Title: So Easy to Love
Pair: Kadam
Summary: The Adam’s Apples are performing on a cruise liner when an explosion in the engines causes it to go down. Adam and Kurt escape on their own and try to survive until help can come.
AN: After “Boys (And Girls) On Film,” Kurt and Adam did NOT get together. So AU from there.
Part One and
Part Two and
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Comments 4
You're right on about Blaine. He has more reason to act the way he's doing here than he has in the show lately. Thinking someone is dead will make you act more irrationally, and the last he heard about Adam, they were just friends. Also Kurt has been on an island. Where would he meet guys. I don't think he could have heard Kurt's OMG ILU but I'm sure the visual was clear enough. I mean, for a reasonable Blaine not being influenced by plot-of-the-week.
Thank you, dear. I appreciate every positive comment I get.
I was very annoyed that Blaine showed up, but he was dealt with quickly and decisively, and less painfully than I would have handled it.
It's too bad it took such a tragedy for Kurt to realize how much he loves Adam, but I'm so glad they had so much time to reconnect, and both realize how strongly they really felt.
As meeting the parents go, this one was pretty good for Adam.
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