'24' - Hours 3 and 4

Jan 13, 2009 00:31

Man, we have to wait another week now, and we get only one hour from here on out. NOT FAIR, I want it all now!!!!

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tv, 24, jack/chloe

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Comments 6

harper47 January 13 2009, 14:35:08 UTC
I could not agree more with the whole 24 is good again. I loved last night's episode. Loved it. And I miss the BFF days with Palmer too. I'm not quite so on board with the President SL yet as that's dragging a little for me but everything else was superb. Loved it.

And yes - I did get a distinct vibe. I don't know if they will go there (I'm thinking not) but they did really emphasize the "you looked good" comment.


arabian January 13 2009, 14:47:32 UTC
You got the vibe too!?!? And you're not a Jack/Chloe shipper, right? But you got the vibe too!?!? Ah, I hope. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease


harper47 January 13 2009, 14:54:08 UTC
Hee - no I'm not a shipper. I just found it an odd emphasis on repeating the "you looked good" statement twice. There were definitely all kinds of undertones going on during that scene. I love a scene filled with undertones. Pure acting high for me.


arabian January 13 2009, 21:52:44 UTC
Oh, that is AWESOME hearing!!! Woohoo!!


tangerinetani January 13 2009, 17:03:57 UTC
Omg I'm happy I'm not the only one who wondered about the Jack and Chloe moment!
But damn, they've been doing this to us so frequently since that little concerned moment they had on the phone after she went all "rambo" in season 4! Or last year, how she was so so pained that he was gonna be killed in the first couple hours, and then when they saw each other for the first time, there was TOTALLY a little tender moment between them, he freaking rubbed her arm for crying out loud!
So, hopefully this season, SOMETHING will come out of Jack and Chloe. MLR looks really pretty this year too, I loved the darker hair last year, but the skirt was weird, but this year they've got her costume just right.

ANd I'm just totally pumped that Tony is back, and good! He and Jack always had such a great balance on screen, and he's back, and that balance is back, and so far there are no stupid Mary Sues running around, and I just have a feeling this year is gonna be great!


arabian January 13 2009, 21:55:55 UTC
That Jack/Chloe moment(s) was amazing!! I loved it and have watched it multiple times.

I don't know, I thought it was stronger tonight then I remember from before, maybe because they didn't physically touch. It was like, there was this tension there that we haven't seen before. I loved it; I really did.

Yes, Tony is good!! And he and Jack are bromancing again. Woohoo!!! I think it's gonna be great too!


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