(no subject)

Apr 17, 2009 15:56


» comment [anon or logged in] with what characters / crew you want for a particular game. Please be specific about what characters / crews you'd like, no "any players for any crews."

» comment [anon or logged in] with what characters you'd like to play somewhere; feel free to bribe, coerce, or inflict physical harm unto people until they offer.

» list your particular preferences (timelines, pairings, whatever)

» Keep the wank for the RP anon meme, the love for the RP love memes, and your opinions on certain players / crews / RPs for your lj. No one cares, except for the Ban Button. Leave a comment HERE if you see anything I missed.

» don't second / third / infinity+1st requests / offers for certain crews or characters. Some people see it as very intimidating.

» please don't comment with the big publicity ads / tables for rps. It makes the page harder to load and scroll through, and yes, it's a bit obnoxious.

» in case you didn't get the memo, rpmath_otp currently has a list of RPs, which people have helped rank according to some cheesy criteria. It might help as an info source, if you get an RP pimped your way and you don't know its rep, idk. Sorry if the RP you're looking for isn't there, but be sure to nominate it during the next rpmath_otp poll session in a couple of months from now.

» as pie Scarlett is my witness, I have turned off recaptcha. Please pick up your customized pitchfork at the front door and approach eljay's management with it lovingly, if it still shows up for you.

» plz to be pimpin'? If it dies early, you get less crews / RPs thrown your way, so it's... in your interest. No rly.

Good luck to the people starting finals!
For a certain panda out there: I bet 1600, max.
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