First Ep Still from JD from 'Moonlight'

Aug 03, 2007 08:59

Wow!! Just, WOW! He looks so, so, soooooooooooooo good.

See the HQ image ( Behind the cut. )

moonlight, jason dohring, promotion

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Comments 11

diamondrocker August 3 2007, 13:24:33 UTC
That picture is made of SERIOUSLY HOT WIN.

Oh JD, why are you so freaking gorg???


arabian August 3 2007, 13:29:41 UTC
Sigh, I know .....................


sweetumms33 August 3 2007, 13:27:21 UTC
Yes! JD is back, and so is Logan, with that intense look. This is going to be good!


arabian August 3 2007, 13:31:30 UTC
Did you really look at it and just see 'Logan?' I guess I can see what you mean in the look, but the suit is different, at least. I just hope that we are able to see different tics and stuff differentiating Logan and Josef because I don't think that JD is one-note. We'll know in a few months, I guess.

But yeah, the intense look that's the best part of the photo. He looks soooo good.


sweetumms33 August 3 2007, 16:28:50 UTC
I could see anger and a touch of "Do you really think I care?" in his attitude, which is very Logan to me. But you are right he's isn't one note at all, so we will see what he does!


havemy_heart August 3 2007, 13:34:17 UTC
Yum-my! Thanks for the heads up about the site. I'm so excited for this show to start!


nikkiwawa79 August 3 2007, 14:40:11 UTC
*is dead*

So hot. The fact that he plays a vampire, makes him that much hotter. Although just being JD makes him hot, anyway :)

Thanks for sharing. A very awesome promo pic.


afrocurl August 3 2007, 15:23:16 UTC
SO pretty!

Can it be September yet?


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