Title: The Zombies Attack!
Characters: Seigaku ensemble
Wordcount/Rating: 650+ words / gen
Spoilers/Warnings: Zombies!
Summary: When zombies attack, the Seigaku regulars take a stand and fight back.
Author's Notes: Written for the Day of Zombies, but I found out one day late, sorry! ^_^;;; Er, it's still not yet midnight in California. *nods firmly*
ETA: Sequel:
The Tennis Club Fights Back! After Arai was splattered with putrid entrails while trying to beat up the closest zombie with a tennis racket, Tezuka ordered the entire club onto the rooftop. They stood there now, the first-years clinging to baskets full of tennis balls that Inui had told them to carry. The archery club was there with ammunition too, as was the female tennis club and the soccer team.
"Take charge, Oishi," Tezuka said, striding towards the other captains. The tennis club watched him go.
"What do we do, Ryoma-kun?" Kachirou asked, a worried look on his face. The other first-years nodded, turning hopefully towards Echizen.
Echizen shrugged unhelpfully. "Whatever Oishi-senpai says."
"Here, Taka-san," Fuji said, giving Kawamura a racket.
"Thanks, Fu-- HORA!!!" Kawamura stomped to the railings and roared at the zombies. "GO AWAY! WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING ZOMBIES ON--"
"Thank you, Taka-san," said Oishi as Kikumaru disarmed Kawamura, who looked sheepish and scratched his head. "Tezuka will be back in a moment," Oishi said, addressing the club. "I'm sure the captains will have some useful plans of action. In the meantime ... Inui?"
"There was a 92% chance you would ask," Inui said, adjusting his glasses. The light glinted off his lenses. Inui smirked. "I suggest now is a good time to get in some training exercise for the Regulars."
"I'm not going down there to fight those zombies!" Kikumaru exclaimed. "They're gross and they stink, Inui!"
Inui said, "Tennis exercise, Eiji. Service precision, to be exact."
The regulars looked at the tennis balls the first-years were holding, and then back at Inui. "Ew," said Momoshiro.
"Inui-senpai should give them some juice," Echizen said.
"What a waste," Fuji said, a sad look on his face.
"Do you think the zombies have to drink the juice to get it to work?" Katsuo asked.
Horio smirked. "Inui-senpai's juices are powerful enough to work through zombie skin!"
"Ikeda-senpai had a water gun," said Katsuo. The first-years turned to look at Ikeda, who scowled at them.
"Nosy first-years," Ikeda said, but beside him, Arai looked interested.
"Inui-senpai," Arai said. "Should we try using the juice on the zombies, too?"
Inui pushed his glasses up. "There is a 48% chance it will have no effect."
"Ara, that's a 52% chance it will," said Fuji, smiling. "Why don't we try that, then?"
"Didn't you just say it would be a waste--mmph!" Horio didn't manage much more as the other first-years grabbed his mouth and gagged him.
"Tennis balls dipped in Inui Juice," said Kikumaru.
"They're not Molotov cocktails, Eiji," said Fuji, laughing.
"Tezuka," Oishi said, sounding very relieved. The club lined up again before Tezuka.
"The soccer club will barricade the school and secure all entrances. All second-year non-regulars should help them," Tezuka said. "Regulars and first-years stay on the roof. Thank you, Inui, I see you've anticipated this. I'll leave you and Oishi in charge then."
"Of course, Tezuka," Inui said, smiling.
"The archery club will be doing the same with their regulars. Their non-regulars will join the female tennis club and try to get help. In case anyone is injured they will also provide first aid. If that happens, you'll help them, Oishi."
"Sure, Tezuka," Oishi said.
"That's all. Let's not get careless."
"Hai!" said everyone else.
Momoshiro and Kaidoh jostled for position at the railings. "I'm going to get more of them than you are, mamushi," Momoshiro grinned.
"Fshh. Dream on," said Kaidoh.
Beside them, a loud thwack sounded, and a yellow ball flew into the horde below them. It hit the ground, spun, and then bounced upwards in a spiral arc, knocking down three zombies.
"Mada mada dane, senpai," Echizen said, sounding very pleased with himself.
Momoshiro and Kaidoh exchanged a look, and then began serving into the crowd too.