
Dec 28, 2012 21:08

Number: 01
Fandom: Brum (1992)/The Move RPF
Characters/Relationships: Brum, seer!Roy Wood, Trevor Burton, werewolf!FtM!Bev Bevan, werewolf!Ace Kefford, werewolf!Carl Wayne, a not-very-talkative guardian bull spirit thing. Roy Wood/Trevor Burton, Bev Bevan/Ace Kefford, Carl Wayne/Bev Bevan.
Rating: FRM
Warnings/Content Notes: warnings for grumpy old men dealing (or not dealing) with post-apocalyptic trauma and one non-explicit werewolf sex scene that could be read as dubcon/noncon. Lots (and lots) of walking. May destroy your childhood.
Word Count: 44.6k
Summary: The dragon has been fought, the zombies have been stopped, but the worst is yet to come. Most of the survivors don't care about what's happening as they are brought into army camps to begin trying to recover what's left of society, too shocked by the apocalypse to question what's going on. Back at the museum, Brum doesn't understand why things aren't back the way they used to be, and goes off to find Roy and Trevor in the hope that they might explain things to him. He doesn't get to stay long before trouble comes, and with his friends, is forced to leave the city he loves behind and flee into the big, bad, dangerous world to find the werewolves and sanctuary from the storm that's coming.

Number: 02
Fandom: Real Person Fic: CW
Characters/Relationships: Jared/Jensen, past Jensen/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: explicit sexual content, mass off-screen death including a spouse, the end of this story is left wide-open like Jensen Ackles' legs
Word Count: About 20k
Summary: Jared's been training to be a U.S. missileer since being recruited in his first semester of college, but all his preparing looks like it's about to go to waste when he gets overlooked for every launch crew position available. By some quirk of luck, Jared becomes the last minute selection for a top secret military operation just outside of his hometown in San Antonio-an ICBM so huge it could wipe out half the planet. They don't tell him how he made it off the waitlist or anything about who he'll be living with, but since the world is on the brink of nuclear annihilation and this might be Jared's only chance for survival, he's not asking questions. Jared finds himself locked in a missile silo three-hundred feet underground with only one other pissed off crew member to keep him company. There he and Jensen wait (and wait and wait) for a message from their superiors: an order that will either announce the end of World War III and tell them to return to life on the surface or leave them with the responsibility of sending a retaliatory missile to the enemy, ensuring that no one makes it out alive on either side except for those safely contained in fallout shelters.

Number: 03
Fandom: Real Person Fic/Original - all of the characters are named after real actors, though they have little relation to the actual actors
Characters/Relationships: Jennifer Lawrence/Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence/Michelle Rodriguez, Emma Stone/Aldis Hodge, Tom Hardy/Matthew Grey Gubler
Rating: Hard R
Warnings/Content Notes: Graphic violence, character death
Word Count: Currently 63.5k, projected 75k
Summary: Based on the Tumblr prompt: "petition for jennifer lawrence and emma stone to co-star in a movie as lesbian zombie hunters"
Emma Stone used to have this plan for her life. It was all laid out.

She was going to get her degree, then marry her high school sweetheart, get a temporary job to tide her over until she got herself published - which, according to her plan, was going to be obtained by twenty-five. They would have no less than two children, no more than four, and though she figured Aldis would probably get a pretty good job, she was going to support them with her novels. Everyone knew she was driven, and people said that Emma was really going places.

Only she doesn't know what happened.

Because she’s now three years past her by-publication-date, she hates Aldis’ guts, somehow she’s still working at her shitty tide-over retail job, and the only thing she’s gotten published in the last three years is her Doctor Who fanfiction. And sure, the Kudos on her self-insert Emma-the-Companion stories are nice, but it’s not the millions she envisioned her writing bringing in. There were supposed to be books with her name on them on her book self, not just a few thousand notebooks she’d filled with words that had never gotten her anywhere.
All she’s got is a shitty job, a zombie apocalypse survival plan, and a Tom Baker scarf.

Only, as it turns out, watching ever Romero movie a thousand times over hasn’t actually prepared her all that well for the end of the world.
Or, for that matter, for the entirely fascinating new girl in town.

