Fic: Happy Anniversary. Fandom: Once a Thief. Pairing: Victor Mansfield/Mac Ramsey.

Jul 31, 2009 16:56

Title: Happy Anniversary
Author: Aqualegia
Fandom: Once a Thief
Pairing/Characters: Victor Mansfield/Mac Ramsey, Li Ann Tsei, The Director, Jackie Janzyk.
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Prompt: An anniversary remembering a first kiss/first fight
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 3682
Summary: The boys are on a mission and find a way to celebrate in style.
Notes/Warnings: Written for smallfandomfest A sequel to " Stuck With You"

Vic was woken by an insistent chiming sound. For a moment he wondered what the hell was causing the irritating noise; then he remembered. He and Mac were working undercover to find a connection between the Double Domino nightclub and the prestigious offices housed on the upper floors of the same building.

All of which explained why he'd woken up in a strange bed with Mac wrapped around him. Finally recognizing the chime as a warning from the club's management that they needed to vacate the room in 45 minutes he extricated himself from Mac's embrace, reached over to acknowledge the warning, then climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to empty his bladder.

He looked at the shower and contemplated using it before he woke Mac, then decided that it would be much more fun to share, and it wasn't as if they didn't have the time.

Going back to the bedroom, he shook Mac's shoulder, and said, "Come on, Mac, rise and shine. We need to get cleaned up and go home.

Mac rolled onto his back and squinted up at his lover. "Timizzit?" he asked.

"Forty minutes before we have to vacate this room, which gives us just enough time to shower and get dressed... but only if you get up now."

Mac grimaced at the ultimatum, then rolled out of bed with a resigned expression on his face. He padded into the huge bathroom to take a piss.

Vic followed Mac's naked form back into the bathroom, only turning aside when he reached the door to the large shower room. Going inside, he turned the taps to start the water running to make sure that it was nice and warm by the time they stepped beneath the spray. To give Mac some privacy, he stayed in the room adjusting the temperature slightly up and down until Mac came in and closed the door behind him.

Vic pulled him into a light embrace and gave him a kiss before pushing him under the cascading water. He efficiently washed Mac's back before starting to wash his own body.

Mac washed himself quickly then turned to Vic to reciprocate. He then pushed Vic up against the tiled wall and dropped to his knees, taking his lover's erection deep into his throat, one hand fingering Vic's entrance, which was still slick from where Mac had fucked him earlier, the other jerking himself off.

The double assault of mouth and fingers soon sent Vic over the edge, his come spurting down Mac's throat.

Mac's own orgasm overtook him almost immediately afterwards - his hand mimicking the contractions of Vic's anal muscles around his fingers.

As soon as he felt Vic relax Mac withdrew his fingers, and after letting Vic's limp cock fall from his lips, he rested his head on Vic's stomach; only moving again once he was sure that his legs would support him.

After they'd had one last rinse under the hot water, they quickly towelled themselves dry, got dressed and left the club: parting in the parking lot after arranging to meet for coffee later in the morning once they'd had some more sleep.


They met for coffee at eleven and discussed their next move. When they had originally examined the blueprints Mac had identified the rooms he considered most likely to contain a hidden door. Last night they had tried the room he had put at the top of that list.

While Mac studied the layout of room number two on the list, Vic let his gaze wander. Ten minutes later, having already consumed two cups of coffee and feeling a bit restless, he decided to stretch his legs. So, after telling Mac he'd been back soon, he made his way to the bathroom.

On his way back to their table after washing his hands, his stomach rumbled so he stopped at the counter to buy a selection of sandwiches to share with his friend and lover.

As he looked over the small selection he noted that most of the cheaper sandwiches had already gone - not that he minded as both he and Mac had expensive tastes. After paying for a large plate of sandwiches to share he returned to their table to find out what decision Mac had reached about their next target.

"Come to a decision yet?" Vic asked as he sat down.

"Yeah, I guess," Mac replied, making an unhappy face. "I just hate that we have probably got only a couple more nights before Staunton returns and all this could be for nothing. It's like trying to pick a needle out of a haystack. When I worked with the Tangs we spent weeks, sometimes months, setting things up - I really, really hate being rushed." He pushed the papers aside and started to eat one of the sandwiches.

