Title: Forever Home - Chapter 66 of 100
Author: Shadowc44
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kadam (Kurt Hummel/Adam Crawford)
Rating: R
Spoilers: AU. If you’ve seen Kurt and Adam interact, you’re good.
Summary: Adam is bored, and realizes he needs a companion. He decides to adopt a hybrid human/cat.
Warning: Mentions of past abuse (non-sexual) from other canon Glee characters. This fic is not particularly kind to most canon Glee characters.
Length: About 3,800 words this chapter. About 278,000 words so far.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Glee characters in this story; they're owned by Fox. Any non-Glee characters are my own invention
Chapter 65 CHAPTER 66
As Adam and Gabriel walked downstairs, he told him a little bit about another of the New Directions hybrids.
“There’s this one rabbit hybrid there, and he had some type of accident, I’m not sure what, so his legs don’t work. Maybe it’s a spine injury, he just couldn’t move them on his own. He had to use his hands to lift them up and move them.”
Gabriel paused, and looked at him directly. “Do you know how long ago it happened, or what caused it?”
“No.” Adam sighed, and they stepped into the elevator. “I have to admit, I didn’t spend any real time with him, because I knew I wouldn’t really be able to care for him. And now that I think about it, I probably have more free time than most people do. I’m not sorry I chose Kurt, but I do feel bad for…I think his name is Artie. I don’t know if anyone will adopt him, or if he’ll be put to sleep. Kurt said he was one of the few hybrids there who was occasionally nice to him, probably because Kurt was willing to help him out. I was just wondering if you have any ideas, if anything can be done.”
“Let me think about it a bit. Maybe I’ll go to that store and just talk to him. Maybe there’s something I can recommend, some new treatment or something.”
“Thank you, Gabriel, I really appreciate it.”
They reached the garage floor. Gabriel shook Adam’s hand. “Thank you for a very pleasant, and enlightening, evening. There’s so much more I want to talk to Congressman Hummel about, but I realize it can’t all be done at once.”
“You can still keep in touch, and he’ll be out here again, maybe in a few months, for another visit.”
Gabriel nodded decisively. “I’ll do that. I think this is a wonderful idea, creating a coalition of sorts, of like-minded people. The more information we have, the easier it will be to try to get some changes made.”
“Maybe we can get them made faster, if we can get enough interest from people who otherwise don’t care.”
“If we can use Kurt as a spokesman, of sorts, it might help,” Gabriel mused.
Adam nodded. “I think it will help that Kurt is very personable, and everyone who’s met him seems to like him, since I brought him home.”
“That does help. He’s also remarkably articulate, which could go a long way towards better understanding. If people can hear him speak, and listen to his experiences in his own words, it might make a real difference.”
“Yeah. It could be that I’m biased, but I really think if you saw him without the collar, as a person, you’d never know he was a hybrid,” Adam added. “And as a cat, he’s smarter than the average, at least the ones I know, but not that different. Except again, better behaved, because you can actually explain to him why he shouldn’t do certain things.”
“You’re also different from most owners, and your attitude is refreshing,” Gabriel complimented him. “If people heard your reasons for wanting Kurt, and wanting to encourage him to achieve everything he can, it would be a very different perspective. They need to see hybrids can do more than be living sex dolls, or housekeepers, or glorified babysitters.”
Adam winced, not liking any of those options. “I’ve tried to imagine how I’d feel, were I in Kurt’s position, and it’s very hard to think about for long. I don’t think I’d have his attitude.”
“Me, either. Well, I’ll see you both on Tuesday.”
“See you then.”
Adam went back upstairs to escort Julia out, if she and Burt were through talking yet.
He was rather surprised to see Kurt in cat form, curled up on Julia’s lap and purring. She petted him, letting her fingers sink into his fur and scratching in a way he knew Kurt loved.
“Well, hello there,” he greeted Kurt. The cat responded with a meow, but made no effort to leave his comfortable spot and come over to him. Which was fine, he wasn’t jealous at all.
Burt was relaxed, so that made him feel better.
Julia spoke up, keeping her voice soothing. “Burt was telling me how cute Kurt is as a cat, and I said I’d like to see his cat form sometime. He changed almost before I’d finished speaking. I hope he didn’t think he had to do it.”
She was only slightly surprised when Kurt shook his head. He licked her hand, a sign of approval Adam recognized.
“No, I’m sure he would have liked to change earlier, but he wanted to be able to participate in the discussion.”
“That’s good.” Julia sighed in disappointment. “I’m sorry, Kurt, I’d love to hold and pet you for hours, but I need to get home. I have someone waiting for me there.”
Adam could have sworn he heard a little cry of annoyance in response.
“I’ll take him,” Burt offered. “I think Adam might need to walk you downstairs.”