Number: 04
Fandom: Original
Characters/Relationships: m/m relationship
Rating: R for language
Warnings/Content Notes: Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic
Word Count: 24,905
Summary: Adam Honey grows up in an orphanage in Portland, before and immediately after an apocalyptic event that renders technology useless. He spends most of his time with a boy his age, DJ, who insists they have previously met - in another life. Even though Adam does not believe DJ's theories, he feels mysteriously drawn to the other boy, so much so that it comes as no surprise to him to find he has fallen in love. When they turn 16, which in their world means 'of age', they leave the safe haven of the orphanage to go to New York: Adam to become a police officer, DJ to study history. But what they find is but a skelleton of the once proud city; and Adam realizes that life is very hard indeed, with as well as without DJ. When his partner at the police force is incapacitated, Adam is left to solve a murder all by himself, which leads him into a world of mental patients and obsession, questioning his own sanity - because he, too, hears strange sounds in his head.
This is part one of two! It is a stand-alone, it focuses on Adam's and DJ's relationship in a post-apocalyptic world, but it does hint at other plots. I have abridged the original story so it makes sense as a stand-alone part.

Number: 05
Fandom: Original
Characters/Relationships: Eli Hayes/Jacob Fisher
Rating: R (hopefully NC17)
Warnings/Content Notes: Some language
Word Count: 10,850
Summary: The apocalypse didn’t come from out of space but from the greed of man, the last Great War ended when disease dirty bombs wiped out 99.9% of the human race. It was soon discovered that the 0.1% left were genetically immune and to ensure this immunity continued to be passed on a corporation 'The Institute' began. Three centuries later 'The Institute' runs virtually everything, from the railways where steam trains still run to the universities where only the best and the brightest can study, while the rest of humanity lives in a world where power and technology are for the rich and powerful.

When Eli Hayes turned 18 he and his friends took the trip from their home in south east Colorado to Salt Lake City to undergo 'The Institute's tests for genetic immunity and intelligence, Eli's best friend and lover Jake Fisher was selected to study at the university splitting the couple apart. In Jake's second year of studying Eli decides to defy his father's wishes for him to stay at home and moves north to live with Jake, but he learns that life isn't as simple as it was in his small country town and people aren't as nice.

Number: 06
Fandom: Original
Characters/Relationships: Original Characters; Gen (I do have a cast list)
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Content Notes: none
Word Count: ~20,000
Summary: The people of the world have tuned in, turned on and dropped out - or Plugged In, as those left behind to care for them call it. Now the last of the Mundanes are waiting for their turn to Plug In, and when that happens, all of humanity will be in the virtual Worlds and will live forever.

But then the power goes out...

Number: 07
Fandom: Original
Characters/Relationships: Gen (some background het pairings)
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes: Violence, death, bigoted/racist attitudes and discussion of same
Word Count: approx. 20k when finished
Summary: When a cosmic radiation storm hit the earth in the fifties, initially nothing happened. When a mutated race of humans was born in the seventies, it was hard on everyone but hardly the end of the world. That came in 2013, when the authors of the radiation storm returned to reclaim what they'd left and everything else besides. What stands between alien invaders and life as everyone knows it are the uncertain convictions and tentative alliance between the two races sharing the Earth.

Number: 08
Fandom: Eureka
Characters/Relationships: Jack/Nathan
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Content Notes: None
Word Count: 20,800
Summary: The story begins from the final scene at the very end of the series.

When time begins to unravel again, only Henry recognizes the danger they are in but his attempts to correct the timeline fail until he realizes that he needs to go back further, to the beginning. The one certainty was that in a town like Eureka, where they dealt with the craziest of things and messed with higher orders of physics without a second thought, Henry never anticipated that Jack's arrival in Eureka would be the ultimate cause of the destruction of the whole universe. Henry's only hope is that he will somehow figure out how to set time back on the path it was meant to follow, and save them all.

Number: 09
Fandom: Burn Notice
Characters/Relationships: Sam Axe, Fiona Glennane, Michael Westen, Jesse Porter, Madeline Westen; Sam/Mike/Fi, Mike/Fi and Fi/Jesse
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: character death, strong horror violence, sexual content, language
Word Count: 15,314
Summary: A biochemically engineered plague sweeps through Florida, and the team is forced to face down brand-new challenges even as it threatens to take one of their own.

