Title: "Surfacing In Unknown Waters"
Ship: Sarkney
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: Alias and its characters belong to J.J. Abrams.
Summary: She is the leper. No one is willing to take her; no one is daring enough to touch her.
A/N: When a plot bunny bites, it hangs on like the devil, all teeth and just so annoying, and the only way to quash it is to
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Comments 29
I love that Sarkney will live on forever in good fic.
He is good at kissing, and his hands are good at touching her.
Uh, understatement of the year!
So good.
I love that you have explored the little details that make Sark who he is -- down to the whole piece about him counting out time with senses and that Sydney did the same.
I loved the part about 'your enemy never lying' to you and that Sark has always told her the truth -- because in a lot of ways, I feel like he's the only one who has ever been honest with her.
This was marvelously written and brilliantly in character. It gives me hope that we Sarkney shippers are not a dying breed.
I'm a late Sarkney shipper - I watched the first three seasons in about a months time while the fourth season was wrapping up in real time - a sneaky obsession that hasn't faded in the least :) And I can't ever bear to give Sarkney an unhappy ending.
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