The movement of the papers knocked the receipt for the sandwiches on the floor, so Vic got up to retrieve it because he would need it to attach to his expenses claim form. Picking up the receipt for the coffee he checked the date and time on them before putting them in his pocket. Then, with a wide grin on his face, he nudged Mac, and said, "Do you realize what today is?"

Mac frowned at him, obviously puzzled by his sudden good cheer. Shrugging, he shook his head.

"It's the fifth anniversary of the day we met. You know... when we fought in Li Ann's apartment."

Mac grinned at the memory. "We tried so hard not to damage anything in there while trying to beat the shit out of each other."

Vic laughed with him. "It's also exactly six months since we spent the night in the Leggett Falls Motel. How about we celebrate by buying the most expensive things the club has to offer. I have a feeling we could get lucky in more ways than one."


"Because expensive items get left on the shelf and expensive rooms are most often left empty and therefore more likely to be available for impromptu meetings."

"You're a genius, you know that?" Mac's grin took on a mischievous slant. "I could kiss you here and now."

Vic laughed again and put his hands up to ward off any attempt at any public displays of affection. "Save that for our party tonight. Here's what I suggest we do. You find out which are the most expensive rooms and locate them on the plans, meanwhile I'll report to the Director and let her know about our change of plans. If I get her agreement to the expenses in advance, we won't get yelled at when she gets the claim forms."

"I think we both ought to go back to the Agency. The plans they have there are much larger than the copies I have here, so I'll meet you there once I've made enquiries about the room tariff. I seem to remember seeing a price list in the lobby."

On his way back to the Agency, Vic called in to make sure that The Director would be available to see him. He'd learnt a long time ago that just turning up and expecting to be seen straight away was not a good idea.

Once he was assured that the Director would be available he parked his car and made his way directly to the conference room where they usually met. He was a little surprised to find that she was already there, waiting for him.

Taking his usual seat, he quickly bought her up to date on their activities of the night before, leaving out the sex of course. Just mentioning that they had made it appear that they had met for the first time at the club and had hired one of the private rooms to make it appear that they had become a couple.

The Director gazed at him unblinkingly for a few minutes and Vic fought not to fidget under her assessing stare.

"That was good thinking," was the comment she finally made. "Just before you arrived I was talking to Li Ann and Jackie. They are both of the opinion that Staunton will be in Chicago for at least another two days, but probably not much longer than that."

Vic nodded. "Mac and I figured that we probably had only tonight and probably one... maybe two more nights at most. Actually, we were talking at lunch today and I had an idea which we are going to try out tonight... with your permission of course."

The Director raised an eyebrow, and demanded, "Well, what is it?" when Vic didn't continue talking straight away.

"I got to thinking that they would want to use a room which would almost certainly be empty and available for most of the time, and what better way to do that would be to make it very expensive to hire. Mac is looking onto the possibility - to see what types of expensive rooms they have and then look them up on the blueprints to see whereabouts they are in the building. My instincts are telling me that they would be very expensive so I wanted to see what you thought before we went ahead with the plans."

"I think it's a very good idea, Victor," The Director replied with a pleased smile.

Vic smiled back at her for a moment, then said, "Mac should be joining us soon with the information-"

Almost as if he had been conjured up by Vic's comment, Mac walked briskly into the room and took his own seat at the table. He raised an eyebrow at his partner and relaxed slightly when Vic nodded.

"Well I have good news and bad news. There are two private dining rooms and two luxury suites which are horrendously expensive. The suites, though, have dining rooms of their own."

"Where are the rooms located?" Vic wanted to know.

"There's one dining room and one luxury suite on each of the upper and lower floors. There's nothing overly expensive on the entrance floor, although there are some private dining rooms you have to go through the main restaurant to reach them, so anyone using them would be in full view of all the other diners."

"How are you going to choose which one to hire for tonight?" The Director asked.

Vic grinned. "I thought I phone up and ask to hire one, then choose the opposite of the first one they offer me." He smiled across at Mac, then went on, "I've always found that people offer the one that is not important, hoping you don't know about the other, and will just accept the first option."

"What if he offers both?"

"Then I'll pick the one on the upper floor first and take it from there."