Number: 10
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Relationships: Rose, Ace, Martha Jones, Charlotte Pollard, Davros, Romana III, Rassilon, OC.
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Content Notes: Violence
Word Count: 14,402
Summary: Rose has faced many demons and many dangers, but she never expected that the greatest danger would come to Gallifrey itself. Now, with the help of her loyal companions and former companion Romana III,she must fight off the Daleks that are besieging Gallifrey. But can she defend Gallifrey against dangers from within? Rose-as-the-Doctor AU.

Number: 11
Fandom: Avengers (MCU)
Characters/Relationships: Bruce Banner (Hulk), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Jane Foster, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Happy Hogan, J.A.R.V.I.S., Darcy Lewis, Loki, The Other, Benjamin “Benny” Pollack, Pepper Potts, James “Rhodey” Rhodes (War Machine), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Erik Selvig, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg), Tony Stark (Iron Man), Thor / Happy/Pepper, Jane/Thor
Rating: M/FRM/R
Warnings/Content Notes: Graphic description of torture, major character death, apocalyptic & invasion themes (including but not limited to: mass destruction, terrorism, holocaust, death, violence and gore), brain-washing & mind-control, language
Word Count: 50k (projected word count somewhere close to 80-100k)
Summary: Iron Man never fell back through the portal. The Avengers must deal with the loss of their comrade and move on until Earth comes once again under an attack from the Chitauri and their new-found weapons that decimate everything in their way with unmatched power and intellect. As cities and nations collapse around their decreasing resistance, the heroes of Earth must find a way to defeat their enemy before there will be nothing left to avenge.

Number: 12
Fandom: Marvel Adventures: Avengers
Characters/Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Janet van Dyne, Ororo Munroe, Tigra, Luke Cage, the Hulk
Rating: barely NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Canon-typical violence, mind control, minor sexual content, kitties.
Word Count: 16k
Summary: The cats have risen to take what is rightfully theirs, and only the Avengers stand in their way.

Number: 13
Fandom: Avengers (MCU)
Characters/Relationships: A lot of implied ships -- Tony/Pepper/Steve in all incarnations, Darcy/Jane, Bruce/Clint, Clint/Natasha -- but basically gen.
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes: Violence, strong language, dead orphans, emotional angst, beloved main characters getting the stuffing knocked out of them (physically AND emotionally)
Word Count: 9k now, the rest coming soon -- have the first few days of January off to flesh this bad boy out.
Summary: [This was originally supposed to be a lighthearted rom-com, I am so so sorry, idek what is going on, it might circle back around to comedy] Clouds of deadly gas descend on New York City and the few survivors are left stranded with only their wits and what they can scavenge from the ghost city. But when who's left of The Avengers run into some familiar faces in the corpse-littered streets, they also discover some interesting news about what else was left alive...

Number: 14
Fandom: Leverage
Characters/Relationships: Eliot-POV, Eliot & Parker-centric, gen
Rating: T for language, some violence, very mild sexual content (no shipping, Parker just has no personal boundaries)
Warnings/Content Notes: violence, discussions of mental health issues
Word Count: projected word count of 20K? Ish? Maybe 30K?
Summary: "Half the people they met were afraid of them. The violent ones, Eliot could handle. It was the other ones that bothered him. The families and the crying kids and the desperate, lonely people begging Eliot not to hurt them; they kept him up at nights.

The other half the people were the ones everyone was scared of."

Number: 15
Fandom: Leverage/Angel/Mark Sheppard's roles
Characters/Relationships: Leverage crew, Angel crew (in lesser roles), 6 of Mark Sheppard's characters from various shows, Eliot/Sterling hinted, Lindsey/Angel hinted
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and bad words
Warnings/Content Notes: sillyness, some spoilers for some things in BSG (nothing that isn't in the miniseries or Romo's first episode), set in s3ish of Leverage and an alternate S3 of Angel (no silly business with Connor)
Word Count: umm... 15 thousand at least
Summary: When Angel needs to steal an artifact from the W&H vaults to prevent an apocalypse, he turns to the only guy he knows who knows the W&H HQ building like the back of his hands.

Lindsey McDonald left L.A. after the "evil hand issue", moved away and got a new identity. Now someone from his past needs his expertise so he takes his new friends on a trip to L.A. to meet with people he once knew well and people who can help him achieve what he was asked to do.

