Fic: The Lonely End of the Rink, Part 6/7 COMPLETE

Aug 01, 2011 00:10

Title: The Lonely End of the Rink 6.1
Pairing: Marcus/Esca
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I looked up and you were there, just sitting there all alone, holding your fist in the air, like, if you need me you're on your own. At the lonely end of the rink, you and me.
I hear your voice ‘cross a frozen lake, a voice from the end of a leaf, saying, ‘you won’t die of a thousand fakes or be beaten by the sweetest of dekes’. At the lonely end of the rink, you and me.
Word Count:100,000-ish in 7 parts, COMPLETE This part 16,500 ish
Disclaimer: These beautiful boys belong to Rosemary Sutcliff and Focus Features, dammit. I just like making them do filthy, wonderful things to each other.
Author’s Notes:1) This fic is a modern AU inspired by a prompt at the_eagle_kink, and it totally took my brain over, pouring out of me like a flood. It was truly frightening to watch.
This fic is a modern AU filled with hockey, figure skating, high school, a smattering of original and movie characters, with a hefty dose of Canadiana. It is a fic that deals with real life situations and attitudes, not a fluff piece, so keep that in mind.

Master post with extended Author’s Notes, banners and fanmix, as well as links to all the parts here.

Beautiful Thing
So we talked about things and where they went, big remarkable events.
And how each day's a new day and they get spent.
How you'd continue, artfully, like the breeze, trying to do one true beautiful thing.

Your beautiful thing, it'd be a beautiful thing,
to see that beautiful thing, continuing.
Your beautiful thing, continuing.

When they arrived at Rogers Arena, Marcus began to get very excited. If all went well, he’d be playing here in the future. The thought inspired him, and he smiled at Esca, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Aren’t you eager,” Esca commented, laughing along.

“Just think, if I get drafted I’ll get to play here one day,” Marcus said, stopping to look up at the building. Esca stood beside him and took his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Preferably as a Canuck, but no matter which team I go to, I’ll play here at some point.”

“Listen to you, once again talking as if it’s a certainty you’ll get drafted,” Esca said.

Marcus turned to face Esca, letting go of his hand to cup his face. “I’ve got a good feeling,” he said before leaning in and giving Esca a soft kiss, which was eagerly returned. “Now come on,” he said, taking Esca’s hand again and tugging him toward the doors.


“That was amazing,” Esca said as they clambered into the truck just over three hours later. “I can’t wait to see you playing in a game like that.”

“Oh, you will,” Marcus said, and he believed it utterly. He put the keys in the ignition and then fastened his seatbelt, but didn’t start the truck yet, instead watching as dozens of cars flowed past on their way out of the parking lot.

“Are we going to wait until it clears up?” Esca asked, rifling through Marcus’ iPod, choosing the Hip and making Marcus’ stomach flip.

“Yeah, a little patience goes a long way,” he said.

“Well, I won’t need this, then,” Esca said, releasing his seatbelt and leaning over, doing the same to Marcus’. “And neither will you.” He pulled Marcus in closer and slid his lips over Marcus’ stubbled jaw, leaning in further to suck gently on an earlobe. Marcus leaned in as well, making it easier for him.

“We might as well use the time wisely, don’t you think?” Esca said. Marcus expressed his agreement by turning his head and taking Esca’s lips in a fierce kiss. Esca wasted no time kissing him back, putting his tongue to immediate use, sweeping through Marcus’ mouth and pushing at his tongue. Marcus pushed back and suddenly it was wet, fast and so very hot that Marcus thought he might combust.

Far too soon, Esca pulled back, leaving Marcus a panting mess. His lips were tingly from the force of Esca’s kisses, but it only served to make him want more.

“It’s time to go, I think,” Esca said, sliding back over into his seat and refastening his seatbelt. “Everyone else has been gone for a while.”

Marcus tore his eyes away from Esca’s moist, shiny lips and looked outside, shocked to see that they were, in fact, quite alone in the parking lot.

“Let’s go then,” he said, grinning sheepishly. He started the engine, doing up his seatbelt and slipping the truck into gear.

They stopped at a Tim Hortons on the way out of town, buying water and lattes for the ride home. It was a ninety minute drive, not too long, but long enough. And then he’d have to drop Esca off and not see him until school, something which made Marcus feel unreasonably disappointed.

They chatted for a few minutes and then fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in his own thoughts. Soon though, Esca began to move, shifting about in his seat and distracting Marcus’ thoughts, which were mostly of Esca anyway.

“What are you doing?” he asked, as Esca sat forward and slid his belt out of the loops, pulling it free and dropping it at his feet.

“Getting comfortable,” he said, leaning back again and rubbing softly, ever so slowly at the crotch of his pants in a very obvious motion.

“Hey,” Marcus said, annoyed. “No fair doing that without me,” he complained, but Esca didn’t stop, flicking open the button on his pants and reaching a hand inside, squeezing and rubbing more firmly now.

