Title: Screw Love, Bang the One You're With
Continuity: Movies, post-Revenge of the Fallen
Characters/Pairings: Barricade/Captain Graham, mention of Ironhide, Will and Sarah Lennox
Rating: Mature
Warnings: AU, holo/human sex, oral, genderbending, implied off-screen threesome
Disclaimer: Not mine, Hasbro-Paramount-someone not me owns them all.
If You Can't Be With the One You Love... )
Comments 12
*snickers* Poor Barricade thought he could beat an organic at sex. Oh, the hubris of the young. At least Matt had a night of relief and proving to her just how very, very wrong she was.
Fantastic work, and truly, you should post smut more often.
I'll be in my bunk.
... no, seriously, it's really frickin' late and I'm going to bed. Much loves, hun.
Poor Barricade, indeed. Matt's going to have his hands full teaching the holo 'Human 101'. Hope the man is up to the job. >3
I'm thrilled this works and so glad you enjoyed it, hun. And you know this never would have gotten posted without you. Thank you for all your help. *snugs* Much loves~ ♥♥♥
love the depth he has here, as well as 'Cade's. the inner turmoil is gripping. (and the smut is lovely-hawt!)
awesome piece!
-Siro =^.^=
Your comments are pure love! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I'm delighted this hit the mark I was aiming for.
Thank you so much! ♥
canadian accent(or they happen to be Snoop Dogg, lol!), it just about kills me! my mum and i work retail, and we both have the same opinion when it comes to male customers with the aforementioned accents: for-the-love-of-marshmallow-peeps,-keep-them- TALKING! XD
*nods* i really enjoyed the characterisations of both; the running dialogue in Graham's head, and 'Cade's vulnerability, together make this truly awesome! not to mention burning-hot!
kudos to you both here!
RP'ing with Kitteh really brought Matt to life for me. I was very surprised this all came out in his POV, but beyond delighted to find he was speaking to me for this. <3
Thank you, again~ Graham needs to exist more, I'm convinced of this, and the two of them together just seem to work. My new favorite OTP. ^__^
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*laughs* I remember I broke your brain. >3 But I'm glad you enjoyed it, and yes, with Cube's help, I think this will be continuing.
Thank you, hun! *hugs* <3333
also, Quid deserves all the cookies (and congrats cake) for her pro skills in puppy dog eye giving X3 could this be the key to getting you to post more brilliant, super hot smut in the near future? do we all need to join in? I need answers! and those heels.
Quid is awesome and love and I heart her so damn much for pleading/prodding/ encouraging/all the things in getting this up. She so earned that sex cake. >333
Man, who doesn't need those heels? *craves* You know I have this cringing, knee-jerk reaction to posting smut, but with all of you rooting for me, how can I refuse? ♥
Thank you, bb, much loves! <333
I love so much the exploration of their dynamic and this sort of tipping point in their relationships. Matt's little internal strife and that sense of things getting to him, Barricade deciding to get a leg up on their little tug-of-war, and then the hot, hot smut... ♥♥♥
And poor, poor, little rabbit Barricade! That was a hard way to learn that one cannae fuck over a hyoomahn by literally fucking them. >:3 Especially when i) he's an absolutely perverted Brit and ii) you're new to the game of human sex. Oh, 'Cade. xDD
^This. I adore this kind of writing, one of the reasons it's so hard for me to write anything that doesn't end up with some kind of plotty bits. In and around the smut of course. XDDD
*cackles* Barricade has a lot to learn about human sex, doesn't she? But sure Matt will enjoy teaching her, pervy Brit that he is. >3
I blame you entirely owe it all to you for tossing that pic my way to begin with and starting the bunny feeding frenzy. Much loves to you and your Matt, hun, and thank you for all your help and encouragement. ♥♥♥
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