"If we have to, we'll try the other one tomorrow night, but I think Vic's right - we'll probably be discouraged from hiring the important one - the one in which we're really interested."

"All right," The Director said, getting to her feet. "Let Dobrinsky know which of the two suites you have hired and we'll be on standby in case you need backup for any reason." She climbed the stairs to her office and disappeared from their sight.

"So, Mac, tell me more about these two suites"

"They both seem to have the same layout. At one end is a large bedroom and luxurious bathroom, then comes the sitting room and a separate dining room which is at the opposite end to the bedroom. There doesn't appear to be any difference in size - according to the plans we have. One is called the 'Vegas' suite - the other 'Reno'."

Vic rolled his eyes. "Imaginative names," he commented.

Mac just shrugged, then passed the piece of paper with the details across to Vic. "As you're playing the rich playboy you can phone to arrange for the Rooms."

"Okay." He took out his mobile and dialled the number Mac had highlighted and waited for the call to be answered. He was just about to hang up and try again later when an out of breath woman's voice said hello. He explained to her why he was calling and she asked him to stay on the line while she transferred him to Jake Purcell who would be able to help him.

Vic tapped his finger on the table in time to the music until it was interrupted by an abrupt, "Purcell."

Keeping a tight rein on his temper, Vic said, "I wish to hire one of the luxury suites for this evening. I understand I need to book it through you."

"Ah... yes, indeed you do. We don't usually hire these suites out at such short notice. I'm sure you understand, Mr... er?"

"Mason, Victor Mason. I was in the club yesterday evening, my companion and I hired the Adam Room for a few hours. Tonight I would like to start with dinner for two in the suites' private dining room."

"Hold on a moment...."

Vic could hear the man shuffling through paper, probably looking for the paperwork he had signed the night before. He grinned, [Hopefully, the amount I spent last night will smooth our path.]

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Purcell now sounded so obsequious that Vic struggled not to laugh. "Both suites are the same size and available for tonight. The 'Vegas' suite, on the upper floor, is decorated in blue and gold: the 'Reno' suite, on the lower ground floor, is decorated in burgundy and cream."

Vic suddenly had a gut feeling that the burgundy surroundings would be more Staunton's style, so he replied with, "I'd like to book the Reno suite from 7.30pm onwards. You already have my Amex number on file, I'll sign the paperwork when I arrive."

"Yes sir. I'll have it waiting for you."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

Mac raised a quizzical eyebrow at his partner. "So what made you change your mind?"

Vic shrugged. "Would you believe the colour of the rooms...." He got to his feet. "I'll see you at the club at 7.30 this evening."

"Yes, you will." Mac replied, his eyes following his partner's slim figure as he left the room.


Vic entered the Double Domino club at precisely 7.28pm. Going to the main desk, he enquired where he should sign the paperwork for the suite be had booked. A man came forward from a cubicle in the rear, carrying a file, and asked. "Are you Victor Mason?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Jake Purcell, you spoke to me on the phone this afternoon. If you would give me sight of your card, and sign this invoice, I can hand you the key card straight away." Vic handed his card over, and signed where the little sticky tabs indicated that he should.

Purcell scrutinized the card and the signatures, then ran the card through the machine to open the account, before retuning it to Vic with a half-letter sized booklet with the key card for the suite. "You'll find a menu for the special dining room in the booklet, and you can order either from the main bar, or from the telephone in the suite. Enjoy your evening, sir."

"Thank you, I'm sure I shall." Vic replied, taking the proffered items and walking towards the main bar, where he was due to meet Mac. Vic smiled as he saw his partner approaching from the opposite direction, only a few minutes late... a big improvement from the norm.

They sat at the bar together, and sipped the drinks that Vic ordered while they studied the menu. Mac plumped for the Chinese King Prawn meal, and Vic decided on the plainer fillet steak with pureed potatoes as the main course. Having ordered, they carried their drinks down to the suite. They took a quick look around, taking pictures with miniature cameras, then made themselves comfortable at the dining table to await their meal.

The two serving staff who arrived with the first course unobtrusively stood at the far end of the room while they ate, changing their plates out when necessary, and topping up their wine glasses... although both Vic and Mac were very careful not to drink too much of it.

