AHHHH!! "Life" was renewed for a full season!!!! YES!!!

Nov 27, 2007 09:02

This is my favorite show right now, so I'm beyond thrilled. YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! If you have not watched Life, try and watch old episodes on NBC.com, or download or just start watching them now. Anything, but watch. This is a GREAT show and you likely will not regret it!

life, tv

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Comments 12

musing_mia November 27 2007, 14:56:24 UTC
I love Life. I am so happy it'll get a full season. I was worried they'd cancel it before we found out the conclusion to the mystery. FYI: It'll be on Monday night next week. I think. I know they were going to try it after Heroes to see if the ratings could improve. I hope so.


arabian November 27 2007, 18:25:38 UTC
Not only will it be on after Heroes, it's the first of a two-parter, with the second part two days later in their regular timeslot. GREAT MOVE!!!!


harper47 November 27 2007, 18:50:32 UTC
Ah I'm happy for you. I just wish Moonlight would get the pickup.

No comments about dance? I've missed reading your thoughts. I think your gal Julianne is going to collect another trophy tonight. (sadly as I don't like her this year.)


musing_mia November 27 2007, 20:46:21 UTC
I think Moonlight will get a pickup too. It's been #1 in the all-important 18-49 numbers. Whoo hoo! And this 18-49 yo female absolutely loves the show. :D


arabian November 28 2007, 01:14:22 UTC
Yeah, I will be SHOCKED if it's not given the back 9. SHOCKED.


harper47 November 28 2007, 12:15:31 UTC
I hope your right.


eolivet November 27 2007, 18:56:19 UTC
How different is it from the Pilot, because I was very underwhelmed by the Pilot (and found it confusing, with too many women :x )

I still like my "Dirty Sexy Money" in the time period, but a girl's gotta watch something during the rerun season. ;)


arabian November 28 2007, 01:13:58 UTC
I liked the Pilot, but didn't fall insanely in love with the show until the 2nd/3rd episode. Each episode just builds on itself in its brilliance. The leads are awesome, there are so many layers, and it's just some beautifully-made television.


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