Title: Mechanical Go
Characters: Isumi-POV, Waya, Zama Ouza, Ogata, Shindou
Words/Rating: 200+ words / G
Summary: Some people like mechanical go players, and some don't care.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt "Steampunk!AU"
here. With a prompt like that, who couldn't help think of the
Mechanical Turk?
Mechanical Go (and end notes) )
Comments 5
one of those smiles that never touched his eyes -- Ogata reminds me of a shark sometimes. Cold-blooded and calculating and efficient. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; I like sharks!)
Shindou seems to have learned to deal with him, though. ^_^ :props:
:reads Wiki link: Haha, what a great hoax.
Shindou has learned! Somehow. The boy can't be resistant to learning forever, right?
It was a wonderful hoax that lasted for 84 years. I have faith Yang Hai can do better than that! ^_^
Oh, Shindou. Never change. ^_^
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