Number: 16
Fandom: Lost Girl/Grimm
Characters/Relationships: Lauren/Bo, Lauren/Nadia, Nick/Juliet, Monroe/Rosalee, Bo/Dyson
Rating: R/M
Warnings/Content Notes: Non-Con, Violence, Crime Scenes (graphic description of dead bodies), Language, Fem!Slash
Word Count: 15,000
Summary: The world didn’t end after all, but to Lauren, it still felt like it had. Luckily, Nick has a White Knight complex.

Number: 17
Fandom: Dark Angel
Characters/Relationships: Max/Alec, assemble
Rating: Rish?
Warnings/Content Notes: canon-like violence, mild swearing, mild descriptions of sex
Word Count: 15k, maybe a little more
Summary: sequel to A thousand julys: After escaping Manticore and watching it burn, they survive. - The whole group of them, X's and transhumans alike, were trying to figure out how to function in a world with out Manticore breathing over their shoulder. This in itself wasn't much a problem, but before now they had all had a very structured, pre-designed, way of life. Now they were loose and free to do what they wanted, when they wanted and how they wanted. With that freedom came the ability to listen to their instincts for the first time. Now it wasn't just a shadowy concept tickling the back of their minds, but an actual piece of themselves that they were able to explore, utilize and listen to.

Number: 18
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters/Relationships: Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill, Cassandra Fraiser, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c, Cameron Mitchell, Vala Mal Doran
Rating: T/PG+
Warnings/Content Notes: Discussions of death and past genocide, occasional uses of bad language, aliens invasions
Word Count: 10,010 currently, will be around 15,000 when it's finished
Summary: She's never really stopped to consider the fact that there are armies out there willing to blow a hole in the universe. Or that, once upon a time, they were willing to use her to do it.

Number: 19
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy/Private Practive
Characters/Relationships: Addison Montgomery/Derek Shepherd, Amelia Shepherd/Alex Karev
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: So far, one sex scene and some dirty words
Word Count: 10,027 now, probably around 14-15k when done.
Summary: When the end of the world comes, you want to be with the ones you love the most, not trapped all the way across the country with your ex-spouse and no way to get home except on foot. But then again, the end of the world might just be the beginning of something better. Inspired by the events in TV's Revolution.

Number: 20
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Relationships: Snape/Ron, Harry/Hermione/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: PTSD, past non-con, torture, AU from book 5 onward.
Word Count: 12k currently
Summary: In the end, Hogwarts wasn't the place of safety they all thought it was. Dumbledore was defeated in the castle before Harry and his friends could complete their fifth year, and the rest of the wizarding world is in chaos. Those not sworn to the Dark Lord by fervent belief have taken the Dark Mark to protect those they love. Englad is a wizarding battleground and the entire country is a shadow of what it once was. But not all hope is lost.

The Order of the Phoenix is still fighting. Under Sirius Black and Reums Lupin, the Order strives to find a way to weaken the Dark Lord and end his reign. When the Order gets word from an agent inside the Dark Lord's ranks, they think they might get the break they've been waiting for. Instead, they find one of their own, thought dead year before. Ron Weasley was tortured and used as a Death Eater play thing and only the quick thinking of Severus Snape kept him alive. While Harry and Hermione try to heal their broken friend, they find out that Ron isn't so broken as they thought and that he just might be the break they were looking for after all.

Number: 21
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Characters/Relationships: Pitch/Jack
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes: Violence, character that appears underaged in an adult relationship
Word Count: Projected 25k
Summary: After all, what goes together better than Cold and Dark?

AU of the movie. When the Man in the Moon chose another Guardian in the fight against Pitch Black, Pitch simply beat the Guardians to the punch - he went and found Jack Frost first. He knows what it's like for no one to believe, and what he's able to promise Jack is much better than the Guardians could offer.

Humans try to fight back - but how do you fight against the cold and the dark?

Number: 22
Fandom: Batman (Nolan-verse)
Characters/Relationships: Bane/Batman, Joker/Scarecrow, Blake, Dent
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Content Notes: slash, non-con, violence
Word Count: Projected 15k
Summary: After a fevered vision in which the world ends and only a handful is left, the Batman is saved by the last person you would think: His arch enemy, Bane. When he wakes he makes it his mission to find Bane, if he can, and give him a chance at a new life.

!mod, round one

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