Artist Check In Post

Jan 26, 2013 08:10

Art check in time! This is pretty mandatory, as we're getting towards the end of our time together.

I need the following information in a comment to this entry or as an email to Either is fine, whatever works best for you ( Read more... )

check in, !mod

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Comments 26

fullmoon02 January 26 2013, 13:31:50 UTC
Artist Username: fullmoon02
Author Username: nikki6
Fandom: Batman (Nolan verse)
Has your author been in contact with you? Yup!
Medium: Digital art
Overall Percent Finished: ~80%
What do you like about the art? I think I captured the mood of the story quite nicely.
What are you struggling with? Nothing really.
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? The art will be complete by the posting date for sure :)

Artist Username: fullmoon02
Author Username: unavoidedcrisis
Fandom: The Avengers (MCU)
Has your author been in contact with you? Yes♥
Medium: Digital art
Overall Percent Finished: ~80% as well
What do you like about the art? I think my idea is quite clever :)
What are you struggling with? Finding the time to make the additional art pieces I really want to make.
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? The art will be complete by the posting date for sure :)


unavoidedcrisis January 26 2013, 21:26:05 UTC
\o/ \o/



trickster88 January 26 2013, 14:05:44 UTC
Artist Username: trickster88
Author Username: hunters_retreat
Fandom: Harry Potter
Has your author been in contact with you? Yes!
Medium: Currently a video and fanmix, might be more if I have time!
Overall Percent Finished: I'd say about 45%, the video is taking a while but I'm still going strong with it!
What do you like about the art? There's a wide variety of clips that fit the story and it's fun to put them together!
What are you struggling with? The sheer mass of video clips I have to shift through, since I'm using four of the movies.
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? Hmm, not sure. I've got about two weeks left...but the submission day is the day I'm going out for my birthday since my birthday is actually on the 12th lol.


unavoidedcrisis January 26 2013, 21:25:40 UTC
Woo, awesome. As for the day it's due, we can tweak the date for you a bit. Wouldn't want you to miss out on any amazing birthday time \o/


trickster88 January 26 2013, 21:26:52 UTC
Thanks! I'd really appreciate that. (:


tarlanx January 26 2013, 14:16:49 UTC
Artist Username: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Author Username: Crinaeae (crinaeaeswords )
Fandom: Lost Girl/Grimm
Has your author been in contact with you? Yes
Medium: Digital art
Overall Percent Finished: 100%
What do you like about the art? It captures elements of the story
What are you struggling with? Nothing. All done :)
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? None. All done.


unavoidedcrisis January 26 2013, 21:24:55 UTC
Spectacular :D


brynnh87 January 26 2013, 15:24:11 UTC
Artist Username: BrynnH87
Author Username: jaune_chat
Fandom: original
Has your author been in contact with you? Yes
Medium: Traditional art
Overall Percent Finished: I have stuff that's ready to go, but I'm still chasing a mental image that I haven't achieved yet.
What do you like about the art? It's turning out okay
What are you struggling with? There's a particular scene that my author mentioned that I really wanted to draw, but so far haven't been able to capture. I have something that's good enough to turn in, but I'm still working on getting some better drawings.
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? I have something that I can turn in now. Hopefully I'll have something better by the posting date.


unavoidedcrisis January 26 2013, 21:24:25 UTC
Sounds good, keep up the good work, I know you'll nail down the last bit :)


firefly1344 January 26 2013, 16:06:12 UTC
Artist Username: firefly1344
Author Username: shinealightonme
Fandom: Leverage
Has your author been in contact with you? Yes
Medium: Digital
Overall Percent Finished: 75 - 100% (I may do one more piece, but I may not. I don't know yet.)
What do you like about the art? I'm actually pretty happy with all of it.
What are you struggling with? Nothing really.
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art? If I do a fourth piece, it'll definitely be done within a couple days of receiving a final draft from my author.


unavoidedcrisis January 26 2013, 21:23:52 UTC
Sounds awesome \o/


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