Redbubble ("jonah's got a gun2", unimaginatively after "janey's got a gun")
Redbubble I've also done some jewellery bits, cut fabric for a waistcoat (which for some reason stressed me out so badly that I started sweating and panicking, which has been happening over and over today with this STUPID FUCKING SNOW SHIT, and has resurfaced now and is bewildering in its insistence. WHAT AM I SO FREAKED OUT BY?), sorted through some of my jewellery to send some to Amy, and worked on a) the base lines for a portrait of Persephone and b) a hyper close-up painting of some pomegranate seeds. Oh and I wrote a tiny bit on this bastard fanfic, which has gone from being "okay" in my head to "the worst thing ever" in the space of a day.
Brain, what the fuck are you even doing.
(Seriously my skull is a wasp's nest. I had to take valium when I woke up because it wouldn't stop vomiting into itself, and now CRAZY CRAZY GROUNDLESS PANIC and fucking hallucinatory shadow people darting around GO AWAY BRAIN)