She carefully lifted Kurt up and Burt took him, with only a minor grumbling protest from the formerly-contented cat.
“It was wonderful to meet you, Kurt, as a human and a cat,” Julia informed him. “I hope we get to talk more later on.”
He meeped at her, and raised one paw, moving it around. Adam supposed it could be construed as a wave goodbye.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he told Burt. He wanted to walk Julia to her car, and make sure she got in safely. It was a pretty decent neighborhood, but he would still feel better about escorting her.
Julia’s eyes were bright, and her cheeks slightly red. She seemed exhilarated. “Thank you so much for a wonderful evening, Adam. I enjoyed meeting Kurt, and Burt, and Gabriel. I’m sure I’ll be getting some referrals from him soon.”
Adam looked at her thoughtfully. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to have someone who will follow up. He’s a very decent fellow, over all.”
“Yes, he is. You don’t find many -- Well, I’ve often thought, if someone is prejudiced, whether against hybrids or any other minority, they aren’t very decent people. It’s refreshing to meet a couple more people who want to see hybrids treated as equals, rather than pets.”
Adam winced. “Yes. I feel so awkward about a lot of this.”
She turned to face him. “You’re not alone. I have a hybrid pet, and of course, it’s complicated. I treat her as more of a companion than a pet, except when she’s in dog form. It was a rescue situation, someone I was trying to help, whose owner was abusing her. Finally she was taken away from her owner, and would have been sent to a pet store in another state, but I was willing to adopt her. The fee was much less than it would have been if I’d adopted her from a store to begin with.
“We’re friends, not lovers. Due to the way she was treated, she doesn’t think she ever wants to have sex again, with anyone, and I can certainly make sure she’s safe from that. But it’s hard for her, because she doesn’t really want to be independent. It’s difficult for her to be alone when I’m at work, partly because dog hybrids are more emotionally dependent on their owners, and partly because of her experiences. I’m trying to figure out the best way to make her feel more confident and relaxed when I’m not there.”
Adam hesitated, not sure if it was his place to give advice. “You might want to talk to Gabriel about that. As you heard, he does treat psychiatric issues as well as physical ones.”
“I was thinking about that,” she admitted. “I think it would be a good time to switch doctors.”
“I really recommend him highly. We’ve only been to see him the one time, but he really does care. And he’ll counsel you, as an owner, as well.”
“That would be very helpful.” They’d reached her car. “Goodnight, Adam, and thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He helped her in the car, and waited till she drove away, before returning to his apartment.
Kurt had been dozing on his dad’s lap, when he heard the door open and close. He heard Adam and Daddy talking, but he wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. He was a little annoyed when Burt scooped him up and handed him to Adam. How was he supposed to be able to get a decent nap in, when people kept passing him around like a pile of dirty laundry? He was mollified when Adam held him to his chest and rubbed his face against Kurt’s head and the back of his neck. He felt something wet. Was Adam crying? He made a sound of inquiry, and Adam just held him tighter.
Burt cleared his throat.
“I think I’m going to go to bed and get a good night’s sleep. I’ll see you both in the morning.”
Kurt sleepily meowed at him, and settled deeper into Adam’s strong arms. He felt safe and warm, and could have happily fallen asleep right there, but Adam insisted on sitting down and rearranging him. It was okay, he was now resting on Adam’s lap, with most of his body against his chest, and his head tucked under Adam’s chin. He stayed like that and purred as Adam stroked his fur and held him close.
He realized he’d fallen asleep when Adam woke him up, by scratching behind his ears, and blowing into them very gently. He twitched his ears and whiskers in annoyance and growled sleepily at him.
“I’m sorry, I won’t try that method again,” soothed Adam. “I was thinking you might want to get a bite to eat, then we can go into my bathroom and I’ll massage you. Or maybe give you a bath first, then massage you.”
Kurt’s ears twitched again, this time with interest. He didn’t like baths as a cat, but on the other hand, he usually felt better afterwards.
He meeped in inquiry.
“I’m not sure what you’re saying. I was thinking, we can perhaps try it in the kitchen sink.”
Kurt shook his head vehemently. There might be enough room, but he would prefer the bathtub.
“No, hm? Well, I guess the other alternative is the tub in your bathroom, so let’s put off the bath until after your dad leaves.”
Kurt licked his hand and purred at him.
“Right, then, just the massage tonight. Let me know when you’re ready.”
Kurt nodded, and squirmed out of Adam’s arms to jump down, so he could run to the kitchen. Adam followed him, and finished up the dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen. After a snack and some water, Kurt was ready to be massaged.
Adam thought back to his earlier conversation with Burt, when Kurt had been getting ready for the evening. Burt had surprised him with a question that seemed awfully casual.
