Title: Black City / White City
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, past McCoy/Jocelyn & McCoy/Pike
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine. :(
Warnings: Mangled attempts at historical fiction, some race fail vocabulary due to the time period
Summary: Two ways Kirk and McCoy might have met at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair
Notes: This is the twisted lovechild of two of my
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Comments 29
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I may be the first, but I doubt I'll be the last who would love to see a follow-up of what happens next.
Thank you for writing and sharing this. x
Thank you for your lovely comment!
It was bleak, but I think, realistic.
I applaud your writing skill for being able to convey so much in the atmosphere and emotion in such constrasting ways between the first and second stories. Brava! :-)
And Jim, goodness! His eagerness and obviously tender heart is fabulous. This is wonderful and I loved it!
So many beautiful phrases but these two lines really affected me.
It still strikes him as morbidly amusing, that the mysterious workings his body should finally betray him, one of the south’s premier surgeons.
For a brief, terrible moment, he hates Kirk for his bravery.
Beautifully written and so emotional. You manage to create two entirely different moods in the two sections, and each were as compelling as the other. I loved that it was McCoy taking the right path which led him to happiness but that also this was a function of his environment, one dark and stifling, the other light and hopeful. Amazing sense of place and beautifully paced fics, thank you!
Thanks as always for your lovely comments, they do my heart good : )
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