“Well, I have all this free time,” Esca said, matter of factly, as if his hand wasn’t down his pants at that very moment, stroking a growing erection. Marcus kept his eyes on the road, but he could see plenty in his peripheral vision, and Esca made no signs of slowing down or stopping.

“That is so not fair,” Marcus said, unable to keep the petulance from his voice

“Well, I’ve just got back from being away for a week, I’ve kicked so much arse that I’m at the top of my sport, I had a wonderful day with my gorgeous, sexy boyfriend, and yet it seems that no sex is forthcoming. So, I need to give attention to my little problem here.”

“I have the same problem but you don’t see me with my hands down my pants,” Marcus said, glancing at Esca while still trying to keep his eyes on the road.

“Then perhaps you should do something to correct that,” Esca replied, turning his head where it lay against the headrest, his hand still moving inside his pants.

“I can’t, I--” Marcus trailed off, frustrated. “Wait. Rest stop,” he said, slowing the truck and pulling over, driving to the far end of the small parking lot where it was mostly dark, the pale light of the lone street lamp barely making a dent in the shadows of the overhanging trees.

He turned off the truck and undid his seatbelt before unlocking the doors and getting out of the truck. He slammed his door and strode around the front, pulling Esca’s door open and, without hesitation, leaning down to tug at the handle which moved Esca’s seat, putting some weight on it so that it slid back with a thump. Then he pulled the other handle, this one dropping Esca’s seat into a somewhat reclined position. When he was done, he climbed into the cab, straddling Esca’s thankfully slim form and pulled the door closed behind him.

“Fuck, you are so hot when you’re all randy and intent like that,” Esca said, pulling his hand out of his pants at last to grab Marcus by the hair, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. Marcus braced himself on his elbows, his knees bent and his feet under the dash, although it was a close fit. He was uncomfortable, but not exceedingly so, and moving far was not an option.

“You’re hot when you’re being a bloody tease,” Marcus said, pulling back and panting as he fumbled with the zip on Esca’s pants, trying to reach his straining erection. “Aggravating, but hot.”

“Hold on,” Esca said, pulling aside the front of his pants and tugging his briefs down so that his erection was free. Marcus sucked in a breath at the sight, grasping it and squeezing lightly before beginning to stroke leisurely, no longer in a rush now that he was straddled on Esca’s lap.

But Esca wasn’t done yet, grabbing at the front of Marcus’ jeans, popping the button and unzipping it with speed. He dug Marcus’ cock out and imitated Marcus’ stroke on his own.

“I want you to suck me,” Esca said, his voice gravelly with lust. “I’ve been thinking about it all week, talking to you on the phone everyday and picturing the way your mouth moves when you talk. Which made me think about your lips, and how good they look stretched around my cock.”

Marcus’ hand stilled as the image of him on his knees came flooding back, Esca’s hand gripping his hair the way it was now, guiding him gently but forcefully, moving his mouth to where ever Esca wanted it and then pulling Marcus off his cock and climaxing all over his cheeks and his reddened lips.

“Fuck me,” Marcus breathed, and Esca just laughed, tightening his grip on Marcus’ cock and stroking a little faster.

“Later,” Esca said, holding in a moan as Marcus’ hand moved to match Esca’s pace, swirling his thumb around the tip with every stroke.” Instead of taking me home tonight, you are going to take me to yours, where I am going to fuck you, hard enough that you’ll feel it while you’re practicing and all day at school--” Esca was cut off by Marcus gasping and crying out, coming in spurts, all over Esca’s wrinkled dress shirt.

“I love it when you come,” Esca said, his voice even lower now, making Marcus’ shiver, his breathing slowing as his climax dissipated.

“The feeling is mutual,” Marcus replied, letting go of Esca’s cock and sliding it over his own, then taking Esca’s again and stroking it faster now. His grip tightened a little more until Esca came with a grunt, spending himself all over his shirt, adding to the mess Marcus had already left.

Marcus slowed down until he was gently fondling Esca’s softening cock, leaning in to kiss him sweetly before pulling back and resting their foreheads together.

“I missed you,” he whispered, overwhelmed by the feelings flowing through him.

“Me too,” Esca said, letting go of Marcus’ hair and sliding his hand down to cup Marcus’ jaw. “I was thrilled when you said you were coming to get me. But seeing you just made me want you more. I couldn’t wait for home.”

“I’m glad you didn’t,” Marcus said. “But we should get going now.”

“Let me change this shirt and clean up,” Esca said, using his clean hand to push Marcus upright as far as he could go and then unbuttoning his cuffs and a few buttons, pulling it off over his head, only smacking Marcus in the face once during the attempt.

“I have some wet wipes in the glovie,” Marcus said. “Hold on.” And thus started the process of getting out of the seat, which was decidedly more difficult than getting in, made more so by the spunk covering his hand and the now limp cock hanging out of his jeans. Finally he managed it, taking Esca’s soiled shirt and wiping himself off with it and then tugging open the glove compartment and pulling out a pack of wipes, handing one to Esca before taking one for himself.