“So, have you given Kurt a bath yet?”
“Excuse me?” Adam tried to regain his composure.
Burt grinned, then his manner turned more serious. “You should give him a bath, in his cat form, at least once a month, and a flea dip shampoo at least every couple of months.”
“Er, can’t I just draw the bath for him, in the sink perhaps, and let him soak in soapy water?”
Burt looked at him like he was an idiot. “Would you do that for a baby, and consider it clean? Cats are kind of self-cleaning, but the only way he can bathe himself as a cat is with his tongue. Works pretty well, but it’s healthier if he has a human use their hands, to really get down to the base of the fur. Even though he’s really clean in his human form, he’ll be happier as a cat if you bathe him occasionally. I’m surprised he hasn’t suggested it yet.”
“I think I did read that somewhere, or someone told me, probably Dr. Hanover, but I forgot about it. I’ll do that soon, then.”
Burt nodded, seemingly satisfied. “He won’t like it, but he’ll put up with it. I mean, he won’t try to jump out of the bathtub or sink or whatever you use, but I’ll warn you now, he will turn those big, sad eyes on you, and make the most pitiful sounds you ever heard. But try to ignore those little tricks.”
Adam wasn’t sure he had a chance against Kurt’s sad face. But he’d do it anyway, and try to steel his heart against those tactics.
He rinsed the dishes and silverware off and put them in the dishwasher. Kurt came over to wind around his legs and meow.
“Yes, yes, I’ll be done in a minute, Fuzzy Face.” He added detergent and turned on the dishwasher. Then he could turn his attention to his currently furry friend.
“I still need to get you one of those massaging combs. I’ll do that sometime next week, okay?”
Kurt meeped his agreement.
“Alright, come on. I’ll race you to the bathroom.” He turned out the lights and strolled leisurely into his bathroom, where Kurt was waiting impatiently, sitting on the counter. He growled in annoyance at being kept waiting.
“I’m sorry, I lied. I’m not stupid enough to actually race you anywhere.”
Kurt made a questioning sound.
“Because it wouldn’t be a fair race. I’d lose every time.”
Kurt trilled at him.
“So, it’s no fun entering a contest you know you’re going to lose. If you don’t even think you have a shot at winning, what’s the point?”
He was met by large blue-green eyes staring at him without blinking. He thought over his words.
“Well, it depends on the context, and the possible stakes if you win.” He decided a change in subject was in order. “At any rate, let’s get you brushed, shall we?”
Kurt agreeably flopped over and spread his limbs and tail out.
Adam grinned. “I trust you aren’t ticklish.”
Kurt’s eyes widened and his nose and ears twitched. His tail started thumping in warning.
“Don’t worry,” he soothed, “I’m not going to try.”
He used very light touches on Kurt’s ears and face, and scratched and massaged for quite a while under the collar. He’d seen kitty Kurt trying to scratch under it a few times. “It’s hard to reach under here, isn’t it?” He could barely get his fingertips under the collar. In human form, Kurt’s smaller hands could no doubt reach the skin, but his paws just weren’t that coordinated.
He received a blissful, rumbling purr in answer. “Maybe I should look around and see if I can get you some different collars in different colors?”
Kurt meeped sadly and shook his head.
“Ah, we’re stuck with this one, hm? Well, it looks nice with anything you wear,” he reassured him.
He gradually moved on to the shoulders and front legs, and took his time petting and massaging him. It felt peaceful and soothing to him, as well, to have this time with Kurt.
When his fingers started cramping, he stopped, with several apologies to Kurt. When he stretched his fingers out, and started massaging the left hand with his right, Kurt sat up and leaned closer. He rubbed his face against Adam’s left hand, and looked at him with big, sad eyes.
“It’s okay, darling, it doesn’t hurt that much. I just should have probably stopped a few minutes ago.” He washed his hands, and Kurt jumped down to the floor.
“Are you ready for bed?”
In answer, Kurt raced from the room. He heard the bell jingling and the thumping of a cat landing on the mattress, and sighed.
When he was ready, wearing loose sweatpants and an old t-shirt, he joined Kurt, who was sprawled out full-length on the wrong side of the bed. Before he could say anything, Kurt leaped up and moved to the other side, watching him the whole time.
As he slid under the covers, Adam discovered something rather delightful. “You make a good bed-warmer, darling, thank you.” Even through the covers, Kurt’s heat had warmed up the sheets almost as well as an electric blanket would have.
In answer, Kurt moved closer and settled in next to him, as close as he could get. Adam had gotten used to leaving his door open, so Kurt could come and go as he pleased during the night, but for now, he enjoyed the warmth and nearness. Kurt’s purring soon turned to a light snore, and Adam smiled, letting the sound lull him to sleep.
