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Comments 50

bwc_baby August 8 2011, 08:27:29 UTC
OMG this was so fabulous and sexy and tear-jerking. I am so glad it ended so happily ^_^


aquila_star August 8 2011, 08:44:31 UTC
Thank you so much. :D I just had to bring it full circle, and it did work wonderfully. :D


magog_83 August 8 2011, 09:01:43 UTC
I have got such a massive smile on my face! This has been a roller coaster ride of a read at times but I have loved every minute of it <3 And I say that as someone who doesn't know the first thing about ice hockey, only the old fashioned school kind on the field. The action scenes was stupid levels of exciting,, the emotional stuff felt so real and overwhelming, the sex was hot and intimate and just right for the characters and I fell in love with not only your Esca and Marcus, but also Luke, Cottia and Uncle Aquila. Brilliant, brilliant read! Thank you :)


aquila_star August 8 2011, 18:03:24 UTC
Thanks so much. :D It was quite a roller coaster, and a lot of fun to write. I'm thrilled to hear the hockey scenes worked for you, especially since you don't know the game, that's wonderful.

Cheers. :D


sangueuk August 8 2011, 13:41:25 UTC
I've loved this fic from beginning to end. The slow burn build of their relationship was truthful and sweet and I loved how close they became! I loved how you broached the subject of 'manly gay men' in a hetro world. I loved Marcus' stand.

I also got to learn heaps about hockey! Thanks for an enetertaining few weeks and I look forward to anything else you write for this gorgeous pairing!


aquila_star August 8 2011, 18:32:45 UTC
Hee, I love that I was able to introduce hockey to some people, I am truly Canadian in that sense, I adore hockey. :D And I am just waiting for the day when a hockey player comes out, there are gay players, there's no denying it. It's just a matter of time. Also, the gay stereotype is a stereotype for a reason, but it's not the only kind of gay man, and I hope that will become better known as well.

Thanks so much for your comments along the way, I really loved to hear how well the characters worked for people and how much their story was appreciated. :D


chyldofeternity August 8 2011, 14:38:36 UTC
More. I demand more.

I am all giddy and happy and bouncing in my chair at work right now and I want more. Sigh.

Sequel? Pretty please??

the lawnmower is telling me that he wants to read it. *nods dramatically!*


aquila_star August 8 2011, 18:38:08 UTC
You always demand more, you junkie! lol. And you are a bad influence on that lawnmower. :P

I have thought about writing a bit more in this world, and I have also thought about another Eagle fic, but it's going to have to wait a bit. I'm taking all three kids to Alberta without the hubby next week, and I have to start getting packed and organized. I won't be home until the end of August, and then birthday party for my girls in Sept, and then my mom turns 60 at Thanksgiving, then Halloween...man. I've just now realized how busy my fall will be. I so need to get writing in there, so feel free to nag me again later. ;)

♥ ya babe. Thanks for all your comments, they always make me smile. :)


chyldofeternity August 8 2011, 20:36:40 UTC
I swear it's the other way around. THe lawnmower is a bad influence on me. Although I am pondering teaching it about weekends and labour unions. Just FYI ya know. XD

Also - It's not my fault I'm a junkie! That's like a dealer/pusher blaming the customer! It's all YOUR fault for supplying product! ANd now you have to keep up with the demand. Family goes on trip, you stay home and write ^_^

Although I do have some sympathy. You can have birthdays off. LOL! Enjoy your busy fall. I'm off to reread Somethins' Started (already on chapter 14!)


aquila_star August 8 2011, 21:38:04 UTC
LOL Okay, I'll just stop writing then. ;)

Unfortunately, the family can't go without me. The baby needs me for food and the 6 year old can't drive to Alberta on her own. :P

Oh yay for reading SS again. I've been thinking about getting on that again, it's only half beta-ed. Thanks for reminding me. ;(

♥ ♥


coeurdesoleil August 8 2011, 16:07:05 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

This story has been such a thrill to read from the day you first started posting it to the meme, and I am kinda sad to see the last chapter up - I will miss having new updates to look forward to ;)

This was a lovely conclusion to an amazing story - I love the depth you brought to the characters (not only Marcus and Esca but Cottia, Luke and uncle A as well), their relationships and their backstories and you've got a wonderful way with words. This story was well-paced, well-crafted and well-written. I love that you took the time to explore Marcus' issues and the reality of being out as a hockey player so thoroughly and I loved that the story did not end when Esca and Marcus finally got together but that we also got to see them settling into a relationship, building a life and realizing their dreams together. I love this story so much and I can't wait to reread the whole thing now that it is complete!


aquila_star August 8 2011, 18:44:59 UTC
I really appreciate all your comments along the way, they really did encourage me. :) And I'm happy that the story was so well received, it's been a wonderful experience. Writing fora new fandom is always a bit nerve wracking, especially an AU, but I know almost nothing about the time period, so my next Eagle fic will probably be an AU too, lol.

Thank you for commenting on the realism aspect, I felt that was really important and that I'd be short changing the characters to make it too easy or ending it too quickly. I felt like I had to bring them full circle, so I'm happy it worked so well for everyone.

Your comment left me grinning like an idiot, such a wonderful compliment. I hope you enjoy it as much all at once. Thanks again. :D


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