I made the skirt, and attached it to the top (the top is lovely but rolls up when i wear it: the skirt weighs it down now. I also made those breeches (a slightly sized-up leggings pattern with some waistcoat pockets on the front). Under normal circumstances I would not be wearing them together.
In addition to the over skirt I now have a tiny bodice, which still needs some work:
I think I'm going to have to sew on hook and eye closures on the sides to straight them out around the laces, and some straps at the top to hold the top up.
The belt has issues too, namely that Lindsay banged one of the poppers through the foil fabric but not the canvas and velvet that supports it, so it's a bit fragile - and the popper is slightly bent so it's hard to open and close, which will lead to tearing if I use it.
Overall, though, I think I am slightly closer to what I was after.