“These are baby wipes,” Esca said with a smirk. “Anything you need to tell me?” Marcus snorted, making Esca laugh.

“Yes, they smell better than the other ones,” he said, tossing Esca’s shirt back at him.


As they drove into town, Esca, who had been silent for a while, making Marcus suspect that he was sleeping, spoke up, jolting Marcus out of his thoughts.

“Hey Marcus?” he asked, turning to face Marcus across the cab.


“Why don’t you just take me home?” Esca said, Marcus’ brow furrowed in confusion.

“I am,” he stated, but Esca shook his head.

“No, take me to your home,” he clarified.

“What?” Marcus said, surprised. “I mean, really?”

“Yeah, I just don’t want to go home yet, you know?” Esca said, smiling at Marcus, making warmth flood his belly and his chest tighten. “I have all my clothes and you can drop me off when you go to practice, so I’ll have time to get ready for school. Nan won’t even know I wasn’t there until I get home.”

“You...sure,” Marcus said, smiling back.

“Will your uncle mind?” Esca asked, reminding Marcus whose house he lived in.

“No, I don’t think he will,” Marcus said truthfully. “He’ll probably be pleased to see you tomorrow, if he gets up in time.”

“Good,” Esca said, turning forward again, leaning his head against the window and closing his eyes. Marcus sighed, thrilled that he wouldn’t have to take Esca home and drop him off, so soon after finally getting him back.


When they finally got home, Marcus was exhausted. He really wanted to take advantage of having Esca in his bed for the night, but his body seemed to have other plans, unable to work up the enthusiasm needed. Esca didn’t seem to mind, however. Once they got their things in and upstairs to Marcus’ room they retreated to the bathroom for a piss and a quick brush of their teeth. Marcus soaked a washcloth under hot water and wiped off this face, giving Esca a cloth so he could do the same.

They were silent as they changed into pyjama pants, and when Marcus turned around, the sight of Esca’s pale, muscular back is enough to make him want to stay up a little longer. Just when he contemplated pulling Esca into the bed and divesting him of his pyjama pants, he yawned and exhaustion settled on him once more.

He climbed into the bed, making sure to set his alarm properly while Esca tapped around on his phone for a moment before setting it on the bedside table and climbing in to join Marcus under the duvet.

And then it was just bliss, wrapping his arms around Esca, soft, warm skin and messy hair, the smell of Esca surrounding him and Marcus wished more than anything that he could have this forever, for the rest of his life. Just him and Esca, against the world.

“Too sleepy to fuck,” Esca muttered into Marcus’ neck.

“Me too,” Marcus said.

“Have tomorrow afternoon off,” Esca said. Marcus smiled, remembering that Esca would be free all week, and that he didn’t have a game until Wednesday.

“Brilliant,” Marcus said, before he drifted off to sleep.


Marcus was lying on the softest surface he’d ever felt, clouds, it must be, and something was sliding over his body, wet and warm, delving into places that made him shiver, places that made his blood run hot.

‘I must be dreaming,’ he thought to himself, trying to open his eyes but failing, reaching out with touch instead. He felt weightless, suspended in air and fluff, unable to gain any purchase, or to feel what stirred him, until suddenly his hand brushed across something, still soft, but different. And then he landed in reality to find that he was lying on his bed, his fingers entangled in Esca’s hair as a hot mouth was wrapped around his cock, expertly manipulating him into full hardness.

The reality was so much better than the dream.

Marcus slid his hand around Esca’s head, loving the feeling of the silky strands of Esca’s hair slide through his fingers, loving the wet slide of his mouth even more.

“Esca,” he whispered, using his free hand to lift the duvet, the sight of his hand buried in Esca’s hair as his head bobbed over Marcus’ cock making him gasp.

“Mmm,” Esca hummed around him, pushing his arousal even further, well onto the path upwards, heading rapidly toward the peak.

It didn’t take much longer. Once Marcus was fully awake, it was over swiftly, before he’d had time for his brain to truly catch up, he was shuddering and coming down Esca’s throat, chest heaving for breath.

“Mmm,” Esca hummed again, this time licking Marcus’ cock as if he wasn’t ready to stop, but Marcus tugged on his hair, wanting more than anything to kiss him properly.

“Come here,” he said, pulling Esca up and rolling them over, holding the smaller boy down with a leg across Esca’s thigh, half of Marcus’ body weight covering him. He kissed Esca, morning breath and all, though his lips didn’t stay on Esca’s long. Soon they were travelling down his jaw and neck, tasting and savouring as he went. Marcus loved how Esca tasted, clean and masculine and salty, it was intoxicating.

He moved on, kissing down Esca’s chest as Esca’s hands slid into his hair, clenching painfully when he sucked harshly on one of Esca’s nipples. Esca liked tugging on his hair, and Marcus found himself liking it as well. So much so that he had skipped his routine haircut, letting it grow out a little longer, giving Esca something more substantial to tug.

