[One-shot] Reflections Beside The Koi Pond (Hikaru no Go)

Oct 10, 2007 04:57

Title: Reflections Beside The Koi Pond
Characters: Sai (and fish)
Wordcount/Rating: 1900+ words / G
Summary: While still settling into the palace, Sai finds an indoor koi pond and watches the fish.
Author's Notes: Written for blind_go Round 4 here. Feel free to play spot-the-Hikago-character-as-fish! ^_^; This fic is dedicated to ontogenesis for all her fish-loving ( Read more... )

fandom: hikaru no go, hng: fujiwara no sai

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Comments 15

_akenokoru October 9 2007, 21:17:26 UTC
I LOVE how you portrayed Sai in this. Whimsical and introspective as always, with an eye for movement and details which not many other people would notice.

(And I love fish, so this definitely caught my attention. They seemed to reflect Sai's own nature).

Polished, glittery writing as always. :) Good job!


aiwritingfic October 10 2007, 04:17:39 UTC
*hearts you* <3 Thank you. *snuggles* Sai's very much a fish-lover, and somehow this fic just popped into my head and I had to write it.


harumi October 10 2007, 01:12:20 UTC
It would be like fish!Hikaru to blow bubbles at fish!Akira, wouldn't it? XD ( ... )


rininjapan October 10 2007, 02:06:54 UTC
I kind of disagree with some of the things you've said ( ... )


harumi October 10 2007, 03:15:56 UTC
1. That's all incredibly arbitrary, since we are talking about an anime, which exaggerates and changes. Personally, I don't believe that Heian males used purple lipstick, but maybe Sai found it appealing. His hair also changes length too, so it's a bit confusing. Maybe as a ghost he can do whatever he wants with it. Or else Obata-sensei was having way too much fun. XD ( ... )


aiwritingfic October 10 2007, 04:24:57 UTC
It would definitely be like fish!Hikaru to blow bubbles at Akira. ^_^

To be honest, the main reason why this fic exists is the koi. It was all written because I got this mental image of Sai beside a pond, talking to the fish in the water. Then I got the mental image of Touya Kouyou, king of the koi pond.

1. You know, pictures of the Heian period show many men with short hair. In fact, ontogenesis and myself discussed Sai's hair and wondered if there was gossip and malicious talk about Sai for a few reasons, one being that Sai might have been close with the emperor, or allowed much more freedom (hence the flaunting of court dress codes). So close to the emperor, hair would have been tied up always, not flowing like that. Since you're the one who knows more about this than I do, I defer to your knowledge. <3 ( ... )


rininjapan October 10 2007, 02:07:42 UTC
Gorgeous tale! Thanks for writing. I absolutely love Heian Jidai stuff and your story reflected the times so beautifully!


aiwritingfic October 10 2007, 04:26:00 UTC
*hearts you* <3 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


ungalad November 27 2007, 20:01:25 UTC
Wah! So nice! :D The tancho looks like Kuwabara to me. XD The two fish chasing one another are Akira and Hikaru, right? And the quiet, younger one is Isumi, right? The pure white one is Ogata? The kohaku is either Le Ping or Waya. xD Or maybe not. O_o Lovely fic! I should've read it a long time ago (but I forgot *fails* =o='). It makes me think of Sai as a porcelain doll, so still and beautiful and poetic. Very heian! :) *hearts*


aiwritingfic November 27 2007, 20:03:30 UTC
*giggles and hearts* Knowing me, the kohaku is Isumi. <3 Hee, yay for guessing games! *hearts and loves you* Better late than never! (I never told you if you were right or wrong. *facepalms* The tancho is Touya Kouyou. The bekko is Kuwabara. All the others are correct, though to be honest, the kohaku is the quiet one (one fish, not two).

Tancho = Touya Kouyou
Red-and-black = Touya Akira
Gold = Shindou Hikaru
Ogon (White) = Ogata Seiji
Kohaku = Isumi Shinichirou
Bekko = Kuwabara Honinbou


ungalad February 29 2008, 18:41:15 UTC
Thanks! ^___^ It's good to know now.


azurecerulean January 31 2010, 13:06:20 UTC
Whoa, this is deep, almost philosophical even!


aiwritingfic February 2 2010, 01:39:42 UTC
Glad you thought so! It's just... er, HnG-as-fish. ^_^; That's all.


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