Title: This is Not My Beautiful Wife (3rd story in the "This is Not a Trilogy" series)
apreludetoanend and
savoytrufflePairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Excessive use of cultural references, both high and low brow.
Notes: This is a series of three different stories that do not follow upon each other, but rather share the same beginning, each veering
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Comments 32
Oops! And hee.
Also, I want to know more about Mexico.
Julia, and this has been a freakishly awful day, so I'm glad y'all were posting, because otherwise I might not have made it in one piece.
*peers suspiciously at Julia, then at the space in my head where this comment ought to be*
What she said.
like i said to julia, i miss the days when i actually answered comments promptly and it was like a conversation with my readers. *sigh*
thanks for reading.
this bit:
He runs north because north is where Starbucks is and Mexico isn’t. Not that he’d ever make it that far. He’s still winded after two miles.
He leaves Starbucks with a mocha latte and a vague sense of having sold out, and he blames it on the delicious, chocolaty, global imperialism.
Thanks for sharing!
Hrmmmmmmm... I don't think i liked this one *as much* as the first two, but that's just 'cause my own 'work for the council forever' intrest has faded muchly...
I like cell phones in a box in the closet, i like Spike kicking him out of bed every time, heh.
I like the running, which is, of course, running *to*.
Lovely stuff.
it's so interesting to see all of the different choices, in each setting, and how each one plays out. and i love comparing what's stayed the same throughout.
this series is completely brilliant. i feel like there's so much more to say, but i can't articulate it beyond: awesome! i loved them all!
Also, substantively: Thanks. I'm really glad you enjoyed how these worked together; they were much fun to write!
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