Oh dear, my thoughts on the Bones seasons finale aren't as nice as yours. ;) I'm kind of over the whole Booth/Brennan thing. The writers of the show are just dragging this out way, way too long for my liking. I'm also a little over the way they have such a big moment on the show between the two of them, huge in fact, and then there's really no follow-up to it until the final episode. More to come on this later. :)
Certain shows like Bones, and say Castle, I go into it knowing the main characters will eventually end up together, so I'm prepared for them to pull us in all different directions. I will sometimes get pissed off if I think they took a particularly insane direction but otherwise I'm okay with just sitting back and watching it unfold. They did kind of leave things hanging after the 100th episode but I guess I just kind of looked at it as them both going into deep denial over everything. I look forward to reading your review on the finale :)
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