Ice, Ice Baby.

Dec 19, 2010 20:43

Title: Ice, Ice Baby.
Pairing: Jalex 4eva.
Rating: NC-17, broskis
Summary: It's the hottest day in summer yet, and Alex is melting. 
Disclaimer: The only thing I own in this story is the ice cubes and Alex's boxers, ngl.
A/N: It's like -3784639473 degrees where I am so I figured I'd write something where it's way to hot, because summer is something I am lusting after so hard rn.

tumblr through here, b!tch3z.

It’s fucking hot.

It’s not even that kind of bearable heat, where you just need to be inside and then everything is just rainbows and sunshine and everything is peachy.

It’s that kind of heat where if you move you melt and everything is made of fucking lava.

Alex is going to melt in a second. He’s sitting on the floor (the floor is made of lava, fuck.) It’d be really great if someone would just build him a swimming pool.

And then fill it with ice cream. That would never melt.


The freezer door is open. He’s sitting in front of it and the electricity bill is going to put them in debt until they’re ninety, but Alex can’t bring himself to care.

It is so fucking hot.

It’s at least ninetyeight degrees out, the weather chick said it was probably the hottest day of the year. Alex is going to boil and melt if it gets any hotter out. He feels like there is something crawling under his skin, like an itch that he can’t reach and it is pissing him off.

Of course it’d be this day that their air conditioner breaks, and then their car stalls, and they can’t fucking go anywhere that does have air conditioning. Fuck.

He peels his shirt off (it is actually wet with sweat, ew) and balls it up and then chucks in behind him. He pushes his basketball shorts down (too hot for anything else, seriously.) until all he’s left in is boxers, and if it wasn’t like a million degrees he’d probably be freezing, just sitting in front of an open freezer like this.

Jack is sitting on the sofa, watching Gossip Girl with the fan pointed right at him. He’s still dressed, sitting there completely calm like the world isn’t about to explode into a ball of flames.

Which it probably will, any second now. Alex would not be surprised.

Jack turns around to look at his boyfriend. He watches him for a bit (Alex has his eyes closed now, is trying to ignore the fact that he is melting faster than a popsicle in the sun) and then gets up, moving over to where he is laying on the floor.


Alex ignores him.

“Alex.” Jack nudges him with his foot.

Alex continues to ignore him in favor of pretending that he’s a polar bear or a penguin, frolicking in the snow up in the North Pole with Santa and his merry fucking elves and rain deer.

“Alexander William Gaskarth, if you do not move in one minute I deny you sex until December.”

Alex sits up slowly. They both know that December is impossible - it’s July, that would be five months without sex.

They got into a fight once, because Jack said something about Alex always being his bitch.

It was a stupid fight, really. Alex has always bottomed for Jack, always. He likes taking, and Jack likes giving. In all honesty, Jack still couldn’t see why Alex had gotten so pissed.

Either way, it ended with Alex denying Jack sex for three weeks before both of them caved.

Alex bottomed.

Jack could never deny him sex for five months.

“Alex. Go sit on the sofa and watch Blair and Chuck suck face.”

There is absolutely no arguing with Jack’s tone. It’s his ‘bitch-do-what-I-say-or-you-will-sleep-on-the-couch-for-the-next-week’ tone.

Alex makes a whining noise and then does as Jack says (no matter what anyone might say, he is not the bitch in this relationship. It’s just too hot to argue with Jack.) He stretches out on the couch, so so thankful that they decided not to get the leather one because then he would be sticking to it, and ew.

Jack was right, Blair and Chuck are sucking face. He can’t follow the show, all he knows is that Blair’s a bitch, Serena’s a skank and Jenny is an angsty teenager who can’t get her shit together.


He can hear Jack in the kitchen. He’s probably getting ice cream or making coffee or something - although, how he could drink anything that wasn’t at least negative ten degrees was beyond him.

Alex closes his eyes. He can’t really focus on anything except how hot it is, and what Blair is yelling about now has gone completely over his head.

When he opens them again, Jack is straddling him and he has a silver mixing bowl resting on Alex’s stomach. He’s also shirtless, for some unexplainable reason.

“Jack, it’s too hot for you to be sitting on me like this.” Alex groans, trying in vain to push him off.

“Shut up,” Jack says, his hand dipping into the bowl. “This will cool you down.”

Alex’s eyes close again for a second, shooting wide open when he feels something cold and icy dripping down his chest.

“What -“ he starts, pushing himself up onto his elbows to see what Jack is doing.

The bowl is filled with ice, glistening and already starting to melt. Jack has a few icecubes in his hand, dripping it down Alex’s chest.

“See?” Jack grins, dragging them slowly down. Alex shivers a little, and yeah, yeah that feels better.

“Yeah.” Alex nods, suddenly really hot for a completely other reason. Jack leaves a sliver of ice right above his belly button, and Alex bites his lip.
Jack seems to be completely oblivious to the affect the ice cubes are having on Alex, and he should be able to tell because fuck, all he’s wearing are a pair of boxers.

