Game Ads

Sep 03, 2011 19:00


» put an ad up with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game.

» ABSOLUTELY NO obnoxious coding (font size > 4, no banners, no blinking text, no sparklies, no tables, no pictures). use all the colors you like and then some, but please remember 4 "big" tags > font size 4.

» if you're recommending a ( Read more... )

!game ads

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Comments 1087

gerudoking September 3 2011, 23:00:27 UTC
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Characters Offered: Sokka, Katara, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Jet, Smellerbee, Iroh, and Yue
(see Cast List)
Characters Wanted: Mai, Ty Lee, Azula, Freedom Fighters, Old Men, what have you
Game: luceti

DC Comics

Characters Offered: lookslikeajob (comics), titango (Teen Titans), ten_ofspades (Batman Beyond), and Batman (Nolanverse) already apped.
Characters Wanted: Anyone would be cool. More Teen Titans, some comic people, Batman Beyond people, or maybe a movie Alfred.
Game: luceti


Characters Offered: originaljackass
Characters Wanted: Anyone will do! Snow White, Bigby, and Charming would all be great additions. I wouldn't mind seeing Boy Blue, Flycatcher, or any of the other old crew. Jack of Fables crew would be cool too.
Game: luceti

Final Fantasy VII/XIII

Characters Offered: FF7: (wingenvy, gardenerofgaia and chaotic_dirge), FF13: (thestormishere and contempsi)
Characters Wanted: Yes, in Luceti, this is one cast. So that means we want BOTH CASTS. We want our Barrets and our Fangs and our Sephiroths and our whoever-the-bad-guy-in-FF13-was!
Game: luceti

Fullmetal Alchemist

Characters Offered: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, ( ... )


Star Wars, Marvel, & Supernatural at COUNTED STARS likedillinger September 3 2011, 23:00:30 UTC
counted_stars: panfandom STAR WARS RP

Game Guide | Taken | Reserve | Apply

We want all your Star Wars characters, whether movie versions, Extended Universe versions, comics or video game chars!

The Wanted List:
Leia, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, C3P0, R2D2, Vergere, Corran Horn, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Mace Windu, Ben Skywalker, Mara Jade, Lumiya, Raynar Thul, Tahiri Veila, Thrackan Sal-Solo, Lowbacca, Canderous Ordo, Darth Bandon, HK-47, Jolee Bindo, Kreia, Mical / The Disciple, Mira, Mission Vao, Atton Rand, Wedge Antilles, Palpatine, Boba Fett, Borsk Fey'yla, Qui-Gon Jinn, Talon Karrde, Danni Quee, Saba Sebatyne, Tycho Celchu, Winter, absolutely everyone :D

Our current line-up:
Han, Anakin, Jaina, and Jacen Solo, Kyp Durron, Zekk, Tenel Ka, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cerasi, Xanatos, the Exile and various other KOTOR characters such as Revan and Malak as NPCs. We also have Darth Bane, Padme, and Luke Skywalker currently on reserve.

COUNTED STARS is typically slow-medium paced, though definitely picking up in speed as the plot begins to ( ... )


Final Fantasy XII @ Gargleblasted halcyonism September 3 2011, 23:00:32 UTC
F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   X I I
Final Fantasy XII (12) Cast @ gargleblasted


Gargleblasted is a community-based, panfandom game! There are just over 380 members and the pace is medium to fast, depending on whether or not there is an event going on. It's more or less a sandbox game where you're welcome to play out almost anything you want, from happy and sparkly plots to sad tear-jerkers.

Applications will be processed on September 03, 2011. They were due at 11:59PM on Friday, September 02, 2011. Applications are processed every two weeks! The next application deadline is September 17, 2011 at 11:59PM. All times are EST!




None! You?


Everyone and anyone! Any of the main cast would be great! Or any of the Judges. Or Dr. Cid... Venat, Gerun... JULES WOULD BE NICE. Spreading rumors~ Or little Kytes and Filo! OR GRAMIS. PLEASE SOMEONE APP GRAMIS OR RAMINAS. Or... anyone. Really! Just come to us; there's plenty of room and we'd be glad to have you!


