Title: One More For the Road
Author: nixmom
Rating: T
Word Count: 300
A/N: A follow up to
What Happens on Picon and
Distractions For hours Laura sat in the small cafe going over her grant proposal, a half-eaten sandwich and a glass of water to her left. She had already rebuffed the waitress twice when she tried to remove them, so when someone picked up her drink, her temper flared.
“Excuse me, but I wasn’t done --”
She trailed off as the chair across from her slid out and a smiling Bill Adama sat down. “Given our track record during unexpected meetings, I figured I’d better secure this beverage. Do you mind if I join you?”
She closed her folder and met his gaze. “Since you’re already sitting, I’m going to assume that question was rhetorical.”
He shrugged. “I just saw you sitting here, wanted to say hello.”
“How have you been, Laura?”
“I’ve been good, Bill. And you?”
He nodded slowly. “Good.”
“Excuse me folks, but can I get you anything,” asked the irksome waitress. They both ordered coffee.
“Are you on Caprica long?” she asked.
“Two more days,” he said.
“Not much time.”
“May I?” she asked, indicating her water.
“Of course,” As he pushed it towards her, she noticed a brief flicker of gold through the sweating glass.
Looking at his hand, she took a sip. “That’s new, isn’t it?”
Bill looked sheepish. “It’s been two years. Some things change.”
“Our timing’s never been very good, has it?”
The waitress delivered their coffees.
“So I guess this is our last drink,” Laura said with a sad smile.
“It doesn’t have to be.”
Laura gave him a steely look. “Yes, it does.”
Bill tried to recover. “No, hey. That’s not what I meant, Laura. It’s just - I mean, we get along. I just thought --” he sighed “-- You’re right. We probably shouldn’t see each other again.”