Earth's Final Twilight

Sep 20, 2008 17:45

Title: Earth’s final twilight
Author: Leia aka camshaft22
Rating: PG-13
Pairing (if any): Gen, team
Warnings: Lots of death and destruction… there’s some other stuff too, but it might ruin the story if I tell you. Plus I kinda bent the prompt slightly. Sorry!
Prompt: 189. Original or new team. No character death apart from canon references. Gen, friendship only. Baal's ships surround the Earth. He offers the IOC (and the President) a bargain. He will not attack,or interfere with the Earth's governance, in exchange for SG-1, a large yearly tribute, and the promise of non-interference from the SGC and world governments. Do they trust Baal and take the bargain, or do they try something else?
Small summary (optional): As she spoke, a hologram of Ba’al appeared in the center of the room. “Greetings, Mr. President, members of the IOA, and of course, SG-1,” he said, drawing out the last part with a smirk.
Jack looked at him in thinly veiled contempt. “Didn’t we watch you die already?”

Alright, I don't know if I'm doing this right and LJ is starting to tick me off with it's not working.

fic: sg1

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