Esca’s grip tightened as Marcus went lower, tonguing Esca’s navel, biting and sucking his sharp hipbones before burying his face in the hair at the base of Esca’s cock, breathing him in, needing it as bad as oxygen. Esca’s scent was stronger there, more masculine, less soapy, and Marcus thought that he could stay there all day. He stayed so long that Esca tugged his hair again, guiding Marcus’ head up, his mouth to Esca’s cock. Marcus went happily, wasting no more time, tonguing his way up Esca’s cock to the tip, sucking it in and swirling his tongue around the head as Esca groaned out Marcus’ name, his thigh muscles tight with tension as Marcus drew him ever closer to orgasm.

It didn’t take a very long time before Esca tugged even harder on Marcus’ hair, whispering his name urgently and Marcus knew he was about to come, but this time, he didn’t want to pull off. He wanted Esca to feel how he felt when Esca held Marcus in his mouth, swallowing his come and licking him clean like there was nothing that he wanted more.

Esca tugged harder, pain blossoming across Marcus’ scalp, but he held firm, letting his tongue work on the underside of Esca’s cock, trying to take in more, as much as he could, until the head was pressing against the back of his throat. Suddenly, Marcus had a bigger mouthful than he’d anticipated as Esca’s cock swelled up before he came, come filling Marcus’ mouth, heavy on his tongue. He tried to swallow, but couldn’t, gagging a bit on Esca’s cock and coughing as some of the thick fluid slid down his throat, most of it slipping out of his mouth as he pulled off for air, gasping. Esca’s hold on his hair kept him close though, and more come dribbled out and onto Marcus’ lips. Once he had regained his breath, he sucked at the head, cleaning Esca’s cock of the come that had coated it when he’d coughed.

The taste wasn’t so bad once it wasn’t choking him, so Marcus made sure to get it all, licking up and down Esca’s softening cock until Esca said, “enough,” tugging his hair again, pulling Marcus up to meet his mouth.

“Sorry about the...” Marcus trailed off, cheeks heating.

“S’alright,” Esca said, slurring just a little. “It takes practice. Besides, it’s still hot, seeing you with my come all over your face.” Marcus grinned, kissing him again until his brain registered what he’d seen from the corner of his eye.

“Is that the time already?” he asked, collapsing on Esca with a groan.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you up too early,” Esca said. “Just early enough for a blowjob.”

“It was totally worth it,” Marcus said, leaning up for another kiss. “But now I have to shower. Join me?”

Esca laughed and shook his head. “Oh no, that would be far too distracting. I’ll take one when I get home.”

“Spoilsport,” Marcus said, but he pushed himself up out of the bed anyway. He leaned over and sucked Esca’s bottom lip into his mouth, swiping his tongue across it once before pulling back and padding into the bathroom, pulling off his pyjama pants along the way, giving Esca a full view of his naked ass.

“Tease!” Esca called from across the room, but Marcus didn’t look back. He knew the sight of Esca, mussed from sleep and flushed from recent orgasm would just have him heading back to the bed.


When Marcus got out of the bathroom, Esca had organized all his things, laying his clothes on the bed, right beside some of Marcus’ that he had clearly picked out.

“What’s this?” Marcus asked with a smirk. “Are you dressing me now?”

“No, you do a pretty good job of it, I have to admit,” Esca said, joining Marcus at the bed and wrapping his arms around Marcus’ waist, just above his towel. “But you look amazing in that shirt, and I’ve missed you.”

“Oh, you like me in that shirt?” Marcus said, turning around and draping his arms over Esca’s shoulders.

“Mmhmm,” Esca said, sliding in closer so that he had to tilt his head back to look into Marcus’ eyes. “It’s snug on the shoulders and it makes your biceps look even bigger than they are,” he said, running his hands up Marcus chest, squeezing his shoulders and trailing his fingers over Marcus’ arms. “I hope you don’t mind me snooping through your stuff.”

“Nah,” Marcus replied, as Esca’s roaming hands raised goosebumps on his arms and chest. “If it were anyone else I might, but not you.”

“If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t do it,” Esca replied, tugging Marcus down for a kiss, slow and sensual and making Marcus wish that he had more time to spare.

“We’ve gotta get going,” Marcus said, pulling back reluctantly. “Still need to eat something.”

“Right, just give me a minute,” Esca said, heading toward the bathroom with his toothbrush. Marcus stared at the door for a moment before pulling himself together and gathering his school bag and all his hockey gear. Esca was done by the time he was, and was pulling on his shirt and jeans when Marcus turned around again.

“All set,” he said a moment later, tucking his toothbrush into this suitcase and zipping it up. “Now feed me.”

“You’re on,” Marcus said, grabbing his bags and heading out the door.


“Have a good practice,” Esca said as Marcus pulled into a parking space outside Esca’s apartment building.

“I’ll try,” Marcus replied, leaning over to give Esca a kiss, then shooing him out. “Get going, I don’t want to be late.”

“See you in a few hours,” Esca said, closing the door with a wink.

