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Comments 7

ramwitz February 13 2007, 06:25:23 UTC
Ack! I just got home so I haven't seen it yet but I may need to watch it ASAP...who needs sleep when there is Jack/Chloe tension and chemistry and some eye-fucking maybe, please?

AUDREY.MUST.DIE. Here's to hoping that the exec is trying to pull the wool over our eyes by saying that so that we will all be shocked and horrified (yeah right, not me) when they kill her off. Please, they must kill her off! Last season was a travesty when they killed off my Edgar yet let stupid Audrey live. I can never give up on the Jack/Chloe love train!


arabian February 13 2007, 07:20:10 UTC
You have to let me know what you thought of the scene after you watch it. You know, I realized last season and during The Nine, that I don't dislike Kim Raver or even Audrey. It's just Audrey with JACK that I find so distasteful.

I'm hoping that the endgame is Jack/Chloe. I really am and honestly, I was almost shocked by the Jack/Chloe scene ... I don't think it was just my wishful thinking. It really seemed to be written, directed, acted to showcase the tension, the chemistry, the caring.

Of course, I could just be a delusional J/C shipper!


sowell February 13 2007, 12:39:56 UTC
That was my favorite moment this season. Hands down. Aw, they luff each other.


arabian February 14 2007, 00:45:37 UTC
It was the first moment I rewound. I grinned. I loved.


harper47 February 13 2007, 13:41:05 UTC
Jennifer I thought of you during that scene. And you're right, there was music, there was chemistry, there was gazing of the eyes. I'm mentally picturing you squeeing like mad.

Wasn't the show great last night? Nice strong episode after the overdose of family angst. Really loved it.


arabian February 14 2007, 00:46:54 UTC
It totally was a moment. Right? Right? It wasn't my imagination, the show did push it?!?!

It was good and man Jackdaddy is so evil! I'm really glad Donald Sutherland isn't doing the role now and I understand why he chose not to take it now. (He and Kiefer are just now getting back on track and they didn't want to play this story out.)


zeenii February 16 2007, 22:54:30 UTC
Jack totally copied Logan's squeeze which he gave Veronica in Ruskie Business.:D But it was a really cute scene.


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