If you have a particular need or simply feel that the presence of a certain yet-unapplied character would benefit your RP experience, feel free to try to curry applicants' favour, fight for the [lost? ^^;] cause, or just all around beg here.
Fill in the following Merry Olde Template...
[fandom]:[wanted character]:[crew characters already taken][comments]:[e-mail]:[messenger]: ...and hope for the best!
Please make note of any plotlines [either pre-existent or potentially intended] that might affect the wanted character. If your wanted character is applied, either comment again here to state so, or delete your comment.
RULE I: ONE POST // THREE CHARACTER REQUESTS AT MOST. Be SPECIFIC about the character you want. If you put up "any character from fandom X", then you obviously don't need them especially much. DO NOT LIST MORE THAN THREE NAMES OR THE REQUEST GETS DELETED. DON'T BE INDECISIVE.
RULE II: no spamming. Keep it nice and clear so people can read through, or comments get deleted.
This list is cleared at the first of each month to keep it from overflowing and overwhelming.
! Can haz
rp_want_ads for further crew whoring purposes? :D
[last updated]: April 2011
[maintained by]: Caru