Jack scoops out another handful of ice, pleased that his idea seems to be working. He takes a piece in his other hand, dragging it up his chest. Alex’s breath hitches a little, tries not to rut up against him.

He fails.

Jack pauses and then blinks, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. Oh.

He shifts a little, enough to grind subtly against Alex’s quickly hardening cock, but not enough to make it seem like it was on purpose.

Alex’s breath hitches again and he bites his lip, eyes rolling back into his head. Jack drags an ice cube dangerously close to a nipple, moving it in the opposite direction at the last second.

He is so, so fucked.

Alex bucks up, his dick twitching against Jack’s ass and Jack just shifts his weight again, presses him back down against the couch.

Jack smirks down at Alex, grinds back against him. He puts the silver mixing bowl on the floor next to the couch, grabbing a piece of ice and then sucking it into his mouth.

Alex doesn’t even have time to say ‘If you want something to suck I have something right here’ before Jack is leaning down and sucking on Alex’s nipple and a piece of ice at the same fucking time.

His hands scramble for a second, one clutching at the back of the couch, the other tangling in Jack’s hair, tugging a little but he doesn’t want it to stop, good God. He bites down on his nipple (hard, but not enough to actually hurt) and Alex bucks his hips up again, pulling on Jack’s hair until they’re face to face and kissing him, chasing the cold ice before he sucks on Jack’s tongue. It’s cool and wet and dirty and Jack moans, makes a noise low in his throat like a growl.

Jack pulls back from Alex’s lips, leans down and takes some more ice cubes. He drops it in the center of his chest, pushing it up and down, leaving cool trail of water. He presses the ice to Alex’s right nipple, and Alex gasps, arching, fuck. He keeps it there, holds the ice right fucking there until it’s completely melted until his nipple is so fucking hard from the cold, shit.

When Jack licks it, Alex is shocked from the heat of his tongue, arches again gasping, “Fuck, shit, Jack.”

It usually takes more than this to get Alex like this, get Alex writhing and gapsing and moaning.

Alex feels like he’s melting for completely different reasons than before.

Jack reaches down, grabs another piece of ice and tips it into his mouth, mouthing at Alex’s collarbones and neck and adam’s apple, cold and so so good. He mouths along his jaw and up to his lips, before he’s kissing him again, his mouth wet and cool, his tongue sliding languidly against Alex’s.

Jack is rocking his hips into Alex’s (when he took his pants off, Alex has no idea. All of a sudden there’s just two layers of fabric between their hard-ons and its two layers too many) He’s fucking his mouth with his tongue in time with their hips, and Alex can’t do anything but open up for him and moan, completely shameless.

Jack pulls back and Alex whimpers, fucking whimpers like a fucking pornstar. He pushes his hips up, he wants more friction, needs it, shit.

Jack shifts back a little, tugs Alex’s boxers off and gets undressed himself until so they’re both completely naked, and this is good, this is really good. He dips his hand in the bowl of now-melted ice cubes wrapping his long fingers around both of their cocks, and his hand is wet and icy cold but so so hot at the exact same time.

Alex bucks up into his fist, his head tipped back with his lips parted wantonly. “Jesus Christ, Jack, fuck.” He gasps, his fingers digging into the back of the sofa. “God, your hands.”

Jack smirks, lets out a breathy laugh, jerking them both off at the same time. “You like my hands?”

“Yeah, fuck. God I love your hands - feel so good.” Alex moans, deep and low. He possibly has a kink for Jack’s hands, his fingers, fuck.

Jack smirks again, his moves fast and everything is just red hot right now, hotter then it was before but this is a good hot, this is the kind of hot that Alex likes.

Alex twists his hips up at the same time as Jack pushes down, and they’re rubbing together and the friction is fucking perfect, just right, just what he needs. He leans up and one hand slides from Jack’s waist to his hair, gripping and pulling him down into a kiss that’s uncontrolled and wet, just open mouths and hot breaths, tongues sliding together.

Fucking perfect.

Alex can feel it building, tugs sharply on Jack’s hair in warning before he’s coming with a strangled moan across Jack’s fist and cock and stomach. Jack tenses, and it’s the expression on Alex’s face that does it (like ecstasy, but in it’s pure form) before he’s completely gone, gasping out his boyfriend’s name.

He jerks them both once or twice more before he lets go, and then Alex is grabbing his hand, bringing it up to his lips and sucking their mixed cum off of his fingers.

It’s almost enough to get Jack hard again, almost. (He isn’t sixteen anymore though, needs more than thirty seconds before he’s ready to go again.)

“Are you cooled off enough then?” Jack asks after a few slow, silent minutes. He’s laying ontop of Alex, his cheek pressed to his shoulder.

“Not really.” Alex yawns, and Jack can feel it ripple through his chest. “But it’s bearable now.”

Jack laughs, low and rumbly. “Good. Because we have no more ice.”

Alex smiles, laughs, closes his eyes. “We could always take a cold shower if it comes to that.”

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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