title: Bill and Laura and Saul and Ellen
timeline:Deadlock (or as I call it the "So Much To Love, So Much To Hate" episode)
A/N: Special thanks to sln1, the great commenter and wonderful writer, who chatted with me and helped me find some clarity for the ending of this drabble. I managed again to squeeze in a Kobol
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Comments 20
I was happily reading along, btw, enjoying all the Laura/Ellen snark -- Obviously Ellen, some dynamics from our past relationship missed coming through in your last download -- *snort*
And then, you killed me with this: and yet her and Bill had to claw for every minute. I got these big tears in my eyes!
Maybe yes, probably no is such an interesting line/idea too. Laura would keep her dignity no matter what? Lovely.
Thanks hon. When I saw the characters I kinda icked out, but I loved this.
sln1 and I had an interesting chat about whether Laura would do what Ellen did on NC. Sacrifice herself for Bill, yes, but betray the resistance, no, although sln pointed out that Laura in BOTS seemed to have no problem blowing Galactica out of the sky to avenge Bill's death. I rewrote that line quite a few times before deciding which one I liked. Killer last lines are always the best in a drabble. :)
And you have a particular gift for them, too. :-)
*SOB* I never thought about that, but that must have stung.
What an enjoyable little snarkfest!!! You compared the two relationships in ways I hadn't bothered to stop and think about before. Nicely done! :D
“Obviously Ellen, some dynamics from our past relationship missed coming through in your last download.”
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you have any idea how perfect this line is? I almost peed my pants. Best line ever.
“So, how have you been since New Caprica?”
With a slap & a sting. Ouch, Laura. The dynamic between these to women is always a shower of sparks, isn't it?
Ellen looked away avoiding all the implications, but answered. “You would have done the same Laura, to save Bill’s life.”
Yes, Laura would have done the same to save Bill. Both of these women can certainly give what they get. Fabulous comeback. I know many people don't like the character of Ellen Tigh, but I most certainly do.
That Laura makes eye contact with Ellen at the end--whoa!
A SECOND birthday drabble. I am spoiled. Thank you, my friend.
and that: Laura felt a pang of resentment for all the years they’d had and would have together and yet her and Bill had to claw for every minute. ç_ç so sad and so true... perfectly put together
I thought it was an interesting comparison, how much time Saul and Ellen had and would have and how little Laura and Bill would have. As you say, sad but true. I need to write some happy, fluffy, sweetness and light for you!! Oh wait sln1 has been doing lots of that!! Shhhh, don't tell her I said that!! ;)
I wish we would have had more scenes between Laura and Ellen instead of another boring episode from "dogville". RDM what were you thinking!!
Thank you again for your thoughts!! I was happy this drabble churned out some interesting ideas and discussions between such two interesting characters. :)
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