'Life on Mars' embedded premiere episode

Oct 14, 2008 20:41

I got an email today from someone who read my post on the premiere who is working with ABC with efforts to continue to promote Life on Mars post-premiere, so I was sent an embeddable widget of the entire premiere episode and asked to put it on my livejournal. I thought: Why not ( Read more... )

tv, life on mars

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Comments 4

eolivet October 15 2008, 14:16:34 UTC
Wow...this was from your LJ or from your blog? Either way...congrats!!! :) Always good to have network people noticing you. :D

(I re-watched it last night...it's so good :)


arabian October 15 2008, 23:30:07 UTC
It was from my lj here, so yay!!! It was unexpected and I rather thought this would pop up elsewhere on my flist. I did go back and read my original post though and I really did go on and on, LOL!

(Hey, are you watching Eli Stone? If not, you totally should. That Life and Terminator are my fave new shows from last season. And neither has disappointed so far this season.)


the_lucky_stars October 15 2008, 17:25:50 UTC
Oooh, thanks for linking! I'm watching this now.


arabian October 15 2008, 23:30:26 UTC
Let me know what you think. I really did enjoy it.


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