you said about Eliza. She's not capable of carrying a show because she's not as dynamic as some of the other actresses out there. Amy Acker playing Echo would have been awesome because I think she's a lot better, acting-wise, compared to Eliza. I was a little underwhelmed by the pilot but it had its moments. I liked Amy's character and I can't wait until we learn her backstory. Tahmoh's character is also interesting. He's a little screwed up. The ending with Echo's parents (I'm assuming they were her parents) being killed and the naked guy watching the home videos was a bit chilling. I hope the show gets better; if not, I'll drop it from my viewing schedule.

Jonathan Jackson should be on more TV shows and/or movies. I can't believe he hasn't had many jobs after GH. The guy can act circles around a lot of the popular male actors these days so I'm really disappointed he hasn't had a career since then. It's always nice to see him on Terminator. :)


arabian February 18 2009, 00:54:16 UTC
Yeah, Dushku is sultry and gorgeous, but she just does NOT have the range to pull off this character. Ah, a shame.
The ending with Echo's parents (I'm assuming they were her parents) being killed and the naked guy watching the home videos was a bit chilling.
It was chilling, and DUDE! you think that was her parents? That never crossed my mind, but I bet you're right. Oooooh.
I hope the show gets better; if not, I'll drop it from my viewing schedule.
I actually will be quite surprised if it doesn't get better seeing as how this pilot all came about. All of the delays, rewrites and then all-around scrapping it to come up with a new way to introduce it all. Sadly, that does show.

Jonathan Jackson is AMAZING! At least we got him featured heavily in this episode. :D



sowell February 18 2009, 00:46:25 UTC
Eliza was my biggest problem with Dollhouse, as well. Well, that and the lack of funny. I just don't think ED has the range to make this part interesting, but I guess time will tell.

"Miss Penn"'s line back to her abuser, "you can't fight a ghost" that was from "Miss Penn" a call-back to his line, but had such a deeper meaning for the viewer because the real Miss Penn IS a ghost now.

Dude, I totally didn't even get that. Crazy. When Joss Whedon is good, he's REALLY good.


arabian February 18 2009, 00:57:19 UTC
Eliza was my biggest problem with Dollhouse, as well. I just don't think ED has the range to make this part interesting, but I guess time will tell.
Yeah, I hope she proves us wrong. Again, this pilot went through a lot of issues, so I'm holding out. And, again, she and TP seemed to have some chemistry in just those few seconds in the preview, and that ALWAYS helps.
...the lack of funny.
I really do hope we get some snark in the next episode (and on). Joss, you do the great drama and pain, but you do the funny very well too!!! Don't forget the funny!
Dude, I totally didn't even get that. Crazy. When Joss Whedon is good, he's REALLY good.
Oh, that gave me chills! Chills, I tell ya! It was so cool and sick and just drove really everything home. More of that and I think this thing would have been made of complete win, Dushku great or not.


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