Earth's Old and Weary Cry (Janet Fraiser/Daniel Jackson, Janet & Teal'c friendship)

Sep 22, 2008 22:20

Title: Earth's Old and Weary Cry
Author: havocthecat
Pairing: Janet Fraiser/Daniel Jackson
Characters: Janet Fraiser, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Offscreen character death.
Summary: In a world where Daniel chose Ascension after the death of Replicarter, there was never a way to rebuild Merlin's weapon. That wasn't good for Earth. Now Teal'c and Janet are leading the resistance against the Ori.

Author's Notes: Written for apocalypse_kree for the prompt: 11, Janet/Ascended!Daniel. Post-Apocalypse. Breaking point. (All other author's notes are posted with the fic.)

fic: sg1

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