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Comments 11

lothiriel84 January 31 2013, 17:41:31 UTC
Wow! How beautiful!


aprilvolition February 1 2013, 05:04:08 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like :)


tromana January 31 2013, 20:12:43 UTC
Hah! That is so much fun. When compared to the Battlefield artwork, it shows just how multitalented you are as a graphics artist. Love! :)


aprilvolition February 1 2013, 05:09:29 UTC
Heh.Thank you! That means a lot :) Lighter pieces are much more of a challenge for me. I think my brain is wired for angst (not sure what that says about me lol).


tromana February 1 2013, 08:23:03 UTC
Hah, you and me both. I can write a 30-40k angst fic without really blinking to be honest, but if you asked me to do the same with something lighter, you'd make me cry.


kathiann February 1 2013, 01:15:07 UTC
I love this! It fits the fic so well and it's clean and simple. Wonderful!


aprilvolition February 1 2013, 05:19:10 UTC
Hearing I captured the feel of the story is the best compliment. That's always what I hope to do. Thank you! :)


watchyouwalk February 1 2013, 04:36:56 UTC
Ooh interesting! And kinda comical! Makes me curious to see what the fic is about. And I agree with Tracie - shows a lot of diversity when compared to your previous art. Lovely! :)


aprilvolition February 1 2013, 05:26:52 UTC
My comfort zone is dark and angsty, so hearing I did well with something at the opposite end of the spectrum feels great. I think I might have to try branching out a little more often since you guys have given me a nice little confidence boost. Thank you! :)


neverminetohold February 5 2013, 15:18:13 UTC
Beautiful art! I think it really captures the feeling of the FF and the idea behind, I just love!


aprilvolition February 5 2013, 20:06:03 UTC
Thank you! :)


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