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Comments 34

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apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:10:10 UTC
Megalomaniac is by Incubus (lots of love to Incubus)
and Restless YES! By the GODDESS Sharon Del Adel *___*

Shannon/Tomo - #13 Somwehere I belong - NC17 Fanfiction


reddevils_ely January 27 2009, 21:20:51 UTC
Donna.. ehm.. sono un po' andata stasera O.o mi spieghi in poche parole in cosa consiste il tutto..? ehm.. ^____^" se non ti dispiace ovvio.. ^____^"


apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:23:58 UTC
BWHAHAHAHAHAA sei troppo una grande *pets*

Praticamente se vuoi qualcosina da me, che sia grafica o fanfiction, ti scegli un titolo che ti ispira, un mars-pairing che ti sconfiffera e la richiesta la inserisci nel commento X)


reddevils_ely January 27 2009, 21:32:51 UTC
Ok.. ok..

*respira a fondo 3 volte*

Piano piano ci arrivo.. °___° Allora "Disappear" è quella che penso io o no..? ILLUMINAMI!!


apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:35:33 UTC
Disappear è una canzone dei ParadiseLost (non so se li conosci) ^___^ ma non ha molto significato chi se la canti o chi se la suoni, può variare a seconda della richiesta e di come la vuoi vedere ^___^

OMG la tua icona è ♥


kleemoon January 27 2009, 21:27:01 UTC
Okay this is so fucking cool - why did you not divulge this to me before i made my boring prompt table *pouts*.

Okay I know I want my Jomo - is #57 Broken by Seether (my second fave band)? Oh fuck I'm already using that for a prompt request fic (so don't think I copied you honest) but maybe I'll still do Broken - oh I'm very excited, can you tell by how fast i'm typing *peers into computer* - okay put me down for Broken unless you think it's too weird to have 2 fics based on one song - oh fuck i have had way too much coffee today already.

And I think I want a fanfiction - whichever rating works is good for me and then can i pick something else once this freaking panic attack that I think I'm having dies down.
*runs to get ativan for panic attack*


apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:32:22 UTC
*hugs worried* oh mama calm down! *cuddles and pets* it's okay ^___^ *kiss-on-cheek*

You go for
Jared/Tomo - #57 Broken - Fanfiction

and btw I got the idea of the random prompt table just 2 hours ago and your prompt table isn't boring AT ALL! Because you make it special, hon ♥


kleemoon January 27 2009, 21:36:31 UTC
*places Ativan under tongue* Can you still understand me when I type now? Okay good.
So is Broken by Seether, hon, you never said and is it okay that we will both be doing the same song then?
*breathes better now thanks*
And i may want some kind of banner or something later - can i think about it?


apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:39:37 UTC
Actually the Broken I picked is by 12Stones (don't know if you've ever listened to them) so don't worry! We'll show how many meanings a word can have! *hugs*

Take ALL the time you need!


seasidh January 27 2009, 21:34:40 UTC
Wheeeeeeeee *_______* I totally forgot about my own prompt table by now...frankly it's kinda boring. LOL.

#29 It's Cold Tonight with Shannon/Tomo and I'd say I leave the rating up to you because I enjoy any kind :) Whatever comes to your mind ^^


apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 21:36:33 UTC
YAYZ and thanks for the request ♥


seasidh January 27 2009, 21:41:28 UTC
Hey, it's fic. SeaSea likes fic..SeaSea needs reading material. I hope I get around to read some more stuff on the weekend *le sigh* Still so much to go, lol.

Wonder if I should make a new prompt table for 2009. I managed to get 55 of 100 written in 2008 and I actually still do have two requests from that table, but mine's so boring. I suck at creating tables =/ LOL.


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apokolokyntosis January 27 2009, 22:31:23 UTC
Aggiunto alla lista! ^_^


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