>>Reserves    >>Application    >>... )


New Game app_this_plz September 3 2011, 23:00:34 UTC
Post here if your game is brand new, reopening, or less than 3 months old.


The Painted Tower - A Panfandom Game (Opening soon) three_beacons September 3 2011, 23:09:18 UTC
There is a land where imagination rules. It is a bright kingdom, where its people thrive and create many beautiful things. Its ruler, Queen Iris, has recently restored it to the brilliance it once was...

But the evil they thought was expelled is not completely gone, and it is bringing strangers from other worlds, equipped with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the trinkets in their pockets, to the kingdom. They find all their weapons and extraordinary powers have been stripped, and their only weapon is the rare and special gift thought only to exist within the kingdom's ruling family...

The power to bring art in all its forms to life.

The Painted Tower is a panfandom, community-based, OC-friendly game based around the world in Drawn: The Painted Tower and Drawn: Dark Flight. No prior knowledge of the games is needed to participate in the game, as the plot happens after the storyline concludes.


Game PremiseRulesReservesApplicationFeel free to contact me with any questions through a PM, email, or through the ( ... )


MERIDIAN; a panfandom AU-friendly RP meridianmods September 3 2011, 23:11:17 UTC


Welcome to Meridian. I know you're probably angry at me. You probably think that one of the other survivors or I brought you here - but that couldn't be further from the truth. Meridian is and always has been a city a tad too close to other worlds, and the incident just made things more... unstable. In other words, the city brought you here, not I. It's a bit hard to swallow, I know, but it's the truth. If it were otherwise, believe me, I would have sent you home by now.

I'm not sure how to do so, for the record. Sending you home, I mean. Perhaps Meridian will bring you home in its own time. I know this must be distressing, so I hope it does.

Really, it's not so bad here. Please try to enjoy your stay, all right? I'll be around if you need me.

Meridian is a panfandom, AU-friendly RP taking place in the abandoned city of Meridian. The city is split into three levels of reality, with the city itself, the First Level, being split in half. Characters will be able to come and go freely between the first two levels ( ... )


the Rule the_rule_npcs September 3 2011, 23:11:57 UTC
the rule
a dark fantasy panfandom roleplaying game


The Rule is a brand new dark fantasy RPG with a taste of horror loosely based off the Playstation 2 title Rule of Rose. (Playing the game is not a requirement to enjoy the roleplay.)

Characters have been attacked and kidnapped from their home worlds by ferocious monsters known only as 'Beasts', and dragged to an enchanted wood where, instead of becoming prey for these picky creatures, they are rescued by an unknown individual and whisked away to a strange boarding house called Loszols.

Soon the characters will discover that the price of their health and well-being comes at the cost of providing amusement for their host in the form of a strange and sometimes deadly scavenger hunt. Find the items and win Favor each month, or fail and suffer Punishment...

The Rule is for players 18 years old and older due to the potential for mature themes and triggers that might upset some people including the possibility of violence, torture, and abuse. The game is community-based and activity ( ... )


Pokemon Special, Tales of Destiny, and Ar Tonelico at LUCETI! mischiefbreeder September 3 2011, 23:00:38 UTC

It's that place with wings! Rules | Taken Characters | Reserves | Applications

I also advise watching this beautiful little number showcasing each and every character currently in the game (minus the ones who just apped in this cycle!), as well as just how dedicated some of our players are ( ... )


Re: Pokemon Special, Tales of Destiny, and Ar Tonelico at LUCETI! sailorsanrio September 4 2011, 21:08:32 UTC, so tempted for Ar tonelico... /eying journals for at least 4 of those characters


Re: Pokemon Special, Tales of Destiny, and Ar Tonelico at LUCETI! blastemir September 4 2011, 21:10:00 UTC
You don't say.

Tell me more.


Re: Pokemon Special, Tales of Destiny, and Ar Tonelico at LUCETI! sailorsanrio September 4 2011, 21:20:57 UTC
pfffft I already apped this round for a different fandom, but damn, use for my journals. I might have to bust out the LPs for Shurelia and possibly Aurica, but I've got a Tyria and Cloche journal too.


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