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Comments 55

iluvpcy December 11 2016, 14:53:58 UTC
Omg you updateddddddd!!! And I didn't know it until now T_T but that was a nice surprise :)
And omg there's ONE MORE CHAPTER!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY~
And this was yet another amazing update! I was waiting for the last part to happen and finally it's happening!!! You have no idea how happy i was to read this😍😍 (is there more to it??? You kind of left me hanging at the end ;;;;;)
And that was one of the most intense(?) Fights I've ever read. Like idk how to describe what I felt during that. It wasn't like some ordinary fight you get to read everyday. I think that will stay in my mind for a long time as a scene that made me feel all sort of things.
I felt like this update was short... i didn't want it to end ㅜㅜ (then again when did I ever? Lol) but you'll be updating soon so i started counting my fingers again ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you for this update! <3


aprilclash December 22 2016, 12:34:24 UTC
I feel sorry for you bc you're still waiting for an update, but I onl reply to comments before I update so you know what's coming today <3

Ah, the fight. I was really conflicted about the way it could be received, I feel like I'm toying with the line of what I should and shouldn't write with this fic lol Was it too much? But they definitely needed that kind of scene...

If this update was short the next will be even shorter, but it's mostly smut so I'll try to make up for it <3

Thank you for reading!


iluvpcy December 24 2016, 03:08:40 UTC
yessss you posted the final chapter! ;) I'm going to comment on it after this XD

actually nope, the fight wasn't too much. at all. I loved the fight it was so intense and full of emotions and people are not supposed to love fights OTL but you made me love it. wyd Cla ;;;;;


pastasushi December 11 2016, 17:04:34 UTC
I always loved your writings (I'm sorry didn't leave any comment before T_T) and this is one of your best, I think. The way you write feelings, Chanyeol's or Baekhyun's, really do something with my heart... I love how both characters are growing up. It's good be in love, but growing up while in love is another.
Thank you for writing and see you on next chapter!


aprilclash December 22 2016, 12:34:59 UTC
Thank you so much for reading and commenting ♥


ppixelss December 11 2016, 19:30:30 UTC
Their love is so unique and real. I just can't help but fall in love along with them. I want more to see where it goes next, but I also don't want it to end and the next one is the last lol
I've said this before, but along with blehmeh you're one of my favorite writers, your writing style is exquisite I'm just so glad I'm able to read your stuff.
Will be waiting for the next one~~~~ ^_^


aprilclash December 22 2016, 12:36:59 UTC
It's a great honor to be someone's favorite writer <3<3<3 I'm really happy you're enjoying the fic and thank you for all your nice words ♥


parklydia December 11 2016, 21:59:01 UTC
ahhh another beautiful update!! baekhyun has come so far once again i loved the development in this chapter!! i am sad we are so close to the end but can't wait to see how this story finishes!


aprilclash December 22 2016, 12:39:00 UTC
Yes, it's almost over, but thank you for staying with me through this fic! <3<3<3


fukushimakyong December 11 2016, 23:46:22 UTC


I'm loving this fic tho -3-


aprilclash December 22 2016, 12:39:20 UTC
because i'm MEAN

/sends kisses/


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