“Cheeky bastard,” Marcus said with a laugh, pulling out of the parking lot and heading to the arena.


Marcus arrived at school to find a crowd of people gathered around his locker, mostly girls. He was perplexed, never having had this problem before. Sure, various girls had tried to corner and entice him in the past, but that was all a moot point. It was all made clear when he nudged a few of them aside and saw Esca in the middle, leaning on Marcus’ locker with a very fetching blush spreading across his cheeks as everyone congratulated him, several going so far as to ask him out.

“Sorry,” Marcus was in time to hear as Esca smiled apologetically at a girl who had just asked him if they could see a movie together. “I’m seeing someone.”

“Damn right you are,” Marcus said, having fought his way through at last. “And you have a jealous boyfriend.” He braced himself on the locker behind Esca with a forearm and leaned in for a kiss, garnering some, ‘awws,’ and even a few, ‘ughs,’ from the surrounding students.

“Sorry ladies, this one is mine,” Marcus said, grinning at Esca happily, thrilled to be able to kiss him when the urge struck. “You’ll have to find another.”

The crowd thinned out, all the girls and even a few boys, Marcus saw, murmuring and one even saying, “not fair, Marcus,” but he just grinned wider.

“What is everyone doing?” came a voice that Marcus recognized. “Let me through! Seriously you people, I doubt more than half a dozen of you even knew his name before this,” she scolded, and several people actually looked abashed.

Cottia emerged from the retreating crowd and threw herself at Esca, practically tearing him from Marcus’ arms.

“Oh my god, you are so amazing!” she exclaimed. “I have never seen anything as wonderful in my life, it was fabulous.”

“Thanks, Cottia,” Esca said with a bright smile, hugging her back, clearly much more comfortable now that the others had gone.

“It was amazing!” Cottia continued, bouncing. “Did I just say that?”

Marcus laughed, earning a poke in the belly from one purple tipped finger.

“Quiet, you,” Cottia said, turning back to Esca and continuing to gush.

Fortunately, Marcus was diverted from the spectacle as Luke approached, smacking Marcus on the shoulder and continuing to his own locker, which was a few feet down the hall. Marcus was reminded that they did have class in a few minutes, so he followed Luke’s lead.

“Cottia, leave the poor boy alone,” Luke said when he was done, reaching out a hand for Esca to shake. “Congrats man, it was truly awe-inspiring.”

“Thanks,” Esca replied, looking relived that Luke had interrupted Cottia’s excited monologue. “It was a lot of hard work, but totally worth it.”

“I can imagine,” Luke replied as the bell rang. “First bell, we’d better get to class. Come on, Cottia,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her away. She went with a little wave at Esca and Marcus, who had just closed his locker and leaned against it, facing Esca.

“See you at lunch,” he said, kissing Esca goodbye, while thinking that he must look utterly smitten to the few students who were hurrying past. It was the truth, so he wasn’t too bothered with it.

“You bet,” Esca said with a wink, turning and heading down the hall, while Marcus headed for the stairs.


The morning was an odd one. In both Marcus’ classes, several people asked him if it was true that his boyfriend, and some didn’t even know Esca’s name, was a figure skating champion, which Marcus cheerfully confirmed. Everyone seemed to have forgotten all the spectacle that had followed him since he’d come out, and were more interested in Esca than in Marcus. Far from being annoyed, Marcus was thrilled. Esca had made few friends at the school beside Marcus and Cottia, and now Luke, because he was standoffish in general and prickly in particular, but now everyone seemed thrilled to know him, even if they only knew of him.

He wasn’t so thrilled during lunch break, however. People kept coming up to Esca to congratulate him, ask him for his autograph or wanting to sit beside him and chat as if they were old friends. As if they’d even known he’d existed before he’d won the Worlds. Marcus figured that only a few students had watched, but the news had spread quickly over the previous few days, and now everyone wanted a piece of their very own celebrity.

Finally, after they’d managed to eat and were trying to leave, Marcus’ patience ran out. “Enough,” he bellowed, shocking the entire cafeteria into silence and earning glares from some of Esca’s new admirers. He grabbed Esca’s hand and pulled him out of his seat, thankful that Esca came without complaint.

“You lot can tell him all about how wonderful he is later, but right now, I’d like to have some alone time with my boyfriend, before the bell rings,” he said, to the dismay of the crowd. “Cottia, will you get our things?” he asked, and she nodded, gathering up Esca’s lunch kit as Marcus tugged him toward the door.

They ended up in the far stairwell where they’d shared their second, painful kiss, but Marcus wanted to erase all memories of that. He pushed Esca against the wall just inside the door and set on him immediately, hands and lips all working to reassure himself that Esca was, in fact, his, and that he wasn’t going anywhere.

“You are so jealous,” Esca said, when Marcus’ lips left his mouth and travelled down his neck.

“I saw you first,” Marcus said, not denying it. After that, he made sure there was no more talking, until the bell rang and brought them back to reality.