Burt was having a hard time sleeping. It wasn’t that the bed was uncomfortable, and he was certainly tired enough. He just had too many things on his mind. It was all a bit much to take in. Then he considered what it must be like for Kurt. So much sensory stimulation, all these new people, places, things… He hadn’t even really had much time to spend with Adam alone, it seemed, to get used to him, before all these new things started coming at him so fast.
Burt knew he wasn’t a stupid man, but his mind was spinning with all the discussions he’d had with different people in the last few days. What must it be like for Kurt? Burt at least saw other people just about every day, had casual conversations with friends and co-workers, and certainly talked politics often enough with other people. He’d meant for this time to be for just him and Kurt, and Adam. He’d wanted to reacquaint himself with his son, and meet the man who would be responsible for him for the rest of his life. You’d think that would be enough to deal with. But the more he thought about it, he was glad he’d met these other people, and seen the gym for himself.
There was no question in his mind now about Kurt being cared for properly. Adam wasn’t going to abuse him, or hurt him, or make him feel like an animal who had no right to walk around pretending to be human. None of the hybrids deserved to be treated like that. If some of them didn’t seem to be as intelligent as Kurt, it was more likely because they weren’t educated, or given the chance to read or talk as much as Kurt did. He’d never seen any actual evidence that proved hybrids were less intelligent than humans, and even in animal form, they seemed smarter than regular animals. They certainly behaved better, and minded better, unless Kurt was in one of his moods and pretended to not understand what was being said to him. But that only proved he was smarter than the average bear - er, cat.
The next day would be his last day with Kurt for who knew how long, so he wanted to make it count. On the other hand, it would be easy enough to arrange another trip, this time with Carole. He was so thankful this wasn’t a one-time thing. They were far enough away from each other that it wouldn’t happen a lot, but he knew, if there were some type of problem or emergency, Adam would call him and he could be there. Not that anything was going to happen, but he’d spent plenty of other sleepless nights worrying about Kurt being sick, or injured, even dying, without him being there, or even being told. He could swear he felt 10 pounds lighter knowing he didn’t have to worry about that. If anything happened and he wasn’t informed, it would be due to more pressing matters, not indifference to his feelings.
He wondered what Carole would think of her stepson. He realized he should stop thinking that way. There wasn’t even a proper term for the relationship between hybrids and their surviving parent’s new spouse, or the child of their former parent and spouse, old or new. He’d noticed Donna had used the term step-sister, though, so maybe it would do, at least when no one was around to complain. He wished things weren’t so complicated. Why couldn’t hybrids be treated like any other children? They had special needs, but so did a lot of full human children. It didn’t mean they were less loved, and who the hell had decided that they were a burden most parents would be glad to get rid of them? Probably the same bastards who thought it was a great way for the government, and enterprising pet store owners, to make money. If they were fully human, it would be human trafficking, and illegal. But since they were considered more animal than human, it wasn’t illegal for them to be taken from their home, and people who loved them, and sold into veritable slavery.
Burt was so relieved Adam wasn’t like that. He treated Kurt as close to a boyfriend as anyone could expect, Burt thought; as equal as Kurt would get. Adam would always be older, and make the final decisions, and no doubt give Kurt advice, but that was probably for the best. As much as both Burt and Adam would love to see Kurt be self-confident and independent, it would only be to a limited extent. But at least Adam recognized Kurt’s special qualities, and talents, and creativity, and was giving him a chance to express and develop them. Not like that idiot Schuester, who had just stifled Kurt’s uniqueness as much as possible. He thought about Lily’s charity, and how many kids probably loved having the opportunity to discover things they were good at, and could use their hobby to express their feelings.
He was still tossing and turning, his mind still racing, when the slightly-ajar door was pushed further open. He heard a tiny little meep of inquiry from Kurt, that translated to, “Are you awake?”. It wasn’t loud enough to wake him if he were sound asleep, but if he was just resting, he’d hear it.
“Hey, buddy, yeah, I’m still awake. C’mere and keep me company.”
Kurt leaped up on the bed and greeted Burt happily, but he kept turning his head to look at his castle. Burt scratched him behind the ears, then sighed.
“Go on, play for a while, then come back here, if Adam doesn’t mind.”
Though the room was dark, his eyes had adjusted to it. He watched Kurt play for a while, and it got kind of hypnotic. His mind slowed down as he focused on keeping up with his son’s movements. Eventually Kurt jumped onto the bed and settled down on top of him, purring loudly. He might be heavier than he used to be, but the extra weight didn’t bother Burt. He wondered if Kurt got as much comfort from feeling his heartbeat, even through the covers, as he did from hearing his purring. He closed his own eyes and slept, content that he had answers to the most important questions.
Next - Chapter 67