Here's a thought.
Tonight when I leave Sydney for the Southern Highlands, I could leave the laptop behind. A weekend without the Internet and GIMP? Now that would really be taking a break from my life. Well, it won't be that long, really. I'll prolly be back online Sunday arvo. Ari and I are going to birthday drinks of a high school friend
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Comments 35
Now they just have to grab the real estate agent to fix the door coming off its hinges. Gah.
Still, bedroom or front door, that really fucking sucks. Especially in winter when people are prolly trying to conserve heat. I send angry vibes on Andrew's behalf.
Nice to know you're enjoying it. That collection was the second MMS work I read, after Only Forward, and I confess I wasn't prepared for how traumatic/depressing some of the stories were going to be. You, having read Spares and The Straw Men aren't quite in the same situation, I guess.
If it does get you down, go read Sunshine. I'm not usually a huge vampire fan, but I loved that book. It left me feeling happy.
I actually read Sunshine first. Loved the beginning but was sorely disappointed a third into it. Don't know why, I think it's something about Robin McKinley, found the same with her other books actually ... she has great premises, starts off really well, hooks me with her voice (especially with this one) but somewhere along the track she loses me. With this, I didn't like the lectures, the telling but not showing. She built a great world but gah, I got so sick of being told about it. There was something off about this protagonist, I can't figure out what it is but she just left me cold and the ending totally left me dissatisfied. Weird. It' ( ... )
I'm saving the others for when I have more time. Once I start a book I have no control over myself.
Real estate agents are the devil. We're still waiting for our toilet to be fixed.
Oh, gah. What's the deal with you guys getting a plumber in to fix it? They won't cover the cost, right? Sorry, can you tell I've never signed a lease? :p
As far as the plumber thing goes, we're not allowed to organise one ourselves, they won't pay for it. We have to wait until they decide they can be bothered organising it. Unless it's an emergency, in which case there is a particular plumber we have to call.
Gah, that so fucking sucks!! And I suppose bugging them won't work, will it? Grrrr. The more I hear and discover about real estate people, the less I like them.
But then, happily enough, the one real estate person I've dealt with so far on my own moving out-ness has been a real darling. I was kinda worrying about missing out on opportunities by coming down this weekend, especially two places in particular. I just called her and she told me neither will be open for inspection this weekend. YES! *pulls punch* Life is good sometimes.
this cake that your having and eating at the same time...
... is it chocolate???
yay for theckthy booths and moving out!!
Have a good weekend, darrrlinkkkk
go me with the incisive insights!
Okay, I'm tirrid.
Dinner was lovely. Packing goes ok. Have not written a single new poem.
I need to get my life on track! In my defence, I did spend five hours in the Uni library on saturday working on my presentation for wednesday, so i did do some work.
The ghosts of these unborn poems are haunting me though...
*tries not to panic*
Hope you had a luverly weekend.
My kingdom for a CD burner. *facepalms*
Not to worry, babe. Once you get the move out of the way and settled into your new place, I'm sure you can tackle that recalcitrant poetic trollop muse good. *resists the urge to use the word squirt, goddamn burroughs*
Good luck for the presentation! *sends projecty!voice vibes*
*headbutts affectionately*
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