By the end of the week, things had more or less gone back to normal, for which Marcus was tremendously grateful. The demands on Esca’s attention had gotten very frustrating for him, until they began to taper off. Wednesday had fewer admirers stalking Esca by the afternoon, and by Thursday there were only a few stragglers, although many of the girls still simpered and waved as Esca passed. No amount of public snogging on Marcus’ part seemed to convince them that Esca was not only gay, but unavailable, so Marcus just ignored them as best he could.

Friday had him nervous. They had a game that evening, and at the morning’s practice Coach Guern had informed the team that there would be a scout from the Canucks attending. He encouraged them to just relax and work hard, have some fun and try not to obsess too much. Marcus knew it wouldn’t be a problem for him once he got on the ice, the world always faded away once the game began, but until then, he was quite a bit more jittery than normal.

“Marcus!” Cottia called as Marcus was heading to the cafeteria for lunch. She caught up to him and wound her arm around his, the fact that they weren’t dating, Marcus was gay and was with Esca did not discourage her from using him as a leaning post or walking stick, whenever the mood struck her. Some things would never change, he thought.

“Aren’t you getting excited?” she asked, squeezing his arm and shaking it.

“More nervous, actually,” he replied, shaking her off before he bruised.

“Nervous? What’s to be nervous about?” she asked, confused. “We get dressed up, we eat dinner, we dance, it’ll be great.”

“Oh,” Marcus said, cluing in. “I thought you were talking about the game tonight?”

“I was talking about prom. Why would you be nervous about a game?” she asked, even more confused. “You’re never nervous about a game?”

“Canuck’s scout,” he said and she nodded.

“Ahh, that makes sense,” she said. “It’s getting closer to the draft, isn’t it?”

“Yup,” he replied.

“Well, you’ll be amazing as always, I wouldn’t be nervous if I were you,” Cottia said, stopping just outside the cafeteria and kissing him on the cheek.

“Thanks, Cottia,” he said, smiling at her until he was distracted by another voice.

“Are you making a move on my boyfriend, Cottia?” Esca said, approaching from the opposite direction.

“Oh no, I’ve decided he’s not my type,” Cottia said cheerfully. “I prefer my boys to prefer girls.”

“That’s good,” Esca said. “Because I prefer mine to prefer boys.” He grinned at Cottia, giving her a cheeky wink before lacing his fingers with Marcus’.

“Enough of this, let’s eat,” Marcus said, kissing Esca softly on the lips before leading them into the cafeteria.

They settled quickly, Marcus pulling out the lunch that Sassy had packed when he’d asked, deciding that Esca was right and it would be much better than cafeteria food. He had to admit it was nice to have food that was not only healthier, but tasted better, and having some variety was a bonus.

“So, prom then,” Cottia said once she had them as a captive audience. “Have you boys thought about what you’ll be wearing?”

“To be honest, I haven’t thought about it at all,” Esca said. “I’ve had other things on my mind,” he continued, giving Marcus a meaningful look. Marcus looked back, his cheeks heating and his cock twitching with interest. They’d been able to get time together every afternoon that week, since Esca wasn’t training again, and Marcus had been loving it. They’d probably had more sex that week than they’d had in their relationship up until that point. Marcus was not looking forward to Esca training in the afternoons again.

“Well, if you could focus on something besides getting into Marcus’ pants, just for a few minutes,” Cottia said, shaking her head at them in exasperation, “we can discuss it.”

“We can discuss what?” Luke asked, sliding into the seat beside Cottia, smiling at her. She returned his smile adoringly and Esca, noticing, nudged Marcus, gesturing in their direction with his fork.

“I know,” Marcus mouthed, grinning in approval.

“Something about the prom?” Marcus prompted, very amused with Cottia’s distraction, and pleased that her affections had redirected toward someone who clearly returned them.

“The prom, yes!” Cottia said, her focus shifting back. “Luke has already planned what he’s wearing--” she said, but Marcus cut her off.

“You’ve chosen what he’s wearing, you mean,” he said with a raised brow, getting laugh from Luke and Esca, and a scowl from Cottia.

“You should have seen her in my closet, mate,” Luke said with a grin, giving Cottia a shrug when her scowl turned in his direction. “What?” he said, but she just shook her head and turned back to Marcus and Esca.

“As I was saying, Luke’s clothes are already taken care of, and Mom and I are going into Vancouver tomorrow to get my dress, so it’s just the two of you who need to be sorted.”

“Actually,” Esca interjected. “Marcus and I both have appropriate suits and we bought new ties on Sunday.”

“You did?” Cottia asked, surprised.

“We did,” Marcus agreed. “So we are all set, no need to worry.”

“Ooh, can I see them?” Cottia asked.

“Sure,” Marcus said.

“On prom night,” Esca cut in, getting a pout from Cottia.

“Oh fine, I’ll be patient,” she said, going back to her lunch.

“You’ll have to be,” Esca said. “I’m sure you can manage it.”

