Title: Riddle
Pairing/Character: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley with mentions of Bill Weasley, and from Armenia, Javan Margarian, and a lady named Narine
Rating: G
Wordcount: 3,148
Summary: Part V: In the search for the remaining horcruxes Ron, Harry, and Hermione have been at Grimmauld Place hoping to find information
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Comments 11
I'm really pleased you enjoyed reading Riddle, thank you so much.
Excellent conclusion, Gill! I'm sitting here grinning like mad and practically giddy! Amazingly good job!! *hugs and twirls you around!*
Thank you!
But the whole series was just excllent.
The characters were really good. I love your Ron!
Run out of things to read now. Whats next? more James and Lily?
If you love Ron, then next there's some more of him. Sharon and Ron (Tom!) in fact, mainly at the end of yours, Hazel's, and Maddie's poking fingers! Look out for a daily update.
Thank you, so much, for reading and for commenting. *hugs hard*
I'm so glad you didn't finish the ending with a... and two weeks later Harry was victorious. Leaving it open ended add so much poignance to the relationships.
I'm really delighted to have a lovely comment like this.
You did a lovely, lovely job. I enjoyed your characters so much - the romance, the Hero to save the day!Harry, the absolutely hilarious Gilderoy and lovely mentions of Bill and Dumbledore (♥!). So IC and spot on!
What a sweet, funny and overall great fic. Congrats!
Thank you. It was lovely of you to leave such wonderful comments, I'm really thrilled that you enjoyed reading so much. I feel all warm and smily inside at your lovely words. Thank you so much. *hugs hard*
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