Slythindor ficlet....

Nov 17, 2008 20:13

So, I got tagged for the first time in ages for monday fun at slythindor100 and this little piece of fluff is what I came up with. Woo.

Title: The Cake Incident
Prompt: "You can't take it with you,"
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 635
Summary: It had been a long day. A very long day.

It had been a long day.

A very long day. So long in fact, that Harry didn't even want to review it in his head. All he wanted was a hot shower, a kiss from Draco and the last remaining piece of the decadent birthday cake Molly had whipped up for his birthday. He knew the rich sweet chocolate would be just what he needed to raise his mood.


He arrived through the floo and went right into the bedroom. Shrugging out of his robes, he dropped them on the floor, and began stripping out of his clothes, putting them in the hamper by the bedroom door. There was no answering call, so he assumed Draco wasn't home from work yet. which was unusual but not unheard of. Harry sighed. So much for his kiss. 'Oh well,' he thought. 'The cake will be that much better, then.'

The thought had him salivating, so he decided to wait on the shower, and eat the cake first.

But, when he arrived in the kitchen, he realized why there had been no answer from Draco. There he was at the kitchen table, his back to the door and Harry, curled around something on the table in front of him.

“Draco?” He took a few steps into the room, confused. “Why didn't you answer me? What are you doing?”

Draco's shoulders shrugged, but he still didn't answer. Harry stepped around the chair, still unable to see Draco's face as he hunched over what Harry could now see was a plate. A plate that held only a few deep brown crumbs and a smudge of Molly's famous chocolate frosting.

“Draco, what are you eating?” Harry's brow was furrowed in consternation. Draco wouldn't, would he?

“Mm-fin,” Though not exactly a word, it told Harry all he needed to know. Clearly, he would.

“Draco Malfoy!” Harry exclaimed. Draco looked up at him and Harry could see the evidence all over his lips. “You're eating my cake!”

Draco swallowed thickly around the mess in his mouth. “Oh, was this your cake?”

Harry glared at him. “You know dam well it was! I wanted that, Draco...” Harry was fully yelling now, the last straw was the smear of frosting on Draco's bottom lip. A lip that should have kissed him hello, not been an accomplice in the eating of his cake.

“Well, it was gonna get stale needed to be eaten,” Draco attempted to mollify him, but it was not working.

“Yes! By me!”

“Oh come on Harry, you can't take it with was just a slice of cake.” Draco stood and moved closer to Harry, reaching out to touch him, but Harry pulled away.

“You know, I had the shitty day to end all shitty days today, Draco. And all I wanted was a kiss from you and a shower and a piece of cake to cheer me up, and not only did I not get a kiss, but you ATE MY CAKE!!”

Draco looked suitably chastened. “I'm sorry,” he said quietly as understanding hit him. “I didn't know or I would have never...well, it's too late now.”

“Yes, it is,” Harry said, leaning against the counter in exhaustion. All the anger really took it out of him.

“Well, I can't bring the cake back, but perhaps I can make it up to you another way?” Draco advanced again, and this time Harry didn't pull away.

Harry huffed, but the sparkle in Draco's eyes made his cock spring to life, blood rushing in to harden it as Draco came closer. “I reckon you should,”

“Oh, I will,” Draco said with a wicked smirk and Harry watched, entranced as he licked the last smudge of frosting off his lip before slowly sinking to his knees...

slash!fic, harry/draco, drabbles

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