“It’s only three weeks,” Luke added helpfully, but their conversation was interrupted when a large group of chattering students passed and someone banged into Marcus’ chair as he was taking a drink. His cup spilled, soaking his shirt, and, as if that wasn’t bad enough, someone muttered, “filthy fags,” under his breath.

Marcus looked, but Charlie wasn’t in the group, which was good, but it was still rather unexpected. He’d been left mostly alone, but apparently the sentiment was still there, if subdued since both Marcus and Esca had kicked Charlie’s ass.

“Bugger off you pricks,” Esca called as the group left, but Marcus didn’t say anything, he was busy squeezing his shirt out onto the floor.

“I love your English swears,” Luke said, amused, but Cottia was pissed.

“Bastards,” she said, turning concerned eyes on Marcus. “You alright?”

“It’s only water,” Marcus said, shaking his head. “And to be honest, I was expecting worse, so it’s not a big deal.”

“It is too a big deal,” Cottia said, temper rising. “It’s horrible that they think they can treat other people that way, just because they’re different.”

“That may be true, but it’s not going to change any time soon,” Esca said.”It’s not too bad here. Actually, most people are pretty level headed, it’s just a few who are arseholes.”

“Arseholes,” Luke repeated, chuckling. “I like that. But seriously, the problem is that too many people just follow along after the arseholes,” he said, getting an eye roll for Cottia at his use of the word.

“Even if they don’t necessarily agree,” Marcus continued. “I know. But still, I expected much worse.”

“I’m glad you didn’t let it stop you,” Esca said, running a hand up Marcus’ thigh and squeezing, his eyes heating up, and Marcus’ blood followed.

“I bet you are,” Luke said, leering at them both. “But feel free to continue that line of conversation elsewhere.”

“Let’s,” Marcus said, packing up his things as Esca did the same. “I’ve got a spare shirt in my locker anyway.”

“Right,” Esca said, “See you both later. We still on for tonight, Cottia?”

“I’ll meet you outside the arena at quarter to seven,” she agreed. “Have a good game, Marcus.”

“Thanks,” he replied, taking Esca’s hand. “Cheers Luke.”

“Later guys.”


Marcus dug through his locker for his spare shirt, pulling it out and shaking it off. Luckily, its stay hadn’t made it too dirty.

“Time to clean your locker?” Esca asked, an eyebrow lifted in disdain.

“Meh,” Marcus replied, shoving the books and detritus back into a stack that would allow him to close the door. “It’s not too bad, and school is almost over.” He reached down and grasped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head.

“Uh huh,” Esca said, eyes wide, pupils dilating.

“You okay?” Marcus asked, concerned, as he flattened his mussed hair and then stuffed the wet shirt into his backpack.

“Oh, I’m more than okay,” Esca said, moving forward and sliding his hands over Marcus’ bare flesh, goosebumps rising in their wake.

“Esca,” Marcus hissed, pulling his spare shirt off the hook he’d hung it on. “Not the time or place,” he said.

“Anywhere you are half naked is the time and place,” Esca replied, kissing Marcus’ bare shoulder, the fingers of one hand toying with a nipple while the other slid down to cup Marcus’ ass. Marcus’ cock had long become interested in the proceedings, but Marcus took a step back, dislodging Esca’s hands and pulling the shirt over his head.

“You’re no fun,” Esca said, looking rather miffed.

“I’d rather wait until I have you alone,” Marcus replied, moving closer again and pulling Esca into his arms. “Where I can do all kinds of filthy things to you with no spectators.”

“Sounds good to me,” Esca said, wrapping his arms around Marcus’ back and pulling him closer still. “Let’s go.”

“I wish,” Marcus said, leaning down to nuzzle at Esca’s neck, feeling the pulse beating through his soft skin, “I suppose we’ll have to settle for a snog.” He sucked gently on Esca’s neck before moving up to catch his lips, swiping gently with his tongue until Esca opened up, not taking the kiss much further, despite the temptation beckoning.

They snogged lazily for a few minutes, pulling apart before they went too far to stop, then simply stood in each others arms, enjoying a brief moment of peace and semi solitude. Until a grumble came from down the hall, not too far away.

“Shut up, Charlie,” Robert said, giving Charlie a shove as they passed by. Marcus gave him a nod of gratitude, which Robert returned, still shepherding Charlie down the corridor.

That was when the bell rang, so Marcus and Esca pulled apart reluctantly. Marcus tugged open his locker again, rifling through for the appropriate texts. “You know,” he said, glancing at Esca from the corner of his eye. “It would be more convenient if we shared lockers,” he pointed out.

“You might be right,” Esca agreed.

“It would save us time,” Marcus said, closing the door and fastening the lock.

Esca’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t look put out at all at the suggestion.

“You are not as sneaky as you think you are,” he said, shaking his head. Marcus put on his best innocent face, not that it would work. If it didn’t work for his soft hearted Uncle, no way would it work for Esca who was shrewd and far too observant.

