Jun 17, 2009 00:52

So I'm initiating this because I'm curious and some of this stuff might spark RP ideas and because it'll probably save people time in the long run if they don't have to ask about this stuff in OOC during something. Also it's almost summer and most of us have even less to do than usual. >>;


Usual location: (I don't think ( Read more... )

!psa, !ooc

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Comments 15

pew pew first post lulz somnomania June 17 2009, 04:57:32 UTC
Name: ninAxel (only Axel, now?)
Usual location: Ship, if he can help it. Is generally sleeping (his and Kai's room), eating (kitchen or bridge), training or meditating (simulation room or engine room), or doing the sorts of things one does when bored and possessing a lot of free time (playing with pet[s], reading, fapping, having sex, wandering around, talking to whoever, etc.)
Physical things of note: Is almost always barefoot and shirtless, and wearing the sort of comfy, loose, drawstring pants that everyone should wear. Underwear is for n00bs, which no one but Kai and probably nRiku cares about. Hair is probably approaching Reno-length in the back, and it's longer overall, since he hasn't bothered with it since sometime before he arrived in the room. Due to shirtlessness, most of his accumulated scars are on display; lashmarks across his chest and back, a wider scar across his stomach and lower left ribs, and more recent, four parallel, relatively wide scars from the bear that he was in closer quarters with on randomplanet. There ( ... )


sira June 17 2009, 10:06:29 UTC
I'm an awesome person and you can thank me later.

Usual location:
Physical things of note:
Current behaviour:


keyofkonoha June 17 2009, 10:35:38 UTC
Name: GARY MOTHERFUCKING Uchiha Sora lol
Usual location:- Pre-Xehaseal, he was obviously hanging around in Konoha about 99% of the time, bar the occasional emergency visit to the ship. There probably weren't a whole lot of otherwise random visits, just because he was trying to get a genuine feel for being home again and hopping back and forth wouldn't have helped, so chances are, if we haven't logged it, they haven't seen him in a really long time ( ... )


keyofkonoha July 4 2009, 03:36:21 UTC
Usual location: When just relaxing or sleeping, he's at his own apartment or Riku's, and occasionally Kairi's (he doesn't have a reason to go back to the Uchiha complex much anymore, at least until the plot ~thickens~). Most of the day is spent out on the training grounds, or going through just local, easy missions until he considers himself ready to head out of the village again. Typical company is, of course, Riku and Kairi, as well as various of the other 'rookies' (Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, Olette, Hayner, Pence, AND SO ON), Leon-sensei, and Donald and Goofy.
Current behaviour: Since he knows being all doom and gloom is just difficult for his ninfriends to deal with, as they can't know the whole story and the long period away was enough awkward as it is, he seems like his typical self; carefree and bright and energetic. In closer company, however--namely Riku, Kairi, and Leon--there are a lot of times when the smiles simply don't come and he seems distracted by troubling thoughts, and in those moods he just nods and does whatever he' ( ... )


luminarium13 June 17 2009, 10:44:05 UTC
Name: Dork of Destiny
Usual location: Bridge, workin' on stuff. :| Sometimes bedroom and sometimes kitchen, but only when hardly anyone is around and about, so it probably looks like he's pemanently glued to the op chair to most people. He's also about to run off to TT for a week, but that's not exactly usual, so I'll save it.
Physical things of note: Nothing out of the ordinary.
Current behaviour: Good luck figuring out anything at all, basically. :| He's pretty much just minding his own business in the background, but only the few people who know him particularly well would notice that he's definitely got something on his mind, and it's not something very happy.

Well, that was productive.


luminarium13 August 25 2009, 10:12:50 UTC
Usual location: On and off, as he's presumably been travelling with Sora and Riku in their efforts to purge the worlds of Heartless and seal the Keyholes. As a result, he's been frequenting the simulation room on the ship a little more, in order to keep in shape, since bein' a Keyblade Master is pretty tough work after a while. Of course, he's also diligent in keeping up his bridge duties by making sure the ship is running smoothly on all courses (especially during gummi routes!). Otherwise, where he was once dangerously neglecting sleep and food, he's been a lot better about it, so he can also be found in the kitchen and bedroom a lot. Except when he's walking in your blind spot.
Current behaviour: Work-oriented, more than anything else. He's intensely focused on making sure every world quest is thoroughly and efficiently completed, and can occasionally be heard mumbling about ship operations on the odd time he falls asleep at the control panel (yeah, it still happens a lot :|). Unless you're cSora, you're not getting a lot of ( ... )


destinedtinsel June 17 2009, 17:03:59 UTC
Name: c!Riku
Usual location: Now that Xehanort's out of him, he's taken to wandering around the ship more often. Yes, he still sleeps in his bridge chair, his bed hasn't been slept in for quite a few weeks by now. He'll probably be spending a lot of time in the starbay, aka the new Secret Place only for ckids. Otherwise, his location changes every day--he's enjoying his new, lighter vision!
Physical things of note: Well, he has gotten a little fuller, and he has noticed, so he's going to be training when the simulation room is empty. As noted, he has cut his hair, and it's a little longer than his KH1 hairstyle long enough to be pretty, short enough to show that he's probably smarter than you, so he will be preening every now and then. He's wearing more clothes from home, so you can probably catch him wearing a shirt with his family's insignia at one time in the day. (Those lucky enough to find him in his private school uniform, take pictures.)
Current behavior: He's happier. Like, really, happier. No one should be able to pass him ( ... )


destinedtinsel July 4 2009, 03:14:13 UTC
Usual location: He has found a new room all to himself, but he hasn't told anyone. If venturing back to his old room, everything is meticulously intact--well, all that's Sora's. Everything that he owns is gone from the room.
Physical things of note: N/A.
Current behavior: He's back to as he was before Xehanort was pulled out of him. He's quiet, and more often than not, he will not reply the first time he's called. He won't touch the stove, but will be cleaning maybe a little too much. He's keeping to himself, and probably will shy away from hugs, if he even allows them. Even though Xehanort is gone, he might frequently press a hand against his head, like he has a headache.


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