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Comments 8

musing_mia September 9 2008, 02:56:38 UTC
It was excellent! I enjoyed it. I didn't think about John being the one that killed Sarkisian. That makes more sense than Sarah killing because I'm sure he's seen her do some badass things.

I totally agree with you about John and Cameron. I think they did love each other in the future, but there's a theory roaming out there. Don't know if you want to know or not. Let me know.

I may have to download that to the iPod. That was truly worth watching again.


arabian September 9 2008, 03:24:20 UTC
I didn't think about John being the one that killed Sarkisian. That makes more sense than Sarah killing because I'm sure he's seen her do some badass things.

I don't know if I would have been so quick to jump to that belief had I not just rewatched s1. There was this bit in the last (or second to last, but I think it was last) episode where John and Derek specifically talked about the fact that Sarah's never actually killed anyone. And since they did not know or expect that ep 9 would be the season finale, it makes perfect sense that the info was put in there to lead up to what happens here with Sarkissian. I just think we would have had a much bigger reaction from Sarah had she been the one to kill him. Whereas we had her asking him several times if he were okay from a clearly emotional standpoint. And we had the deliberate bit where he said she may want to talk about it, but he doesn't, so they won't ... and THEN she said fine, let's talk about Cameron, meaning whatever he didn't want to talk about that happened at the house ( ... )


musing_mia September 9 2008, 03:46:38 UTC
I'm not sure if it's spec or not, so I'll keep it to myself.


arabian September 9 2008, 03:58:25 UTC
Gotcha. Thanks. I know I'm such a spoiler-whore for some shows, and a spoiler-phobe for others. It totally depends on two things: My uber-love for a couple (ie, Logan/Veronica), or my uber-faith in the show itself (ie, lack of for Rob Thomas).


marikenobi September 9 2008, 03:31:33 UTC



Oh my.

I can't wait


arabian September 9 2008, 03:39:53 UTC
So hot. Really. And I rewatched the last shot a few times. It totally is Blair that he's kissing there. I was afraid it would be mistaken identity kiss-age, but totally Blair's profile/headband. So SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Finally a couple black-out -- blechh! Days of Our Lives -- I can be happy about.)

I may think the show is utter crap (and I do, oh, I do!!), but Chuck and Blair are so awesome.


marikenobi September 9 2008, 04:11:32 UTC
Don't mention that other gigantic letdown...

Waldass all the way!


harper47 September 9 2008, 12:19:03 UTC
I agree about TCC and John killing Sarkasian. Absolutely. And pretty much everything else re Terminator. The show was fabulous and breathless and awesome and everything I want in a premier.

I thought GG was a little lacking this week after last week's greatness but it had it's moments - mostly all Chuck and Blair related. I dislike the Duchess/Cougar SL immensely. And the Lord is all kinds of boring after having a little potential last week. This week? Snoreville.

And while I do like Dan and Serena, I agree with the masses. Time to break them up.


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