Poll Results

Feb 28, 2011 09:26

Okay guys, the results are in.

The majority has chosen the first Saturday of the month @ 7pm EST. Fridays came in a close second so I'll consider using them once in a while too. We also had a lot of people ask for two posts, so here's what we're going to try out for the first month.

We're going to put up two posts. One for Character Offers (meaning: "Hi, I want to play X, Y, Z but I need a game/cast") and one for Game Offers/Wanted Ads (meaning: "Hi, we're this awesome game called Goombaland and we want all the Pokemon ever"). We will still be doing the New Game Thread AND the Small Game Thread, so don't worry about that.

We're going to test the double posting out this Saturday, okay? I'll put up a poll afterward and we'll see how people liked it and I'll work on tweaking it.

I'm also going to consider putting the meme up on a case-by-case basis and give people plenty of warning beforehand so they can pick what day is best, but for now, let's stick to the Saturday plan and see how it works out.

See you all in a few days!
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