Title: The Devil You Know
northeto Rating: T
Characters: Tigh, Tory
Timeline: Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1
Word Count: 300
Disclaimer: Not my universe or characters, not making money, no copyright infringement intended.
“What you’re asking me to do is illegal, dangerous, and a violation of my oath as an officer!”
“Could you keep your voice down, Colonel? I don’t want all of Galactica getting wind of this.”
“I should frakking hope not! What the hell are you and Roslin thinking?”
“The President doesn’t know about this.”
“Thank the Lords of Kobol.”
“Just hear me out. I’m offering you a fool-proof chance to stop Gaius Baltar from becoming President. That’s not something you want to pass up.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of an election?”
“This would be a back-up plan. I hope that the people will not be seduced by Baltar’s ideas but I’m not willing to take that chance. Are you?”
“Why’d you come to me? Why not the Old Man?”
“I think you know the answer to that. Look, we both know that Baltar as President would be an unmitigated disaster. It might even tear the fleet apart.”
“Don’t you think that’s going a bit far? The man’s a slimly, self-centered no good frak-weasel, but even he isn’t capable of single-handedly bringing down the fleet.”
“Oh really? Tell me, Colonel, do you believe for one second that Adama would work with Baltar? I know you don’t like Laura Roslin, but she and Adama work well together. Gods know why, after everything they’ve done to each other, but they do. Adama will never respect Baltar and we cannot afford to have the Admiral ignore the office of the presidency again.”
“Damn you. All right, I’ll do it, but not for you, or for the fleet, and certainly not for Laura frakking Roslin. I’ll do it because the Old Man has enough crap to deal with as it is. “
“Thank you.”
“May they never find out about this.”
“So say we all.”