When the dishes were cleared away, and they were left to help themselves from the well stocked bar, Vic raised his glass of Champagne and clinked it to Mac's. "Happy Anniversary, Mac."

They sipped the sparkling wine, then put the glasses down before melting into a demanding kiss.

After a few minutes, just standing there in each other's arms, Vic sighed, then said, "I guess we'd better start on the search and get that over with first, then we can enjoy the benefits of the beautifully large bed and, later, the enormous tub in the bathroom.

Mac nodded and stepped away. First they did a quick sweep to make sure that there were no cameras or listening devices in the suite, then they started looking for anything which might point to a secret door... they tapped on walls and floors, listening for any odd sound that might mean that there was a void on the other side.

In the end it was just dumb luck that they found the door. Vic was leaning against a wall while Mac, on the other side of the room was examining a sculpture of Mercury, the winged messenger. There was a slight movement of the head, a barely heard click, and Vic tumbled sideways as the door opened.

"Well, fuck!" Vic exclaimed, then sat up and rubbed his shoulder. He then glared at Mac who was doubled over with laughter at the outraged expression on Vic's face.

Vic climbed to his feet and stuck a chair in the opening to prevent any accidental closing. Mac joined him and they examined the door and the very small room behind it. There was nothing here except for the mechanism to open the door and an ordinary door on the opposite wall which opened into a short hall at the bottom of a flight of stairs.

After making sure they could open the door again if necessary, they climbed up the many flights of stairs to the only other exit, which landed them in a carbon copy of the small room at the bottom.

They had a quick debate about whether to open the door at the top or not, finally settling on Vic staying in the small room to keep the door open, whilst Mac took at quick look round to see if he could discern whereabouts in the office building they were.

The room beyond the massive door, was rather a disappointment. It resembled a large corporate boardroom with a large U-shaped table in the centre and many chairs around the outside of it. There was a lectern with audio/visual equipment at the front of the room, and only one other door leading in to it.

Mac tried the door, but it refused to open.

Vic stepped back in to the small room and shut the door between them, counting down sixty seconds before opening it again. Stepping back in to the doorway, he raised an eyebrow at his partner who made a sour face and shook his head. Vic cocked his head indicating that they should go back downstairs and Mac nodded.

Once they were back in the suite, Mac said, "Now what do we do?"

Vic grinned, "We go to bed and fuck each other silly, because if we didn't use the facilities it would look very suspicious... and I'm sure the Director would not want us to blow our cover... at least until we've spoken to her in the morning."

"Yeah." Mac's eyes gleamed as he caught Vic by the wrist and hauled him in to the bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him.

They quickly stripped off their clothes, and made a dash for the centre of the bed. Mac landed on top and plundered Vic's mouth. They were both already half hard, and after a few minutes rutting against one another they both came, splattering themselves and the bedspread with the force of their ejaculations.

Mac rolled to one side and they lay still, wrapped around one another until they went to sleep.


Once again it was the insistent chiming sound that woke Vic up. He pulled away from Mac, taking some of his chest hairs with him, which woke his lover up too.

They treated themselves to a luxuriously long shower, then reluctantly left the suite to go to their own homes. Vic making a detour to drop off the cameras at the Agency on his way.

Later that morning, they met up at the coffee shop, and then went to the Agency together.

They picked up the copies of the photos they had taken, before going to the conference room where the Director was already waiting for them. They gave her the photos and a verbal report on their activities the night before.

"You've done very well, both of you," she complimented them with a wide smile. "Judging from the number of photos you took it was a long and tedious search. I suggest you go home and get some rest. Whether you will be involved in the next part of the operation isn't entirely up to me. I will be reporting your findings to GAC. So, unless you hear from me to the contrary, take the next couple of days off."

When they didn't immediately move, she flicked her fingers at them, and said, "Go! Shoo!"

They went.

Outside in the parking lot, Mac said "What now?"

Vic laughed as he climbed into the driving seat of his truck. "Let's drive out into the country and find a motel... we've still got the scramblers so no one will know. Follow me, I know of a motel with some spectacular views over a lake."

"That's a really good idea! Let's go." Mac replied: and a few minutes later he was following Vic out of the city for a mini vacation.



victor/mac, once a thief, smallfandomfest, fiction

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