Title: Forever Home - Chapter 98 of 100
Author: Shadowc44
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kadam (Kurt Hummel/Adam Crawford)
Rating: R
Spoilers: AU. If you’ve seen Kurt and Adam interact, you’re good.
Summary: Adam is bored, and realizes he needs a companion. He decides to adopt a hybrid human/cat.
Warning: Mention of past abuse (non-sexual) from other canon
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Comments 6
I'm glad they didn't start with the Potter books, btw. Those are a little too complicated for the level at which some of the hybrids seem to be at. The Velveteen Rabbit was a much better choice. Kinda bittersweet but something I suspect the hybrids can relate very well to.
No, I didn't want them to start with those books. Kurt may be ready, but some of the others aren't. I think it will do them all some good to start with a simpler children's book. They can not only relate, but pretty easily learn some helpful lessons that might counteract what they've been taught.
I debated a lot about what they should read first. I had a scene with a different choice, but decided it had too many things they wouldn't understand. Maybe they can read that later, in a time stamp or something, because it did have some really cute moments.
Love Adam's book club! I've always wanted to belong to one but it's not really done over here. Maybe I should just start one with the kids, if I could tear them away from their gadgets that is lol. Do you belong to one, Shari?
In this case, Adam is doing something totally different, and trying to improve the hybrids' reading skills, as well as explaining a lot more than he bargained for along the way. But I think starting a book club for kids is a great idea, and you can run it any way you want! Other parents might like the idea of somewhere safe for their kids to go and meet other kids, and it might spark their interest in books to have a place to talk about them.
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