Title: Gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh (and other trinkets found) Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: R Wordcount: 2,350 Warnings: Spoilers through 3.08 Summary: Four possible uses for ( spoiler still? )
Oh god, the magazine thing! I had a boyfriend in Jr. High who did shit like that with the Playboys he stole from his grandpa! GOD! Brings back memories, and I am howling at the thought of Dean doing that to Sam, and the look on Sam's face. Brilliant. :D
I love all the vignettes, and the banter and the fun here. Perfect round up for the boys after their Christmas celebration!
Comments 69
I love all the vignettes, and the banter and the fun here. Perfect round up for the boys after their Christmas celebration!
Man, I seriously DO have the same sense of humor as a high school boy. WHO KNEW?
Thank you thank you! The thought of any of these happening makes me happy too :)
And I have to say your new layout/header is gorgeous.
And YAY!. It's put me in a better mood, I think, all the brightness.
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I'm glad that line worked!
Thank you so much.
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