swear_jar asked for a poem for her birthday

Feb 08, 2011 12:52

He brings it on himself

It isn't easy.

Seeing the flames, seeing the tamed fire
settle on your lashes like snowflakes
(or his dandruff. He has dandruff, right?
when you talk about how
you had such a swell time last night;

It isn't easy.

Sixteen fights on a live man's chest
because the bottle in the bar got bumped;
and his broken fingers form a secret sign
he knows the fault was not his,
that the loss is mine - did you really care
about spilled beer
are we really bleeding in a parking lot
for your wasted Bud, buddy?

It isn't easy.

Your mouth twists a serene smile
I could wipe the skin from his shins
the blood from his bones
the beauty from his crippling kindness
and his open-hearted words and
drown him in the open toilet of
my want. My. Mine. Mine.

It is easier when he chokes back fear
and I swallow in the acid cavern
of my grasping body;
mine. he's mine.

It isn't easy.

Slicing deli-sized slivers of cheek between sentences;
you had a good time last night
with him
Slipping distractions through the conversation like land mines;
you think you have a future there
and within I have a war zone
a thousand covert operatives
all lacing my words with
crimes against my sanity.

It isn't easy.

But I will stop you loving him.

differently gay, poetry

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