“You just want more time for snogging,” Esca accused as the made their way down the stairs toward Esca’s locker, hand in hand, winding through the other students. The week seemed to have balanced them out, earning Marcus as many greetings as Esca.

“Now why would you think a thing like that?” Marcus asked.

“Watch it hockey boy,” Esca said, giving Marcus a shove into the locker bank by his locker, stopping to open his lock. “I’m on to you.”

“Hmm, I’d love to have you on me,” Marcus said under his breath, leaning in so that only Esca could hear. “Or in me.”

“Go to your class, you randy beast,” Esca said, shooting him a fond look. “I’ll see you after, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Marcus said. “If I must.” He reached out and pinched Esca’s ass and then dashed away, cackling to himself as Esca’s locker slammed shut behind him.


The arena was packed that night, standing room only for their last game of the regular season. Unfortunately for Marcus, the team had failed to clinch a playoff position, which meant less time to play for the scouts, but it also meant free time. Besides, given the amount of scouting done during the regular season and Marcus’ individual standings in the league, he wasn’t worried about the lack of a playoff season hurting his chances in the draft.

Being out was the thing that he was worried about hurting his chances in the draft. But it was a done deal now, and there was no turning back. He could always play for the Bruins another year, and if he didn’t get drafted again, he was eligible to be a free agent, and that was both a frightening and exhilarating thought.

The game was fast paced and mostly penalty free, both teams looking forward to getting it done, the Bruins because they knew they could relax afterwards, and Kootenay because they knew there were playoffs to commence the following week.

Marcus scored another two goals in the third period alone, assisting on the last goal of the year, but the team lost, having been down 5 in the first two periods. That fact didn’t keep the crowd from cheering uproariously when the puck went in the net, however, and that made Marcus happy to hear. The town supported the team, playoffs or not.

There was plenty of cheering after the game, and a very light hearted round of thanks between the teams, before they both headed to the dressing room for the final time.

“Right everyone!” Coach Guern yelled above the din. “Simmer down and listen.”

“I wanted to thank each and every one of you for a fabulous effort this season,” he said, and the team cheered. “I know, it’s kind of disheartening to not make the playoffs, but you are a young team, and you put in some serious effort. Also, I need to recognize one accomplishment, from one with skill beyond his years.”

The team cheered again, most of them, all knowing what Coach was referring to. Marcus blushed, putting his head down to unlace his skates, while Luke slapped him on the back.

“Aquila, get your head up, and stop pretending to be modest!” Guern called, making the team laugh, catcalls ringing out.

“I am modest,” Marcus said as he stood, kicking off his skate, not bothering to raise his voice, knowing that no one would believe him anyway. After all, he didn’t apologize for being the best player on the team, although he’d never rub it in and certainly didn’t have a large ego. Marcus was a realist.

The team, most of them anyway, hooted and cheered as Marcus padded to the center of the room where Guern was standing with one hand ominously behind his back.

“Alright, alright, simmer down, you lot,” he said, holding up his free hand in a bid for silence. “I thought I had better do this now, as despite your youth, I feel quite certain that I will not be seeing you on the ice this fall for training,” Guern said, and a few boos rang out, making Marcus grin and dip his head. He rather did like most of the team, and would be sad to leave them if he was drafted.

“It’s never an easy thing to lead the league in points, there’s a lot of competition, but to do it on a team with a record like ours--” More boos, but Guern waved them down. “Well, that’s even more impressive.”

A round of applause swept the room, making Marcus flush again, but soon Guern settled everyone down and continued.

“So, in honour of this achievement, myself and the rest of the coaching staff would like to present you with a small token of our esteem.” He handed Marcus the box that he had been holding behind his back, his face split with a wide smile. Marcus thanked him and the others and then removed the lid from the box to uncover a small figurine.

It was brightly coloured plastic, Marcus pulled it out of the box to find it was a sleepy eyed dog outfitted in a hockey uniform, complete with a stick with puck attached. A sign hung around the dog’s neck, it read, ‘He shoots, he scores!’

When Marcus held it up by the base, the head began to bob dramatically, eliciting a laugh from him which was echoed by the rest of the room.

“Congratulations, Marcus,” Guern said, slapping him on the back. “It’s been fabulous working with you, and I wish you the best of luck in the NHL.”

“Thanks, Coach, it really means a lot to me,” Marcus replied, his response almost lost in the din that ensued as most of the other players gathered around Marcus to punch him in the shoulder or slap his back, congratulating him and each other on another season in the can. Someone even smacked Marcus on the ass, causing him to jump with shock, even though the smack was muted through his hockey pants.

Marcus laughed, joining his teammates in the congratulations as Guern called out, “now clean up and get out of here, the lot of you! Enjoy your summer!” There was another round of cheers, and the players began to drift off to their lockers, changing and putting things away, going about their business if a little louder than before.

Marcus heaved a large sigh of relief as he began to strip. The year was finally over, all he had to look forward to now was the anxiousness of waiting for the draft.

Part 6.2

slash!fic, the eagle, marcus/esca

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