Title: Something Special
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer, with special apperences by: eh. You’ll see.
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1750
A/N: Crack. For Lee.I’m not sure anyone else will be amused by this, but I sure hope she is, because that’s what matters. ♥ (and now I’m kinda thinking she won’t see this till she’s good and drunk, which: \o/ Thanks to Kath for
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Comments 22
It was rather unexpected and unfortunate that Zeke decided to turn on Sawyer and kick him square in the...
"Hey. HEY!"
Consider that your warning.
Oh man. *dies laughing* Umm . . . sorry, Sawyer. But-- hee.
This is priceless!
I want in your brain, thanks.
well, WORD.
hilarious babe. I may only know a couple, but it's very well done!
Thanks baby!
I hope that some day I will learn it's wisest to not read your posts with crack!warnings while attempting to drink anything. Or I will get a waterproof keyboard. :)
Your brain is a beautiful, beautiful place. And I have similar conversations with my Peanut Gallery all the time! [Which is prolly why I cackled through this whole thing]
Just...*HUGS* and LE!
Lee is so a lucky girl to have you! We all are :D
Thank you! I'm glad my insanity passes somewhere!
Did that make sense?
I love you.
This is briliant.
You are like a mad scientist of love and fic and crazy.
I adore you.
Everybody! All my boys! And even your boys! And even though you just had to call Patrick an ass. Lol.
I love you.
And how the hell did you get Zeke so good? And Mark and Roger! LMAO. Soooo true. Soooo funny. And Jim and Pam!!! And GEORGE!
*flails and dies*
I'll reread in the morning. But now yeah. I've had in toto 16 margs this week and maybe that is too much.
And one flat tire.
And a dead rose.
Did I mention I loved this and you?
Except: Flat tire? OH NOES!
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