Questions questions.

Feb 12, 2006 03:07

Seriously (Sirius-ly...sniggers..) I need to go to bed. I thought this one woul take awhile to finsih, but I picked it up and it just went. I got where I wanted it to go. So here it is. Hope you likes. :D

Title: Questions, questions.

Author: aquila_star

Pairing: Remus/Sirius

Rating: G

Hey Pads?

Yeah Moony?

Why is there dog hair on my bed?


Pads?'s comfy there.

So is your bed. Or James' or Peter's for that matter.



Padfoot has a really good sense of smell.


He likes how yours smells.

He likes my smell?






Got any chocolate?

No I gave it up.

You what?

I flushed it down Myrtle's toilet last night.



You did not.

Little slow on the uptake there Pads?


Are you done, or is this going somewhere?

Can I have some?

You want some chocolate?

Yes please Moony, King of sweets, Hoarder of Frogs, Duke of Honeydukes...

If I give you some, will you let me read?



No, I want you to have some too.

Well alright then.


Hey Remus?


Are you okay.




How ya feeling?




You don't sound fine.


Are you sure? Do you need anything?


Cause I could run down to the kitchens


Mooooooony, I wanna see you.

g'way p'foot

What was that??

I said BUGGER off Sirius!!


Okay Moony.



Hey Sirius.

Hey Moonpie!


Whatcha doing?

I would have thought that would be obvious.


I'm reading Sirius. You have heard of books??

I think I remember something about them, remind me?

This is a book. It has words in it. The words form sentences. You read them. Knowledge is gained, imagination is stirred, thoughts are provoked.

Really? All that from a smelly old book?

You do know what happens if you disrupt this flow of great wisdom and the budding of philosophy?


Certain mangy dogs will get towel whipped and chained to the proverbial doghouse pending apologies, begging and general self-debasement of said mutt...

Towel Whipped?? Wait, mangy??

...combined with worshiping and adoration for a certain werewolf who just happens to be stronger than you.

Yeah, well...I'm stubborner

That's not a word Sirius

Now it is.


Yes Moony.

You are disturbing the flow of knowledge.

Can I watch you?



Cause you have an innate talent for being annoying, even in your sleep.


You are also incapable for staying still for more than the attention span of a gnat.

What's a gnat?

Sirius, is this conversation over?





You know I'm going to win right?

If history is any indication.

Then why torture yourself?

Well, I have to make you work for it, don't I?

You do a good job of it.


Wanna go play fetch?


Great, you fetch, I'll throw.





What is that you are wearing?

What, my robes?

No you prat, under them.

You wanna see what's under my robes?

I CAN see what's under them, that's the problem.

Moony, if you want to get into my pants you just have to say so.

As tempting as that is, will you just answer the question?

What was the question?

What is that, around your neck?

That would be a dog collar Moony-mate.


Sexy isn't it?


Cause it's cool, daring, rebellious, and sexy not to mention a conversation piece. Plus my dear old mum would HATE it.

Well I suppose that's reason enough.

Plus it's sexy.

So you said.

Do you think so?

Wha...why, uh, why do you ask?

I wanna know what you think.

I,'s spiky.

That's not what I asked.

Hhhmmmm, well I suppose some would think it is.

Do you??

I, uhh, why do you want to know.

I bought it for you Moony.


For me.



You think about that Moony



Hey Remus?


Do you have any chocolate?

Do I ever have chocolate Pads?

Well that's why I ask you. James' never lasts long, and Petey's is always melted, the sweaty git.

Where's yours?

I, uhh, I ate it.

And I should give you some of mine why??

'cause if you don't I'll spend the rest of the night harassing you for it.

And that would be different from any other night how?


That's what I thought.

Pleeeeaaaaaaaasssssee Mooooonyyyyyyyy.

Holy Merlin, stop that.

I can't talk with a mouthful of chocolate.

I'm sure you'd find a way.

Let's find out.

No thanks.

Remus, my stomach is growling.

Fine, if I give you some, will you leave me alone?

For a minute or two.

Well then I suppose it's worth it.

Thanks mate. Moony mate. Giver of Chocolate, friend of friends....

Shut up Sirus.



Waiting for someone?

Remus!!! Happy Christmas Mate!

Happy Christmas.

Did you miss me?

Is that a trick question?


Well then yes, I did.





I missed you too.



Yes Pads?

Do you, y'know, fancy anyone?

Why do you ask?

Just curious.

Do you?? mean, I asked you first!!



If I said yes you would harass me till I told you who it is, and then you'd take the mickey, and I would have to kill you.

So there is someone?

Don't make me kill you Padfoot.

Don't you trust me?

Yes. And no.

Come on Moony...I'll tell you who I fancy.

Who do you fancy?

You first.

Fine. Yes Sirius, I fancy someone.

I KNEW it...who is it??

Your turn.

No, you haven't told me who.

The deal was I had to tell you if I fancied someone, not who is was.


So, who is it.

Well, I uhhh

No backing out now Pads, the mickey must be taken.


Fine Pads, if you want to back out, be my guest.

It's you.





There's dog hair on my bed again.

Umm, yeah well. I like it there.

Do you now?

Yeah, it smells like you.

Well in that case I'll have to sleep in your bed.

You will??

Then it'll smell like me and Padfoot won't need to sleep on mine.

Are you coming to bed?

So now more hairs in my bed.

I'm not promising anything.



Yes Sirius?

Are you coming to bed??

slash!fic, marauders, remus/sirius

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